Although not sure yet, people in the company generally think that the reason why the company scandal was exposed must be the good deeds of the Reka people. Making the company's share price so low must be part of their action. No one knows why they want complete control of the diamond mine.

But hearing this, Ye Feng's heart has fallen into an ice cave. He should be able to guess why the two should do so much. "It's to build a base," whispered Ye Feng.

"What are you talking about?" the night devil looked at him. "Build a base?"

"You don't know their means. When they invade a planet, they usually build several bases in the pre preparation stage. These bases can hide people's ears and eyes and allow them enough time to make various preparations. Once they are ready and ready, they will immediately loot the planet. Usually, this process can take several years or even decades, hundreds of years There are also years. Compared with the long life of the Reka people, it is definitely a cost-effective business to spend decades on a big ticket. I said that when these people come to the planet, they simply can't just want to leave with money. They may have received a task to seize and sell the planet, or they themselves want to rob the precious resources of the planet 。”

The night devil frowned when he heard this: "if it's really like you think, it's a big event. We don't seem to be able to deal with it."

"We can only deal with it."

"Ye Feng, it's a big deal. If it's really as you expected, we can't deal with it." the night devil said seriously.

Ye Feng smiled helplessly. "First of all, other people may not believe it when we say it. Second, only we can stop it now. Night devil, think about it. How can we tell others if we can't get out“

"We can get in touch with the outside world." after the night devil finished, he slapped himself. "What nonsense am I talking about? As long as I enter the diamond mine, I will directly cut off contact with the outside world, damn it."

"Yes, I've just tried. The phone on this guy's desk is just a decoration. We can't get through the outside phone, so in the final analysis, whether we like it or not, this matter can only be solved by us. The only thing to be thankful for now is that the Reka people in this diamond mine should be all the aliens invading the earth now. After all, they are still in the preparation stage , they can't attack on a large scale. These should be the people sent to the earth for investigation, but I think they have been corroded by a comfortable life. One by one, they seem to have lost their intuition and skills as natural soldiers. To tell you the truth, I picked three alone last night, and basically didn't hurt much. "

"Yes, Ye Feng, I've made some progress over the years."

"That's right," said Ye Feng proudly. He deliberately said it so easily in order to make the fat man who had lost half his life sitting in the chair realize that he had no choice but to cooperate with himself.

Ye Feng's words did play a role. The fat man's eyes on Ye Feng deepened a trace of awe. Others don't know, but the fat man still knows the power of those Leika people. He once hired some top killers to test the strength of these Leika people. Finally, these people died miserably one by one. It was after these events, The managers of the diamond mine stay away from this group of Leika people. No matter how big things they make and how excessive demands they make, they never ask. Clean up the mess for them. To tell you the truth, they would have wanted to drive these bastards away if they were not supported by huge profits, but now it has reached the point where the other party doesn't want to continue to cooperate with you, so both sides agree The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. On the one hand, the reason why so many combatants are employed in this diamond mine is to prevent the secrets from being known by outsiders. On the other hand, people inside the company are accumulating strength to attack the Reka people in a new round. This time, we must eliminate them as much as possible, although we don't know what the Reka people are The origin of Yao - before Ye Feng told the fat man, he didn't even think that these people were aliens - but there is no doubt that their fighting power and ferocity have been deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone who has seen them fight, so the matter is not so simple. The top management of the company has never made up their mind to fight with this group The son tore his face completely.

Once there is an open contradiction, they will stop sending raw stones to the diamond mine.

In this way, the diamond mine will lose its profits, but at the same time, if there is no confrontation, the diamond mine will fall into the hands of these Reka people. Their final outcome will still be kicked out. There is no big difference, but one is active death and the other is passive death. Although the results are no different, the two processes are still different Some people want to take the initiative, while others have been desperate and passive, so this has led to the dispute over diamond mines.

The Reka people are happy to see this situation. It has to be said that the senior managers of the diamond mine have been living like years and on pins and needles for a long time. They are worried that they may not live long, and that the wealth in their hands may become the property of others overnight. This is more frightening than killing them.

The fat man looked at Ye Feng carefully: "if we help you, are you willing to fight with those crazy people?"

Ye Feng and the night devil turned their heads to look at the fat man who collapsed on the chair at the same time. "You mean you want to stand on the same front as us?"

"At present, our interests are related. You must be looking for trouble for the madmen, and we also want to kick these madmen out of the diamond mine. Our goals are the same, so the enemy of the enemy is a friend, don't you think?"

Ye Feng nodded: "you're your boy. I should have been thinking about how to cooperate with you just now. Otherwise, do you think I'll keep your dog's life until now? I just need to move my fingers to kill you."

The fat man nodded quickly: "yes, what you said is true. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know the current affairs as a hero. If you want any help, don't worry. As long as I can do it, I'll help you."

"In fact, you can really do me a favor."


"I need you to contact two people."

"Which two?"

Ye Feng smiled and told the fat man their contact information. "After contacting this person, I need you to discuss with your senior management and agree to the acquisition plan."

"Agree to the acquisition plan." the fat man opened his eyes. "Are you kidding? How is this possible? We will never easily agree to the acquisition plan -"

"You have no choice now, and even if you agree, you only agree verbally. You didn't let you sign all the contracts. Tell the other party that you can come to this diamond mine for negotiation."

The night devil followed Ye Feng's thought: "do you want to get those people together and destroy them?"

Ye Feng nodded: "yes, that's right. If we break them one by one, it's a waste of time, and it's hard to catch them. If we can get them together and catch them all, we can solve this problem once and for all."

"This is a good way." the night devil nodded.

Fat man also agreed with Ye Feng's proposal: "we thought about similar things before, but the implementation is too complicated, because even if we gather them here, we have no way to take them. We have been expanding our personnel these days, but these people organized still have no chance of winning against those crazy people." The man said in some embarrassment.

"Whether there is any chance of winning is not something you need to worry about. I'll solve it. First, find a way to inform those people and let them come here to negotiate in person. I believe they won't refuse. After all, from their hearts, this diamond mine is under their control. These Reka people completely control this area, and they shouldn't if they come There are any doubts, so if possible, you try to ask the other party to come more, call all the people who can speak, and sit together to discuss the actual details of the acquisition. "

The man nodded, "I can do it right away, but I have to get out of here first."

Ye Feng saw his eyes cold and calm: "Remember, we are partners on the same front now. If you do something that makes me feel uncomfortable, believe me, even if you don't die in the hands of Reka people, you will die in my hands. You can be sure that if you die in my hands, it will be 1000 times and 10000 times more painful than if you die in rekai's hands. Listen clearly?"

"Sure." the man nodded. It seemed that he was almost scared to pee.

"I'll make an outline of what you need to say to those two people, and then give it to you. Just read the outline, and they should understand what I want to convey, and then your diamond mine will continue to be in your hands. What to do next is the problem you need to solve, but at least we need to take the initiative and put the diamond mine in your hands The mine was taken from that group of Reka people. Once they really build this place into a stronghold, it will cause irreparable disaster to the whole planet. At that time, no matter how far you run, you can't hide from these people. After all, I don't think your boy can escape into space. "

In the face of Ye Feng's cold words, the man nodded again and again: "you're right. I understand that in front of this cardinal right and wrong, all of us should stand together. In the face of these ill intentioned people, we have no choice, don't we?"

"Well, that's what you should do. Please remember, you must tell those two people what I want to convey, and you must talk to the top management of your company. You must tell these information to the people you can absolutely trust. Those people you think may be bribed by the opposite party must not divulge any information to them, otherwise we will all lose Dead. "

"I understand, I understand, OK, you hurry to work."

After giving the fat man a message he needs to convey, Ye Feng and the night devil return to the night devil's office. There is still some time. At this time, they can prepare for the next small things and at least save the truck driver first.

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