"These people really went, and more and more people went, because the people who left there did take a lot of money, at least in terms of salary. These people were not slighted. Considering that you are now in Salt Lake City, I think there should be a connection between the two. I checked the diamond mine you are investigating and officially released those moves People who hire information, that is to say, there are many hooligans in that diamond mine. These hooligans have some experience in killing, so you'd better pay attention. Many of them may know you. "

"Really?" Ye Feng suddenly sat up from the bed. He didn't think about it. After all, he had contact with many of the hooligans. It's not surprising if he didn't recognize it. "Darling, it seems that I have to do some disguise, but I can't let others find my true identity."

"Those things need to be considered by yourself. In short, I told you all the information I inquired about. And Ye Feng, I have to tell you that this diamond mine is very strange and I can't penetrate it at all."

"You can't penetrate at all?"

"Yes, the information stored in the server I can hack into does not find any exceptions, that is to say, if there are abnormal information, it is almost impossible to be found according to my current investigation. There are only two explanations. One is that their firewall can not cope with it, and the other is that they are completely isolated from the outside world and store all important information in absolute security In all computers, no matter which one is very dangerous, and the first one is particularly dangerous. You know how terrible it will be if there is a server that even Gemma and I can't cope with. "

Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully. He knew that he was talking to the best hacker in the world. Gemma is the most potential student taught by the best hackers in the world. These two people have failed to crack the database of the diamond mine and steal their important information, which shows that things really need to be noticed. At least Ye Feng must have the spirit of 12 points. The people or events involved may be much more and more complex than he originally expected. The water here may be very deep.

"OK, I see, man, I haven't heard your voice for such a long time. I'm really glad to know you're still alive. When the support is over, I'll go back and buy you a drink."

"Let's talk about drinking. I'm not in Atlanta now."

"Where are you?"

"In a place you can't think of, sunshine beach beauty, this is the life I want. In a word, I don't participate in your broken things as much as possible. This time I'm just a reminder, and you don't have to bother to contact me. After I call you, I'll directly throw it into the sea. Is that clear?"

"You are so ruthless and unreasonable."

"I don't have time to argue with you." Xu wenweak's voice came from the phone. "That's it, Ye Feng. I won't see you later."

Ye Feng felt helpless when he said this. He heard the sound of his mobile phone falling into the water from his headset. Xu wenweak really didn't talk big. He really lost his mobile phone directly after the call. This makes Ye Feng feel helpless and funny. By the way, the last time he talked to Xu wenweak was half a year ago. After all, so many things have happened that he and Xu wenweak don't know how to face and deal with them. Even if they are good friends, the relationship between the two sides becomes a little awkward because they are related to important things. Ye Feng knows that Xu wenweak only wants a peaceful life now, and if he approaches him, he will always get into trouble. Therefore, it is very normal for Xu wenweak to hide from him. Ye Feng can only accept the current behavior of this old friend. He doesn't want everyone around him to fall into the mire.

Ye Feng felt a little tricky about what Xu wenweak told him. He had already considered that the company might hire some very strong people to protect the safety of the diamond mine. But he didn't expect that what he thought was too simple. He could ask Xu wenweak to call him to remind him, which shows that the matter has reached the level that even Xu wenweak has to face up to. Ye Feng knows that his best friend's eyes are very high, and ordinary characters can't get into his eyes at all, that is to say, Some of the people employed by that company to protect and cover the diamond mine are very difficult. And Ye Feng had to think about what to do if one of these people really knew him? Ye Feng doesn't worry about them. He would involve himself with the word "death". After all, when he wandered around the world as the God of death, few people had seen her true face under her mask. So what he is worried about is not this, but if he doesn't recognize him, he is likely to know that the purpose of his coming here is to see through his identity. If he really wants to obtain information in the factory, it will be very difficult.

Even if he pretends to be dead and sneaks into it, those people will be afraid of him and may burn his body directly. In this way, even if ye Feng can recover from the state of small pieces, who knows how much time it will take directly, and Ye Feng is worried that if the other party frustrates himself, it will not be so good and easy to recover.

Therefore, how to cover up his true identity is something Ye Feng has to do. Ye Feng couldn't find any good solution after thinking about it. After all, he wouldn't do such a thing as make-up. It's not easy to find a professional makeup artist now, and it's easy to expose each other. Splashing a basin of water on your face can make all your previous efforts in vain, so Ye Feng thought about it and realized that camouflage is difficult to do, and makeup is more unrealistic. After thinking about it, he can only think of a local way, that is to change his hairstyle.

Although it's funny to say, if a person suddenly changes his hairstyle completely and grows a beard, he will look like another person, which will definitely make people who are not familiar with you or who have not contacted you in recent years unable to see through your identity for a while.

Ye Feng didn't know whether this idea was reliable or not, but there were too few choices for him, so after breakfast, Ye Feng found a barber shop near the hotel. He only asked the barber to turn his head into a marinated egg. After giving enough tips, the barber tried his best to shave all Ye Feng's thick hair in just half an hour. Ye Feng turned into a bright marinated egg as he asked.

Suddenly he became a bald leaf maple. He felt chilly on his head and uncomfortable all over. However, he believed that the wise saying, I was bald and stronger. Looking at the handsome bald head in the mirror, Ye Feng couldn't believe that the person in the mirror was himself without a bitter smile.

Such a hairstyle is still very confusing. Although a bald head will attract people's attention, it is precisely because of the existence of this bald head that people ignore the facial expression or the arrangement of facial features. You can only focus on the smooth bald forehead that seems to reflect sunlight. And this is the goal of maple leaf.

As for the beard, Ye Feng didn't worry. In two or three days, his beard will become thick. As long as he doesn't shave it, he doesn't deal with it. In a few days, he can have a black, thick and thick beard. This circle of beard will circle his mouth. In this way, he looks very funny. He looks like a bald head, and a circle of beard around his mouth forms a circle, It's like someone pecked him on the mouth with a toilet seat. This image change, not to mention Ye Feng himself, even the pedestrians on the side of the road often look at him. I don't know why someone would practice himself like this.

In order to make his appearance more different from his true face, Ye Feng did everything he could. First of all, he hardly drank water in these days. In this way, he was swollen and very weak. And during this period, he deliberately let himself have a bad rest, and two big black circles and eye bags appeared on his face. After locking himself in his room for a few days, Ye Feng's first person to look for was Mike. Sure enough, when he sat on the sofa in the hotel hall and waved to Mike, Mike didn't realize that this person was Ye Feng.

He walked to Ye Feng in confusion. After looking carefully for several times, he seemed to see Ye Feng's true identity. "How did you make yourself such a ghost?"

"Just a little preparation." Ye Feng said weakly, "what about you? Have you made all the arrangements?"

"I've arranged it for a long time. You told me to return it for a few days. He agreed to let you deliver the goods with him. When delivering the goods, you can dress up as an employee uniform of their store, and he will give it to you. But I can remind you, don't involve him. He's just a normal person. If you make any trouble, let him be punished If you kill -- "

"I know, I know. This time I'm just observing closely. I'll leave after talking to those people. More preparations are needed for real sneaking activities. Can you see me like this? Do I feel like a different person?"

"Your appearance is really different from what you looked before. You're really bold," Mike said sincerely.

"I can't do without courage." Ye Feng muttered in his heart. It's a matter of tens of millions, let alone disfigurement. Even if I cut off one hand, I won't have any hesitation. After all, he will grow back. Mike didn't know what Ye Feng said to himself. He was particularly surprised by the great changes that Ye Feng hadn't seen in recent days. He stood in front of Ye Feng and kept looking at the changes on Ye Feng's face.

"Very good, very good. I didn't find out who it was at first sight. Your disguise can certainly hide from those guards. However, I advise you to do some other small disguises during this operation, such as wearing sunglasses, which may make it easier for you to deal with the interrogations of those people."

"I know, I know I'm going to take Meitong." Ye Feng said angrily, "who knows how to use that thing? It hurts me."

"Are you still going to take Meitong?"

"After all, my eyes are too eye-catching. Don't you think they are brighter than normal people?"

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