"So I don't know if there will be a big accident here. In a word, go step by step. Why do you want to retreat now?" cruise looked at Ye Feng and pretended to express his contempt for Ye Feng. Ye Feng was a little angry. He wanted to give cruise a hard blow on his head. Later, it didn't make any sense to think about it, He put down his hand.

"It's not a problem I'm not afraid of. I'm just worried that there may be an accident here. If there is an accident, don't talk about me, you will certainly be the first to die. You don't have the strong body of me and the Reka people. Your body usually gasps."

"Who do you despise? I used to be a good athlete -"

"When were you a good athlete? Your physique can't catch up with a primary school student."

"Yes, I was a good athlete in my class when I was in primary school."

"Oh, I'm very proud. It's been nearly 20 years. I just don't let go of these two things."

Cruise muttered a few words and ignored Ye Feng. "In a word, let's hurry. I'll go down and have a look here."

"Is it usually so quiet?"

"I don't know at ordinary times. I don't know what kind of scene it is, but considering that you broke in tonight, maybe today is an abnormal situation."

"These bastards should thank me. Otherwise, they are doing manual work now. I'll visit them today. They can have another day off."

"You can use this excuse to talk to the mindless fighting Reka people in your mouth later to see if they can accept your words." cruise moved his stiff neck and made a rattling sound. He hadn't acted in such a violent heartbeat for a long time, and his backpack was full of food and water, which was very heavy, This is a weight-bearing training for him who usually doesn't even walk.

Another reason why he closed his mouth and didn't refute Ye Feng was that he didn't have much strength to speak now. Just panting had exhausted all his physical strength. He has some regrets now. Maybe it's better to be killed directly. If this goes on, maybe he will die in the end, and in this process, he will suffer a lot of hardships. Long pain is not as good as short pain, but when it comes to life, all this becomes worth considering. Even if he clearly follows Ye Feng, this unreliable person is likely to drag him into the abyss, but for Cruz, there is no other way out now. At least this bastard is right. But even so, cruise was still very afraid of the Reka people.

"Maybe we're lucky tonight," said Ye Feng to cruise, who was panting behind us as he walked. "You see, we've been walking for nearly a quarter of an hour. Although the passage to the underground looks endless, at least we haven't met anyone, which shows that we may be able to make a good start."

"Who knows?" cruise said angrily. "We're only a few hundred meters deep underground, and we're still shaking in this area. We haven't gone deep into the hinterland in the front area, and it's normal not to see those Leika people. When you hear the sound, it means that the danger is close at hand."

Ye Feng nodded: "I'm clear. Don't worry. I'm listening. My hearing is good."

"How can I put my heart down now."

Ye Feng thought this passage would lead to the underground, but he walked for less than a few minutes. There were three forked intersections in front of him. Ye Feng hesitated. He turned and looked at cruise: "which road do you think we should take? The middle or about."

"It's the same way. Are you left-handed?"

"I'm not."

"I am." cruise stepped to the left passage. Ye Feng shrugged behind him and also walked into the channel on the left. Due to the bifurcation, the channel seemed a little narrow at first, but after walking for a few minutes, the channel was spacious again.

"Why is there no one here - you know, the driveway of small trains that often appear on TV."

"How many years ago did you say it was a mine? It's very advanced here. After all, what's mined is raw diamond, so it doesn't use too heavy means of transportation. You only need one person to carry a box to complete the transportation."

"That's true." Ye Feng nodded. "We're not in an ordinary mine, but a diamond mine, which means that we may not meet any people who transport things up at all. Even if the output of the diamond mine is very abnormal, it's impossible to send people to transport things up every night."

"In fact, I feel dizzy every night, but it's not that time yet. It's almost dawn before someone sends the raw diamonds mined to the ground and stores them in a centralized manner."

"The question is why the mines here produce so many diamonds."

"If I knew, I wouldn't be just an employee at the bottom," cruise said angrily.

"OK, OK, you're right." Ye Feng nodded. "Indeed, if you really know something, you won't tell me. If you tell me so easily, I'll think you're an idiot -"

"You're an idiot," cruise said angrily. "I really don't know. If I know, I'll tell you. After all, we're grasshoppers tied to a rope."

Ye Feng nodded: "if you can look at it like this, it will be very helpful for our next cooperation. I advise you not to have any small thoughts or actions. I may not be the opponent of a group of lazy people, but I believe I will let you die easily in less than a second."

"I know." cruise looked at Ye Feng with a very serious expression. "Although you are not a good thing, at least your commitment is not strong enough to listen, so as long as you can ensure my safety, I will try my best to cooperate with you. I will tell you everything. In fact, I have nothing to tell you."

"At least you tell me the exact location of the mine. If I were allowed to find it myself, I might wander around this place for a long time. It's much bigger than I thought."

"In fact, when I first entered here, I was very surprised. I don't know why this place is so terrible. After all, I do paperwork, so I still know some specific output of this diamond mine. I believe I will definitely exceed your expectation."

"I can't believe it now. Of course, it's not because of the output, but because there are so many Reka people here."

"What?" cruise was stunned. "So, you don't know there are so many Reka people here. Don't you really know that you came here?"

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly: "I seem to have accidentally told the truth."

Cruise is going crazy. "You don't know anything. You dare to come here and lie to me that you already have a coping strategy!"

"I do have coping strategies. I didn't lie to you about this. I've dealt with these people before. Of course, the process is not good, so I won't waste more words with you. In a word, I do get along with them. How can I deal with the weaknesses of these people -"

"You must make these things clear, otherwise I won't go with you. I'll die anyway." cruise stopped. He stared at Ye Feng angrily.

"OK." Ye Feng raised his hands and made a surrender, "then I'll tell you briefly. I told you before that these Leika people have the same organs as fish gills, that is to say, they can breathe in the water, but that's also their weakness."


"Yes, their bodies are strong, but you can't train fish gills, so as long as you attack their weakness, they will become extremely vulnerable. Of course, they know this weakness very well, so generally speaking, cutting people will never show fish gills easily, so you can attack easily Yes. But it's not a thing for a person with super combat ability like me. "

In fact, what Ye Feng didn't tell cruise was that the gills of the Reka people are indeed their weakness, but it's not so easy for you to touch this weakness, although their gills grow on both sides of their chin. But in the long process of evolution, they also evolved corresponding abilities. In other words, in fact, their weakness is not what Ye Feng described. It seems that they can break it with a poke like paper. On the contrary, their gills are difficult to be damaged even by ordinary knives and guns, and can even resist the attack of bullets to a certain extent. Of course, if it is an armor piercing bullet that specially damages and explodes, it can still break the hard shell similar to armor on the surface of the plug, This sharp skin is even more terrible than steel, which can protect the extremely fragile weakness to a certain extent. However, as Ye Feng said, he can still deal with this situation. Although he doesn't have many weapons in his hand, Ye Feng still carries two sharp daggers with him. The materials used in this dagger are rare things from outer space, It's two sharp daggers that Ye Feng finally got from Dick. These two daggers are enough to cause devastating damage to the weakness of the Leika people. However, because the length of the dagger is very short, he can hurt the weakness of the Leika people with the dagger only when he is in close combat. In the case of one-on-one, similar opportunities may still be found, but it is difficult for Ye Feng to do so in the face of the siege of a group of Reka people.

After all, he can take the first opponent by surprise, but the remaining enemies will immediately realize that Ye Feng knows their weaknesses like the back of his hand, which will make them fight with Ye Feng with all their strength. In the face of more than two Leika people who do their best, Ye Feng has only one way to die.

Although he knew these things very well, Ye Feng didn't mention anything to cruise. In this case, he doesn't need to listen to these bad news. Keeping some confidence in his heart is very helpful for their next actions.

After walking down the spacious passage for less than half an hour, Ye Feng came to a fork in the road again. This time, Ye Feng walked into the passage on the left according to cruise's choice. When he got here, Ye Feng felt that he had indeed come to the ground. It was very quiet here. He could hear his heartbeat very clearly.

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