"Can't it? Can this really happen?"

"Do you not believe me, or do you not believe what you see and hear?"

"I don't know who to trust anymore," murmured cruise. "To tell you the truth, everything in my mind has collapsed, and my three views are not enough to support me to understand what happened. Damn, what kind of environment do I live in? Am I really an employee of this diamond mine?" cruise had deep doubts.

"Relax, young man." Ye Feng put his hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault, but the trap set by the dark hand behind the diamond mine. You just accidentally stepped into it. But I've come to save you. Don't worry. I'll take you out of here."

Cruise stared at Ye Feng angrily: "do you believe this? Can you take yourself out safely?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "maybe. I'm just telling you I have this idea. If I can't finish it, don't blame me -"

"I don't blame you. I don't blame anyone." cruise glared at Ye Feng fiercely. "I could have survived here, but because of your appearance, I have only a dead end now."

"Well, let's find a way to go back. Staying here is not the way. Once those Leika people return here, we will become turtles in a jar. Moreover, we must have completed the search for me in other places of the diamond light. If they can't find a figure, they will finally look here, and I believe I acted last night It will certainly be photographed by a camera in this area. After all, there are many cameras here. It's like stars in the sky. You can't count them. "

"I prefer to describe it as pockmarks on the pockmarked face." cruise said angrily, "let's go. Hurry up. The group of Reka people go down to the pit again. It should be near the evening in the afternoon. We may have some time to think about how to find the next hiding place."

"OK, you lead the way. You are my guide." Ye Feng patted cruise on the back. "Hurry up, dear guide."

"I know. Don't rush me. "Cruise murmured, turned and walked with heavy steps towards the coming direction. There was nothing to say all the way. The two men climbed up silently in the emptiness. Although the slope of the passage was not steep, it still took more energy to go up than down all the way. They rested from time to time and then continued to go up. On the long way, when they were close to the hole of the mine, ye Feng and cruise stopped and discussed how to hide after they had found the hole.

"It shouldn't be complicated at first. The number of cameras in this area is far less than that in other places. Maybe these Reka people don't want to be seen," cruise said. "We keep walking close to the edge after leaving the cave. Maybe we can avoid the shooting of those cameras, and then we go to find a place with fewer people."

"Do you have any good recommendations?"

Cruise hesitated for a moment: "If there are few people in the daytime, it must be a warehouse for stacking sundries. You know, most of the diamond mines run at night. During the day, they only do some basic paperwork. Therefore, no one will go to the warehouse used to store all kinds of materials. Moreover, only ordinary humans will go there. The Reka people disdain to get close to that area at all Area. So we're still likely to be able to hide there for a while. "

"OK, then listen to you. Let's go like that area."

After leaving the mine smoothly, Ye Feng followed cruise and walked to the warehouse where he said to store sundries, close to the edge of the diamond mine, because they walked close to the steep cliff. There were almost no security personnel in this area. After all, it was a cliff nearly 100 meters deep. It was not easy to go down there. If you want to use it Any flying or rope props will be very obvious in the air, so there is no need to arrange too many defense measures. This gives maple leaf and cruise the opportunity to move forward secretly.

In this way, the two people walk and stop. Once they hear any news, they will leave their backpacks aside and pretend to be two staff members talking. They all wear different uniforms, and Ye Feng can disguise as a millika. Cruise also wears a human uniform. If they are lucky, they can muddle through. After all, many people don't seem to want to Contact with the Reka people. It was under the disguise of this layer of skin that they came to the warehouse where Cruz said they stacked sundries.

There are three warehouses. Each one is the size of a stadium. When others don't pay attention, two people quietly enter one of the warehouses where sundries are stacked from a door. They don't breathe until the door behind them is tightly closed. Ye Feng throws his backpack aside and sits down against the wall.

"This job is really beyond the ability of ordinary people," he muttered.

"Ordinary people wouldn't do such crazy behavior." cruise said unhappily. He was very tired now. If he could, he wanted to sleep for three days and three nights at a time to eliminate all the fear and fatigue experienced in that night. However, he knew that it was only relatively safe now and it was impossible to relax completely.

Taking advantage of this time, two people eat and drink to replenish their strength. Then Ye Feng let out the wind first. Cruise closed his eyes and rested for a while. When he had almost rested, he would replace Ye Feng, although Ye Feng was deeply suspicious of his relaxed vigilance.

During this period, there were several people who came to the warehouse, but the number of people who didn't come was not large. Generally, there were one or two, and these people were the bottom employees in the diamond mine, who came in to pick up work tools. They didn't dare to see or ask why a tall man in Leika uniform was in this warehouse. They didn't know the real identity of Leika, but their fear of them didn't weaken at all. Ye Feng was too lazy to explain anything to them. Cruise took the initiative to talk to them. Some useful information has been knocked out.

"Still looking for you," cruise said to Ye Feng, "It seems that they will not stop until they find you. It is said that they have sent people to check in the mine. At this speed, they found the bodies of the thunder hackers you killed. It should have happened or will happen soon. They will soon realize that the Leika people in the diamond mine should have what you pretend to be. After all, they are still ten distinct without a uniform Obviously. "

Ye Feng scratched his head and was embarrassed by the current situation. "I really don't know how to deal with the three bodies. Although they have been hidden, it's only a matter of time before they were found. There's really no place under the mine to bury the three bodies. This situation is expected. Take a step by step."

"We don't have much time. Once they start asking the Reka people one by one, they will find you. Moreover, since I didn't go to the gathering last night, I must also find that I have disappeared. If my body is found, it may be a small thing. But I didn't find my body, but I found that I was walking with you in the diamond light If someone recognizes me, we will be in great trouble. "

"So, what do you want to do?" Ye Feng looked at him.

Without hesitation, cruise said directly, "I think it's better for us to act separately now."

"Separate action? You are not afraid to stay at home alone now." Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"That's the only way to do it now. You go to your business and I'll find a place to hide. If you're busy and you still want to come back to me, let's escape together. If you're killed or caught. When I hear someone coming to me, I can also have a chance to end myself. If I stay with you, I may even die I can't do it. To tell you the truth, I don't want to be abused, "cruise said in fear." anyway, the end result is death. I still want to die happily. "

"You can see clearly," said Ye Feng with a bitter smile. "I dare not give you any promise, because I don't know whether I can escape from this damn place, but man, as long as I have a chance, I will rescue you. Although you are not a good man -" cruise rolled his eyes "- but it's not a bad man with a heinous crime. Maybe you can't believe it, but I'm a hero. Have you heard of the word death?"

"Yes, I heard it from childhood."

"Do you know a hero named death?"

Cruise shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. I'm not interested in hero. My childhood philosophy is to stay away from these troublesome things and don't mix with things beyond my control."

"Your way of life is right, but in the end you came here. It turns out that everyone will eventually become the most annoying person."

"I don't hate what I am now," cruise said angrily. "I just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and met the wrong person. It's a wrong gathering. It's not my fault, it's just the result of a wrong choice."

"OK, whatever you say." Ye Feng stood up. "At least you are right. Now we should act separately. If we act separately, we will attract less attention. God can decide how long you can hide here. In a word, I hope you can be a lively person next time I see you. At least you don't have too many parts."

Cruise cursed and waved to Ye Feng to disappear from his eyes.

"Don't worry, man, I'm leaving if you don't say." Ye Feng picked up his backpack and walked leisurely out of the warehouse. Cruise could not help admiring his calm back. Although this man didn't tell the truth about running the train, cruise was still envious that he could maintain such a state of mind in such a situation. When can I be so calm.

If cruise knew that Ye Feng was scared to walk badly, so he walked slowly. I don't know how he would feel. Is Ye Feng afraid now? Of course, he is afraid. Now he is lonely again. Can he not be afraid?

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