In the passage hundreds of meters underground, Ye Feng felt a nameless panic. He realized that if something really happened, he didn't even have the chance to run. Indeed, he was here to avoid being killed by the group outside, but at the same time, it also means that what he threw himself into the net in front of him is not a friendly boo, on the contrary, it is a group of greedy and cruel aliens.

I don't know whether cruise is tired and doesn't want to talk, or whether he has lost the function of speaking now. He is very quiet along the way and doesn't ask any questions. He just follows behind Ye Feng, snoring and panting, and closely follows Ye Feng's steps for fear that he will leave him.

Ye Feng is happy to see cruise keep quiet, which can at least show that his psychological defense has not collapsed. In case of any problems later, he may be able to help a little. At least it's a good choice as bait. If cruise knows that Ye Feng thinks so, he will swear at his mother.

Suddenly, Ye Feng heard the voice of people talking not far ahead. Vaguely, he heard a few words he had never heard before. He could make such a sound. It doesn't have to be the Leika people. Ordinary humans can't make the unique voice of their racial language. Ye Feng can roughly judge that there are several Reka people talking in front, about 300 meters away. He can vaguely distinguish the voices of three people, but this can only mean that there are at least three people. Maybe several listeners sit aside and listen to the chat of their companions, that is, there may be three or 30 people there.

Ye Feng reached out and stopped Cruz, who walked behind him imperceptibly. "What's the matter?" cruise was startled and looked up at Ye Feng. "Danger ahead?"

Ye Feng nodded. "There are several Reka people ahead. We can't make a loud noise to attract their attention now. You stay here and watch your backpack and luggage." Ye Feng threw his backpack at Cruz's feet. "I'll explore the way ahead."

"Are you going to explore?"

"Taking your words is just a burden. If the number is small, I'll try to solve them. If the number is large, I'll come back quietly and take a long-term view. If it doesn't work, we'll go back. Let's choose another channel."

"You want to leave me here alone." cruise looked at Ye Feng in horror. "Aren't you afraid I'll run away alone?"

"You can try," said Ye Feng carelessly. "If you can escape from this damn place with your own strength, I can only admire you."

Cruise muttered. "How is that possible? Are you kidding?"

"Yes, because I know this kind of thing can never happen, I can rest assured that you can stay here alone and look at your luggage. I still have to advise you, don't make any small ideas. If you and I say that the grasshopper boat on the same rope capsizes, we will die together."

Cruise nodded: "I know. It's best for you to go early and return early. I've heard too much bad news this night. It gives me a headache."

"OK, you stay here honestly. If you find someone coming to you, pretend to be dead immediately, but this method may not be useful. Just listen and see."

If eyes can kill people. Ye Feng has died 10000 times under the gaze of cruise. Ignore the panicked cruise. Ye Feng took two sharp daggers in his hands and walked deeper into the channel. The closer you get, the clearer the voice of those Leika people talking. Ye Feng can't help wondering, don't these Leika people work? They actually have time to chat here. Although it is not clear what they are talking about, it can still be judged from the tone that these Leika people should not be talking about serious things, and their words will be mixed with laughter from time to time. What makes Ye Feng wonder most is why Leika people, a loose and used race, are willing to mine diamonds in the heart of a diamond mine. Many cheaper and more ordinary people can be found to do similar jobs. Why must they do it?

There must be demons. Ye Feng gradually felt a little worried. He originally thought that there were a group of Leika people at the bottom of the mine, dedicated to spreading sweat. Mining and excavation with various instruments. However, from what we have heard so far, it seems that this situation has not happened. At least it has not happened in the mine. The mine is very clean and tidy, and there is no busy atmosphere at all. This group of Leika people talk and laugh, and get together to chat.

Did they seem unaware of the intrusion in the diamond mine, or did they know it? Or don't care at all? In either case, maple leaf felt very difficult. There were few choices in front of him. He had to go on and see how many Reka were there.

The passage is tortuous and has a certain angle, which enables maple leaf not to be found in advance when approaching the Leika people. When he saw the figures of those people, he immediately stopped his steps and squatted down close to the wall to look at them. Ye Feng held his breath and calmed down to prevent the other party from hearing his voice. After observing quietly for five or six minutes, Ye Feng was convinced that there were only three Reka people there. He was lucky. There were only three people chatting, not 30 people. If there are only three people, Ye Feng is sure to kill one or two when he just meets face-to-face. The best situation is that Ye Feng takes advantage of the other party's unprepared, directly kills the other two people, and then works one-on-one with the remaining one. Solve the battle as soon as possible. Ye Feng thought for a moment and thought that this scheme was indeed feasible. Although the uniform he wore was not worn by the Leika people, the suit he wore was also worn by the workers of the diamond mine. Suddenly, seeing the people in uniform appear in front of him, these Leika people will be stunned, rather than fighting with them at the first time. So Ye Feng can bet. They will be stunned. For him, this stunned God is enough to kill one or two people.

Ye Feng thought a little and felt that he had no other better choice now. Let's do it like this. He controlled the sound of footsteps and let himself walk like a cat without any sound. He approached quietly like the three Leika people. It was precisely because the three two people were chatting enthusiastically and absorbed, so they didn't notice Ye Feng until they were about ten meters away. One of the tired people facing Ye Feng leaned against the wall and found the figure of Ye Feng. Immediately signaled the presence of others in the two companions standing opposite him. The other people were stunned, then turned and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng whispered some meaningless onomatopoeia - it sounded like the language of the Leika people - but Ye Feng didn't want to communicate with them. He wanted to attract the attention of these people. Ye Feng's strange behavior really stunned the three Leika people. They didn't know what happened to the man who suddenly appeared in the uniform of middle and low-level employees in the diamond mine. What he said was neither human language nor their language. In general, it was a mess. And Ye Feng is waiting for this moment.

When all three were stunned, Ye Feng walked slowly towards them while muttering nonsense. His hands were naturally behind his back. Where the three of them didn't notice, Ye Feng tightly held two sharp daggers in his hands. One of the Leika people looked warm, looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you do?"

Ye Feng was somewhat surprised that the human language of these Leika people was pretty good. Although he had a strong accent, he could at least hear what they were asking. However, Ye Feng responded to him with gibberish. When they were only three or four meters away, Ye Feng's feet suddenly kicked on the ground, and his body quickly ran to the two Leika people. A sharp dagger was inserted into the side of the neck of the two Reka people.

Ye Feng completely submerges the sharp blade into the necks of the two Leika people, and only makes a sound of Pozi's knife inserted into the flesh and blood. All this happened between lightning and flint. When the uninjured Leika recovered from the shock, Ye Feng had pulled out two sharp daggers from the necks of the two Leika people who had become corpses. He kept walking and brandished his knife at me. The key point of the surviving Reka man was cut off.

Reacts from the shock, the Leika people did not wait to die. Ye Feng waved the knife across his shoulder and did not hit the key part. Although there was blood and a deep wound on his shoulder, Ye Feng's sudden attack did not take his life, which gave the Reka a chance to fight back.

Every Reka has experienced countless battles since childhood. Their original mother planet is a planet with very bad environment. Even plants on that planet are carnivorous. Almost all creatures are fiercely aggressive. If you want to survive in that place, you can imagine what hardships you will face. And the Reka came out of such a planet. Their rite of passage is very cruel. Only one of 100 people can survive. The surviving Leika, while becoming an adult, can also leave his mother and go to other planets for looting.

They plundered and trafficked the planet and resources. The Leka nationality is a very extreme race. Their people don't learn any other survival skills except fighting and don't think about how to make things. They are only interested in making weapons. As for all other daily necessities, they either rob them or simplify everything.

It is this extreme living environment that is born as a soldier that makes every surviving Leika people an outstanding soldier. You must not underestimate any of them. Moreover, the unique thing about Leika people is that although they look similar to human beings, Leika people do not have the concept of gender, and their appearance is completely masculine. Ye Feng has never seen Leika people with soft and feminine looks. Even Dick, who has been wandering in the universe for hundreds of years, has never seen Leika people who are not rough and open style. Their way of reproduction is very interesting. It is complete asexual reproduction. When a Reka is old. At that time, when he thought it was time to leave the world, he would separate a mass of embryos from his body, and the embryos would start breeding after the subject died. To maintain ethnic continuity.

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