Although that cruise didn't play a good role before. But at least one person is around and in the same camp with you, and you will feel happy. But now he is alone and has to face this big mess. Ye Feng doesn't know what to do next and where he can hide. Although the diamond mine is large, there are few places where he can hide. Although this frightening uniform can be used to avoid those inspections and camera shooting for the time being, the problem is. Someone will always see through her disguised identity, and then he will not be able to act freely.

Nearly 18 hours have passed since he entered the building. But in fact, although he learned some secrets he didn't know before, Ye Feng still couldn't figure out how to deal with the diamond mine. Even if he escaped, he should explain to zhenma.

With Reka, the human situation becomes extremely complicated. What exactly is the source of the man who wants to buy this diamond mine. According to Ye Feng's speculation, those people should have some direct connection with the Leika people. The problem is that the Reka people have basically controlled the diamond mine. Why should they find another force to buy the diamond mine? What kind of conspiracy is hidden in it? Ye Feng realized that this was the question he had to answer, otherwise this trip might have come in vain. At least two people will pay a heavy price for his action. Ye Feng doesn't want to make this action meaningless.

Damn it... Ye Feng thought of what the truck driver might suffer, and couldn't help scolding in his heart. At the thought of that bastard having a fiancee and his unborn child in her stomach, Ye Feng couldn't easily abandon him. At least make sure he's alive or dead. Otherwise, it will be like a fishbone in Ye Feng's heart and make him restless for a moment.

I seem to be in a troublesome situation. Ye Feng muttered to himself as he walked. As he expected, no one in the diamond mine has come to check the identity of the Reka people. It can only explain one thing, that is, he hid the bodies of the three Reka people until they were found. Although this situation was somewhat unexpected to him, it was thought that the Leika people in the mine had completely lost their original vigilance and ferocity.

This comfortable day on earth has made them sink gradually. No longer has the meaning of vigilance, so it is not a strange thing that they have not found the body of their companions or their companions have disappeared strangely. Perhaps it is because they are too loose and comfortable life that all this has become a reality. Thank you, Ye Feng muttered. Indeed, it is difficult to turn extravagance into thrift and easy to turn thrift into extravagance.

These Leika people were originally pirates and marauders wandering in space, but after they came to this planet, somehow, they became like rusty knives and lost their sharpness in the past. Ye Feng has the opportunity to continue to take action. It can even be said that if the three Leika people are the kind of tenacious soldiers who stand in the way of one hundred in Ye Feng's impression. Ye Feng now has at least several serious injuries. No, almost no damage after cutting three Reka warriors.

These people don't know what they've been through. While walking through the maze of facilities and buildings, Ye Feng repeatedly thought about the role of the Reka people in this event. Are they supported? On the surface, it seems so. But when you think about it, their life is also very good. If those diamonds are related to them, it means that they must have some simple way to get them. If ye Feng's estimation is good, it is that they get blood diamonds from all over the world through illegal means, and then transport them here to become legal diamonds, and then they can use the price difference to make huge profits.

Ye Feng even suspects that these Leika people can get these blood diamonds without paying any price. After all, these people use fists when reasoning with you. Because of the fear of the madness of these Reka people, those people have to send the raw diamonds to this diamond mine forever. That's why their days are so free. Every day they talk, eat and drink, wasting their long life.

Good. Ye Feng nodded. Everything seemed logical. If this is the case, it can also explain why there are so many trucks and trucks to and from the diamond mine. Among them, there must be trucks transporting the original diamonds here. After a turn here, these diamonds will become legal diamonds and flow into the market. After all, you can't judge whether a diamond is true or false. All you know is that it is of good quality and you can sell it at a good price. Few people can determine where diamonds are produced. And how to make up reasons to prove that these diamonds come from this diamond mine is also a very simple thing. As long as they claim that the vein is newly found. It is entirely reasonable to have a large output. At least for people who don't know what to do.

Few people really know about diamonds. This is a profitable business. Ye Feng sighed. No wonder these Leika people will stay here at ease, rather than go out and kill recklessly.

Ye Feng decided to go to the tallest, largest and most luxurious building. Maybe that's where all the secrets of the diamond mine are kept. Ye Feng's intuition told him that in that ten story building, maybe it was everything he wanted. Although he knew that his intuition was sometimes unreliable, it seemed a natural choice for Ye Feng, who knew almost nothing about the diamond mine, to move towards the highest and largest goal at this time.

Ye Feng walked and stopped, trying not to make verbal or eye contact with anyone. This is not complicated. Everyone tries to keep a distance from him. After all, very few Leika people in special uniforms wander around the diamond mine during the day. After walking for so long, Ye Feng met one and ignored him. He whispered to him. Ye Feng suspected that what others said was hello. Ye Feng didn't speak. He just nodded to the man, and the Leika man walked lazily away. I don't know what these people are doing. Ye Feng muttered in his heart that these fans should be bloodthirsty and killing soldiers, but they are like old men walking around every day. They don't have any serious business. They just know to chat and stroll around. In this completely closed diamond ore, it seems that no one can restrain them. They can do whatever they want, which makes Ye Feng very surprised. He felt more and more that the people who really controlled the diamond mine should be the Reka people. However, according to his previous thinking, this group of Reka people should be the accomplices, or at least companions, of the group of people who want to buy diamond mines, which is a headache for Gemma. It seems that they have actually controlled the whole diamond mine. Why buy this kind of diamond mine? Ye Feng couldn't understand it.

He could only walk to the building where he thought the secret answer was located. Walking to the door of the building, two uniformed guards looked at Ye Feng and seemed to wonder why he came to the building during the day. Ye Fengli ignored them and pushed them away from the door. As expected, the two did not dare to resist at all. They bowed their heads and pretended not to see Ye Feng. Ye Feng swaggered into the building. There are busy staff in the building. Ye Feng hardly needs to distinguish that these people don't wear scarf style things at their necks, that is to say, these people are all human, and there seems to be no Leika in the building. But Ye Feng did not relax his vigilance. He takes the stairs instead of the elevator. In this way, he will not stand side by side with others in a narrow space. If he is observed closely, he is likely to find his true identity.

That group of Reka people's awareness of prevention is very weak, but there is no doubt that other humans in the diamond painting are full of spirit. After all, a suspicious man broke through the diamond mine yesterday, and now there is no whereabouts of him. Once any abnormality is found, Ye Feng has no doubt that these people will immediately carry out extreme measures against him. Moreover, there are more security personnel in this building than Ye Feng imagined. Among them, there are some familiar faces. These people either form a team with Ye Feng or have been beaten by Ye Feng. In short, they are people who don't have a good relationship with Ye Feng. Once these people just want Ye Feng to be in this building at the moment, they will retaliate at the first time. Therefore, Ye Feng can only steal a pair of sunglasses and wear them on his face.

Eyes can't deceive people. As long as you block your eyes, people who are not familiar with themselves will not see through their camouflage. In his heart, he repeatedly told himself this truth. Ye Feng walked up layer by layer in the building. But facts have proved that Ye Feng's single uniform is still very deterrent. When he came to the tenth floor, no one communicated with him or came to stop him.

It was not until Ye Feng wanted to go to the 11th that he was stopped. When he got to the corridor, Ye Feng was stopped by two guards guarding the door. They looked very frightened and didn't dare to see Ye Feng's face at all. They bowed their heads and respectfully said to Ye Feng, "Hello, you are not allowed to walk around here."

Ye Fengli ignored them and reached out to push them away, but the two men did not move. Although the two strong men looked very respectful, their body language did say that they would never let Ye Feng leave so easily. You can go, but you can't come in.

Ye Feng is not used to them at all. He growls in his mouth, and he doesn't even know the meaning. These are the words spoken by the Leika people he has heard before. Although he doesn't learn much like them, for humans, he doesn't know what the Leika people mean and what the real Leika language is like.

The two guards could not distinguish the nonsense in Ye Feng's mouth. Seeing that the man who could never provoke became crazy, the two people were also panic stricken. In their stunned Kung Fu, Ye Feng squeezed directly between them and came to the corridor on the 11th floor. He strode to the end of the corridor. The two strong men behind him looked at me and me. They shook their heads reluctantly. At the same time, both of them were relieved. They have done their own work, but Ye Feng is forced to break in, which does not conflict with the rule that they must not provoke this group of people. So he let Ye Feng leave.

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