Ye Feng obviously found that this floor was different from the other floors he had passed before. He was stunned for a while before he realized that the building was too quiet. Walking in the corridor paved with comfortable carpets, Ye Feng could not see any busy employees. The number of rooms here was much less than the downstairs floors, and the distance between each door was very large, Each room is much larger than those on the previous floors, and these offices are undoubtedly more luxurious and spacious.

Ye Feng wandered aimlessly in the 11th floor. He looked here and there. He didn't know which room he should go to. The doors of each room were tightly closed, and he didn't want to leave the building and go up easily. The building was so tightly guarded that Ye Feng suspected that the answer he wanted was in the building. It's on this floor. So Ye Feng was a little embarrassed. He walked and stopped in the corridor, trying to find a person working on this floor and find some news from his mouth.

Suddenly, Ye Feng felt a sound of footsteps coming from behind him. He was going to turn back. The other party's hand had been put on his shoulder. Ye Feng whispered the fake Leika people's words while turning back.

"Ye Feng, why are you here?" hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng was petrified immediately. He was stunned for several seconds before he reacted. He suddenly turned and looked at the other party. At the same time, his hand had touched the handle of the sharp knife and was ready to swing to the other party's key at any time. The man behind him stepped back. His eyes fell on the knife in Ye Feng's hand.

"Hey, Ye Feng, put your things down. When you meet an old friend, just take the knife?"

Ye Feng looked carefully at the facial features of the strong and tall man in front of him. He didn't react until a few seconds later. He even knew this man! "How could it be you! Night devil, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you this question," the night devil smiled. "Ye Feng, I haven't seen you for many years. You still lose like this."

"Haven't you changed much? It's just more annoying than before."

The two men smiled at each other and hugged each other in the corridor.

"Man, why are you here? You look sneaky. Is it you who broke in last night?"

"I am. Why do you work here? Are you invited by their high salary?"

"Almost. Let's go to my office. Let's talk in the office. There are many people here."

Following the night devil, Ye Feng came to an office, which was luxurious, spacious and bright, which surprised Ye Feng. "You're doing well. Don't fight now?"

"I've stopped fighting and killing for a long time, at least not in person." the night devil said leisurely sitting in his swivel chair. Looking at the former old friend in front of him, Ye Feng felt incomparable emotion in his heart. He has few friends. Although he has contacted many people, he eventually either conspired against each other or turned against each other. Among the only people Ye Feng felt he had a good relationship with them, there was one night devil.

The basis for two people to maintain their perennial friendship is that they don't look at each other at all. They really don't care about what happened, what actions they did or what they said. Just because they don't care about each other, they keep a good relationship all the time. Of course, in recent years, Ye Feng has also cut off contact with the night devil. I don't know what he has done. Now it seems that his little life is pretty good.

"Are you still a manager in this diamond mine?"

"Well, I'm in charge of those bastards recruited. I'm the person in charge of safety."

Ye Feng nodded: "so it is. Did I say that one by one? It's too difficult to deal with. It's no wonder you're managing them."

The night devil said, "in fact, it's an idle job, there's nothing to do, and the salary is still a lot, so I've been staying here for the past two years and have a leisurely life. Although I can't go in and out of this area at will, you know my character is easy to go in and out, and I'll be honest where I stay. What do you say, restless Ye Feng."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "yes, our character is completely extreme. You like the same life, while I like constant change. But it's great to see you still alive, man."

"The same words are for you, Ye Feng." a serious expression appeared on the night devil's face. "Did you break in here to do damage?"

"It's not sabotage. I'm the victim. Do you know that this diamond mine will be bought right away?"

The night devil nodded.

"If the diamond mine is acquired, my losses will be mostly boundless. So I have to come in and see what the secret is to tell the truth, and see if I can stop the outrageous acquisition process."

"I don't know much about these things," said the night devil. "But I know a little about the acquisition case. Their price is really too low. It's a robbery."

"Who said not?" Ye Feng sighed. "You don't know how much money I lost. You can't imagine a big number."

"Yes, how can I, a worker, imagine how much money you will lose?" the night devil said half jokingly and half seriously. "In a word, you are lucky to meet me, Ye Feng. Many of the people I employ are your old acquaintances. Believe me, even if I restrain them, they will pull the trigger at the first moment when they see you again."

Ye Feng nodded with a bitter smile. "I know. Fortunately, I met you. This is the only thing I should be glad of among the things I've been busy with this terrible thing for a long time."

"Why are you wearing those people's uniforms?" the night devil looked at Ye Feng's bloodstained clothes. "I don't know what you think. You swagger around in such a dangerous place in such clothes."

"Do you know the true face of those Leika people?"

"Leika people. What are they?" the night devil's face showed a confused expression. "To tell you the truth, I've been here for more than a year, but I don't have any intersection with those madmen. Instead, I've been wiping their ass. you don't know how much trouble this madman's farce can cause."

"Believe me, I know something about this snack." Ye Feng said helplessly. He briefly described the origin of the Leika people and the night devil. When he heard that these madmen were not human, the night devil looked very surprised.

"My darling, I've been with them for so long that I didn't know they were aliens. Ye Feng, you really haven't wasted your time these years."

"If you tell me all the things that have happened in recent years, man, we may have to talk about next year. In a word, these people are very dangerous. Listen to my friend's advice and leave quickly in this mess. Although you still wipe your ass for them now, I don't know when they may cut you."

The night devil thought seriously for a moment: "you're right. Since you said so, it seems that I really need to change my job, but maybe we can get together before that. What can I do for you?"

"You can help me too much. Do you know what happened to the truck driver who was caught last night?"

"You said the man who was half dead."

"Yes, that's him."

"He's not dead yet, but he's still missing a few parts. Don't worry. He didn't die. He should end up like this because he had something to do with you." the night devil said with a smile, "you're really a broom star. I'm ready for whoever meets you."

Ye Feng couldn't refute. He could only smile bitterly: "in a word, can you try to save his life? At least don't let him die. If you can, I want to take him with me when I leave. After all, although I paid, I don't want to buy his life."

"I can handle this matter. No problem. My people are interrogating him, but people may not like the orders I give them, but at least I still have a certain right to speak. They all have to listen to me. Believe me, working together with these idiots every day will make you feel that the whole life is meaningless. Fortunately, there are only a few of them Yes, I can kill a few from time to time for recreation. "The night devil smiled and said," that's why I haven't given up this job. On the one hand, the salary is good, on the other hand, it's a good adjustment to life to be able to work with these idiots who have dealt with before. "

Ye Feng had nothing to say: "in short, this is the way things are. It seems that you don't know the real secret of this diamond mine. I may not get what I want, but with your help, maybe it's not impossible to explore the real secret." Ye Feng said thoughtfully.

"I knew you would put your mind on me. Just now I hesitated whether I should call you, but there's no way. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Can I turn around and leave without anything?" the night devil said with a smile. "Since it's almost over, let's leave a gift to my old boss. What's your plan, Ye Feng?"

"I came to this floor because I think there may be real secrets of diamond mines in this floor. For example, why do these Reka people stay here? Why do they have such high diamond production? I believe you don't need to know."

"I suspect that few people in this diamond mine know the answers to the questions you want to ask," said the night devil with a frown, "I'm a man of high status here, but I know nothing about what you said, and I believe other people like me don't know. Maybe only the top managers know what's going on here, but I doubt they can easily cooperate with you. Besides, they rarely stay in the diamond mine, but You're lucky today. A big man is sitting in his office waiting for me to hand in his monthly report. Ye Feng, I can't imagine. My main job now is to write reports.

"This is a progress," Ye Feng joked, "at least for you. I remember you couldn't even write your own name at the beginning, you pure illiterate."

"You look down on me. How can I not even write my own name? It's just because things are good. So I stick to it bit by bit."

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