"You will never believe that I have formed the habit of reading for at least an hour every day."

"What? You bastard can read? I thought you were an idiot who crossed over from primitive society." Ye Feng joked, "In short, when you hand in the report, take me with you. Can you find a set of clean clothes? It's just for ordinary security personnel. I'll change the clothes. If you don't tell me, I didn't realize that I was wearing clothes stained with blood all the way. No wonder those people looked at me with such fear. It wasn't because I might be from Reka It's because I'm a Reka who just killed people. I heard that Reka people often kill people in diamond mines. Is there such a thing? "

The night devil nodded solemnly: "It is true. They even kill my security personnel at will, but because the top has kept these things down, and the dead people are not good things, they have not caused any big trouble. However, sooner or later, something will happen. I have been reacting with the top, but the managers of the diamond mine don't care about these things , they seem to be very afraid of those crazy people. From this, I also know that they must not take the initiative to provoke them.

"Life is not easy." Ye Feng sighed, "even people like you and me are still timid in doing things."

"What can I do? I'm just alone, Ye Feng. What about you? Have you got married?"

"Yes, now there are many family and friends," said Ye Feng proudly. "Unexpectedly, this thing is definitely more surprising than your reading."

The night devil nodded: "yes, but in fact, I know you will fall into this stereotype. After all, this person is most afraid of loneliness. I really can't figure out why people like you keep taking risks and falling into one storm after another. After all, what you want most is a stable life and family company?"

"Maybe it was like this before." Ye Feng nodded, "but when you have all this, people you know will always be cheap. He will miss what he once owned and is about to lose. He doesn't want to change. So do I. I can't help being stereotyped. I'm just an ordinary person."

"It's not easy to hear death say he is a mortal." the night devil said with a smile, "It seems that you have indeed changed a lot. Although your appearance has basically not changed, you do look a lot kinder than before. You used to look like a god of murder. It looks frightening, but now you are more like your own positioning."

"What? Handsome guy?"

"No, it's a clown."

"Do you believe I hit you?" Ye Feng said angrily.

"OK, let's talk about it first. I'll find you a uniform. You stay in my office honestly. Don't go out and stroll. Counting up from this floor, the security level of each building is becoming more and more strict. Even if it's set up, it's difficult for me. Don't ask for trouble if you walk around freely. I can help you to a certain extent, but if it exceeds my ability If you control the scope, you can only ask for your own blessing. "

"OK, I know. I just can't rest well. I'll sleep here for a while. By the way, I'll bring something to eat and drink when I come back."

"In the fridge." the night devil stood up and walked to the door, "take what you want. But I advise you not to touch those good wines. I feel bad and have to act in a moment."

Ye Feng didn't take care of the advice of the night devil. When he saw the bottles of precious wine in the refrigerator, Ye Feng's saliva flowed out. When the night devil came back with a uniform, he had killed a bottle of red wine alone. Although he was slightly drunk, it took only a while for Ye Feng to dispose of the alcohol in his body. After all, he was still very knowledgeable in this aspect. The alcohol in his body Healing ability can also help him relieve drunkenness to a certain extent.

After a short rest, the night devil looked at the time and motioned Ye Feng to follow. He was going upstairs to hand in the report. "You pretend to be my attendant, so no one will doubt you. After we go in, you should be careful. There are very strict security measures in that office. Cameras and other things can be solved, but the man has an alarm switch on his body and desk. Once he presses it, the whole system will start running immediately. What happens then I'm sure I know. Look at my eyes. "

"No," said Ye Feng hesitantly. "I'd better do it myself. After you take me to that floor, I'll hide. After you leave, I'll do it again. Otherwise, they will immediately pull you into the blacklist. It's not so easy for you to get out of it. I don't want to bring you into my trouble."

"Anyway, I have to go and play a big game. You don't know how angry I have been here for more than a year. Those who spend money on me really don't waste a penny. They seize every opportunity to humiliate me. I have endured them all the time because I know that one day I will leave here and they will die ugly." the night devil smiled and said, "It's time for you to advance my plan a little, but trust me, it's not a bad thing."

Ye Feng shrugged: "well, if you insist, let's go together. It's really convenient to take action with you. By the way, do you have weapons in your hand? Can you give me some?"

"I'm ready for you." the night devil handed a black suitcase to Ye Feng, "Don't open it first. The weapons inside have been assembled and loaded. Check it, and then close it. After entering the office, you can find a chance to use it well. They can rest assured that the sound insulation effect of the office here is very good. Even if you don't use the silencer, there will be no detection outside."

In fact, the night devil was worried too much. Ye Feng didn't use any weapon in the mobile phone photo. When he walked into the spacious office with the night devil, the fat man sitting in the seat saw that Ye Feng showed his true face. He immediately recruited everything and looked very cooperative.

"You mean you don't know those Leika people?"

"I don't know." the fat guy shook his head again and again. "We had little contact with them. We just signed an agreement, that is, he handed over the raw diamond to us, we processed it, and then sold it. The profit was seventy-three Kai. They were seven, we three, that's it."

"Why do you trade with these lunatics?"

The man sighed: "As a last resort, the diamond mine almost couldn't operate normally before the group came. The known veins have been mined. It's almost impossible to continue the operation of the diamond mine. You may not understand it. Professionals know that it's almost impossible to find another diamond mine with rich mineral resources "In the final analysis, this thing depends on life. At that time, our luck was not very good, and the sudden emergence of these Leika people in your mouth was a savior of heaven, saving the company that had been decadent to the bottom of the valley at that time."

"They took the initiative to find you?"

"We don't know why they liked us, but we probably had no way out at that time. When we heard that they could get a lot of raw diamonds, the decision-makers of our company immediately reached an agreement with them without any hesitation. Even if both sides knew that the origin of these raw diamonds was certainly not clean, they were on the verge of collapse As far as the company is concerned, we can no longer care about the problem of cleanliness. We must first ensure that the company can survive. After all, our company has tens of thousands of employees -- "

"Stop," Ye Feng raised his hand and put it in front of him. "It's useless and meaningless to say this. You people will say these high sounding words. In the final analysis, you don't want to make money. That is to say, the Leika people find you just to make money?" the fat man nodded, and Ye Feng looked incredulous. "It's impossible. These bastards of Reka people really regard money as their life. They can do anything for money, but it's never their nature to do it in this way. They will do it without using their brains and directly rob. There must be some unknown secrets behind this. I say, boy, do you have anything to hide from me?"

Facing Ye Feng's cold eyes, the fat man waved his head again and again: "of course not, really not. I don't have anything to hide from you. I'm true every word and tell you everything I know."

Ye Feng looked at the silent night devil standing aside: "do you know this guy?"

The night devil looked at the fat man who looked at him and shook his head with a sneer: "I just know that this bastard is a liar full of lies. He can easily tell these information, either that the information is irrelevant or that the information is false."

Ye Feng nodded: "I think the same as you, boy. It seems that we have to talk more deeply." He walked slowly into the fat man leaning on the back of the chair. The man stared at Ye Feng in horror and screamed involuntarily. A quarter of an hour later, the man whose feet were scratched red said everything he knew, even the things Ye Feng didn't intend to ask. For example, how many ex girlfriends did he have and how many more Current girlfriend.

According to the fat man, it was the Reka people who took the initiative to find this kind of company. However, they are not unaware of the channels through which the Reka people got the blood diamonds. After all, these things are known by people in the industry, so they pretend to be confused, use the Reka people to collect diamonds for them, and then sell the diamonds at normal market prices. And What surprised Ye Feng was that he knew that the people who planned to buy the company had collusion with the Reka people. In the fat man's own words, the Reka people wanted to completely penetrate into the production of diamond ore and kick everyone except them away. They wanted to play by themselves, not through the diamond mine.

However, the original operators of the diamond mine did not want to give up their company in vain. Within the company, they were divided into several camps and fought with each other. Some people were in favor of selling the company, while others were firmly opposed to the acquisition of the company. In short, it has become a mess.

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