Mike shook his head seriously. "I don't feel it. Your eyes look very cloudy to me. How did you harm yourself to this extent? I feel that you are much thinner than when I first saw you."

"If you don't drink water or eat much for several days, do you think you will lose weight?" Ye Feng said angrily. "Believe me, I've tried this way of losing weight with my own body. It's absolutely useful."

"Forget it," Mike shook his head. "I'm still quite satisfied with my body. Although I don't have any muscles, it's good to live happily. People can't eat, drink or play all their life. What's the fun of living."

"It's better than being in your 20s before you get old." Ye Feng said unhappily. "In a word, you can discuss with that man. The next time he delivers goods is when we act. Let him take me with him. Rest assured that he puts his heart in his stomach. I won't bring him any trouble. Moreover, the price I offer is definitely worth his risk."

Mike nodded: "that's true. Your price is enough to buy the store where he works. I don't know what you think. Why must you be so curious about the diamond mine? I don't think it's worth your energy and money."

Ye Feng threw him a look you don't understand and didn't speak.

"OK, I know all of you have secrets and goals in your hearts. I won't inquire about things that have nothing to do with me. But I won't take less of my money. I took 10% of the money you gave that person as the labor fee. Don't you have any opinion about this."

"No. you can spend as much money as you want. I just want to see the result."

"Yes, I know you are a generous person," Mike said teasingly. "In a word, good luck. I'll go first. I've written the man's phone on this note," he put a note on the desk. "You two can contact, but if it's nothing important, he doesn't like you to call him."

Ye Feng nodded and watched Mike walk out of the hotel. Judging from Mike's reaction, his tossing about himself these days was very effective. Although he had a very miserable life these days, at least he looked a little different from the handsome himself. Plus some small disguises, such as wearing a beautiful pupil, getting a necklace and playing earrings, no one can connect him with Ye Feng.

Not to mention those who have only met him a few times and are not familiar with him. Even Ye Feng can't believe that a person's appearance will change so much. It's no exaggeration to say that it's like changing a head, and Ye Feng hates his appearance. He clearly realizes again that the head shape means all appearance for a person, and this thing will change up and down with the hair style. After this tragic self abuse experience, when Ye Feng plans to have his hair cut later - if they still keep their hair - he must have a better attitude towards the teacher Tony who serves him. These people are fighting for their appearance. Is a group of respectable people.

For the next day's action, Ye Feng didn't destroy himself too much. He drank a little water, added some energy, and then went to bed early. No phone call came the next day. It was not until the third day that he received a call from the employee who received his money. After the two agreed on the time to meet, Ye Feng went to the small shop that afternoon.

The vegetable and fruit store is specially for the diamond mine to transport fruits and vegetables regularly. The diamond mine is an important source of income for the store, so the owner of the store is very nervous every time he carries out transportation tasks. However, his nervousness was of no use. When he put on his special uniform and took the truck carrying vegetables and fruits, Ye Feng had brought the sunglasses he bought. Just in case, he also wore Meitong. This process made him miserable.

Along the way, the man seemed very nervous. He didn't even introduce his name to Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't care about this kind of thing. The less he knew, the safer it would be for the man. Finished the transportation journey in silence. When he was about to reach the diamond mine, the man slowed down and told Ye Feng not to do anything other than their contract. Of course, Ye Feng has no opinion on this. He just wants to observe the diamond mine closely this time. If he can explore some internal layout or have a few words with the staff in the diamond mine, he will have achieved his goal. Although it was clear that this would not bring much benefit to his subsequent actions, it was better to do something than not, and it was better to explore than to know nothing.

When they were more than ten meters away from the gate of the diamond mine, they were stopped by several people like sentinels standing at the gate. Ye Feng noticed that these people and the people he dealt with yesterday were not the same group, but whether it was expression or. They all behaved the same as those people, as if they were twins, but Ye Feng didn't feel very strange about this. After all, these people should generally be people who licked blood on the edge of the knife. It's not surprising that if they were professionals, they would show the same yarn or similar actions, but Ye Feng wanted to take off their glasses, See if the eyes behind the sunglasses are the same.

In a word, when Ye Feng was thinking, the truck stopped slowly, the driver went down from the car, and Ye Feng also pushed open the co driver's door and went outside. Three guards immediately came forward, and two followed behind the driver to check the goods in the cargo box, while Ye Feng chatted with the leader.

"Man, it's a nice day today. How's your mood?" the man stared at him and didn't answer. Ye Feng said to himself, "Hey, I think you should also be bald. Everyone is bald." he took off his hat and revealed the shiny marinated egg. "Since they are all bald, we are brothers, brothers. Tell me how you've been recently. Have you made a new girlfriend?"

Facing Ye Feng's ridicule, the man said nothing. He looked at Ye Feng with disgusting eyes: "who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"The question is simple. I'm new here, little cousin," he shouted to the driver. The driver was stunned. Then he reacted and walked quickly to Ye Feng. "What's the matter? Cousin, are you making trouble? I knew your character was unreliable. Didn't you sue you? Shut up and let me do everything."

The boy reacted quickly enough, and Ye Feng praised him in his heart. On the surface, he showed a smile. "Relax, it's a delivery. We've delivered the goods safely. The work has been done, and now it's a happy time. Would you like a cigarette, guys?" Ye Feng reached into his pocket and took out a bag. In the face of Ye Feng's courteous chat up, several people chose to ignore it with expressionless faces. Ye Feng shook his head awkwardly, "well, it seems that I am the only one who likes the unhealthy hobby of smoking." he lit a cigarette and took a sip. "Guys, it's such a fine day today. Do you have to be on duty all day? Why don't you go for a drink with me and treat me."

As Ye Feng expected, no one paid attention to him or even looked at him. He originally wanted to break the embarrassing atmosphere by playing jokes, but these people seemed to have no intention to communicate with him. At least those actions and behaviors were emitting a cold murderous spirit. If Ye Feng didn't understand interest anymore, These people may be going to fight him.

Ye Feng saw this, but he gritted his teeth and continued to talk to them with his face, "How many days does it take you to shave your hair? I have to shave it once every three days. Otherwise, I can't make this bald head look shiny. Do you shave it yourself? I usually go to the barber's. to tell the truth, maintaining this bald shape is much more troublesome than people think. They don't think bald is a hairstyle, but I think bald is a hairstyle But what do you think of the coolest hairstyle in the world, brother? "

"I think you should shut up before you get hurt."

Ye Feng laughed: "I knew the bald brothers like to joke most." he also reached out and patted the man with an iron face staring at her on the shoulder. "Man, you must be a tough guy, don't you?"

The man snorted coldly and pushed Ye Feng's hand away. Then he looked at the driver: "your friend talks too much."

"Yes, it's his first time to come. Don't mind too much. He's like this. It's easy to talk a lot when he's nervous. Shut up, cousin." the man stared at his eyes, and Ye Feng shrugged and touched his nose, "I just want to be friendly. It seems that I'm not very suitable for this job, but you may not see me in the future. This time I just come to be a relative for a few days and then leave. I'm kind. I don't charge a penny to deliver goods to you. I just want to talk to you. To tell you the truth, when I first heard that there was a diamond mine here, it really gave me a big meal Surprised, I didn't expect that there should be such a big gold mine in such a dilapidated city. Your salary must be very high here. "Ye Feng put on a curious look, and the man stared at him again. He waved impatiently:" it has nothing to do with you, outsider. It's your own business. "

"I have nothing to worry about. I'm alone. I have enough to eat and my family has no worries. And I'm here to go to relatives. If I don't want to eat and live for nothing, I won't be stared at by you here. Guys, I just want to express my respect for your work. I also want to be a security guard, but my skill seems to be always good It's a headache for me to fail to reach the pass line required for recruitment. "Ye Feng touched his bald head." guys, how do you practice your muscles? Do you have to get into the gym after work? "

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