"OK, but you try to make those plainclothes personnel disguise better. Otherwise, once they scare the snake, if they find that there are plainclothes police, this person may immediately turn around and leave, and the plan of contact between us will be shelved."

"I know how to deal with it," Kate said. "I'll be safe."

Ye Feng nodded: "I'll leave it to you. I'll meet the man at the agreed place with jenma. Kate, you and your subordinates are on guard in the dark. Once we determine the man, you rush over immediately and control him. Just put him in the interrogation room, not afraid of his tricks."

"Well, that's it“

The action was quickly decided. It was less than a day away from the meeting place and time, so Kate immediately ordered her subordinates to start preparing how to guard near the central square. However, Kate had a headache that the central square was too large. The police force she could control was not enough to completely control the area. Once that person found out the situation If it's wrong, if they want to sneak into the crowd and leave, it will be difficult for them to avoid the discovery of this situation. Once the other party wants to escape, it will be difficult for them to determine a person's specific position in the crowd. He can follow the crowd to other places or directly rush into the high-rise buildings near the central square. In a word, there are too many variables in this meeting , what kind of situation will happen? Whether the meeting can be carried out smoothly? Whether the meeting can be controlled after meeting again? These are all unknowns. Planning depends on people and success depends on heaven. Although Kate has made all-round preparations that can be done, she can't put her mind down. She is nervously waiting for the agreed time to come. During this period of time She couldn't sleep well and eat. She spent almost every moment investigating the case, which made Ye Feng feel very distressed, but he knew that even if he was trying to persuade her, it was useless. Kate will undoubtedly continue to be in this state until the case is solved.

Soon, in Kate's nervousness, the scheduled time came. One hour before the appointed time, all the personnel had arrived at the scheduled place of Shixian and were on standby. They waited for the presence of the meeting person. Once the person appeared, Kate would ask her men to control the person, but before that, Ye Feng and zhenma, who needed to meet the person First confirm the person's identity. Once the person's identity is confirmed, Ye Feng will send a signal. He will take off his baseball cap. Seeing this signal, everyone will hug and catch the person.

Gemma wants to contact this celebrity many times during this day, but the other party has never returned his information. No matter how Gemma uses, the other party seems to be killed and doesn't want to communicate with Gemma online, which makes Gemma feel a little worried about whether he will show up as promised.

However, Ye Feng doesn't have any feelings. He doesn't have any feelings about whether this person appears or not. If he does not appear, he will catch him. If he doesn't appear, he will let Gemma continue to investigate and always find the person's whereabouts. He is not against such a person, but all the people standing behind Gemma, just a small hacker. No matter how far he can run, he will always find it 。

Ye Feng stood quietly on the Zhuang square and watched the noisy scene of people coming and going around. Although it was not time to get off work in the afternoon, many students after school or white-collar workers who got off work early were on the Zhuang square. There were idle people to pass the time, while another group of people who hurried kept talking on the phone and looking at the mobile phone screen, which seemed to be in two different places People from different worlds converge on the central square, focusing on their own affairs and not disturbing each other. It is also a very strange scene.

"I don't know whether this person will come or not." Ye Feng said leisurely.

"Should come." jenma seemed to comfort herself, "because if he didn't come, he would be dead."

"All right, all right, although it will take a while to catch him, he's just a hacker and can't commit a capital crime. The most important thing for us is to ask him for information about Tianping. However, I'm worried that this person may not know the specific information of Tianping. After all, if I were him, I wouldn't tell my personal information to a hacker. He just Just finish the task I gave her. "

Jenma nodded in a low mood: "indeed, hackers don't care about their employers' information, as long as they give money."

"Yes, so you don't need to hope too much. Don't be like Kate. Kate just takes this matter too seriously, so that she is worried that if she can't catch this person or get any useful news, Kate will be hit."

"I'm also a little worried about this," said Gemma. "At that time, we can only say that we'll help her find another clue, and we must let her have a good rest. After all, people are iron and rice is steel. Sister Kate will have an accident sooner or later if she doesn't eat or sleep like this. Maybe she'll have to go to the hospital before she catches Tianping."

"Yes, the probability of this possibility is very high." Ye Feng nodded. "She's just an ordinary person, even an iron man. It's inevitable that there will be problems if she doesn't eat and sleep. I really don't understand why he is so crazy about work."

"Maybe this is sister Kate's biggest hobby. Some people just take work as a hobby. If they don't work, they will be unhappy. So don't persuade her to give up work and pay attention to rest. Just like you, will you give up pancake fruit?"

"Give up pancake fruit, are you kidding? I won't give up if I die."

"Look, look, you are the same, so be good."

"Why did you comfort me? Shouldn't you comfort Kate?"

"Sister Kate, if you need any comfort, just take care of yourself."

"In your mouth, can't I go on the table like this? Ye Feng said with a bitter smile."

"That's true. Don't forget that I saved you not once or twice."

"I'll give back my original words. I haven't saved you once or twice."

"Ye Feng, you!"

"OK, OK, you're the most powerful. OK, you're the most lovely. You're a fairy, so can we focus on what's going to happen? After all, who knows whether that person will come or not?"

"Do you think the red hat I'm wearing stands out?"

"It's quite conspicuous. You look very conspicuous in the crowd. But why do you have to wear a pair of green shoes? Don't you know red and green bullshit?"

Gemma rolled her eyes. "You think I want to match like this. It's agreed with that person in advance. If he wears it like this, he will know it's me, and then he can take the initiative to approach me. I don't know what characteristics he has, so I can only dress like this if I don't want to do it several times. Damn, I know I'm so stupid."

"Indeed, it's stupid and cute." Ye Feng said with a smile. "It's OK. Although it's not particularly good-looking, it doesn't have a flavor. At least someone bumps into you."

"Who's going to bump into me? Who says it looks so old-fashioned? In fact, it's just me."

"In fact, you look very outstanding now."

Gemma rolled her eyes. "I knew you were making fun of me. I should let you wear red and a pair of green shoes, so that you will have a higher return rate. Don't you just want others to focus on you, you arrogant."

"Maybe," Ye Feng shrugged, "Maybe I'll enjoy the feeling that others' eyes are focused on me, but watching you dress like this. It's really a very interesting thing that others walk around you. Can you wear like this tomorrow? I'll take you to the central square again. I'd like to see how few people will sigh and shake their heads and look at your strange clothes."

"OK, I'm in a bad mood now. Don't stimulate me." Jenma rolled her eyes and stood beside Yue, looking at all kinds of passers-by passing by. Although there were eye contact with her from time to time, she knew that there was no one to wait for. When would that person come and whether he would come to the central square within the agreed time? It was unknown at present. Jenma didn't know I'm a little worried about whether I'm a threat. It's too heavy. If this person is completely afraid, he doesn't dare to show up. What should I do then? What should I do if this person leaves the country directly?

Gemma shakes her head. She has set the program. Once she detects that this person leaves the new metropolis or Atlanta, she will immediately receive intelligence. Her monitoring software is monitoring traffic data. Therefore, if this person wants to escape, he can only enter the trap prepared by Gemma for him at the first time.

In a word, in this uneasy and uneasy, Gemma and Ye Feng waited for the man to appear in the central square. The sun went down quickly, but the brightness increased, because the buildings around the central square glittered brightly, the nightlife began, and the city became more colorful. It seemed that she had fully awakened at this moment. During the day The heart will be as lifeless as taking a nap, and when night comes and the neon lights are on, this is what she really looks like.

"This place is really good at night," said Ye Feng leisurely. "Look at those street artists." He pointed to a man standing in front of the electronic organ singing and playing. Not far from him, there was a woman performing performance art. She was holding a tripod upside down. Ye Feng had to say that the girl's physical strength was really good. She had been standing upside down for several minutes, and it seemed that she didn't stop thinking.

"Is it time to relax?" she said with such dissatisfaction. "It's past the time we agreed." she looked at her watch and said, "a quarter of an hour has passed. If he doesn't show up again, should we --"

Gemma's words suddenly stopped. Her intuition told herself that someone was staring at her. This directness was always very accurate, so Gemma immediately held her breath and stared at the surrounding crowd, but there were too many people around. Even if someone was watching her secretly, she couldn't find the person. However, this feeling has excited Gemma, so she should It should be that person, she said to herself in her heart, that person should come.

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