"The doctor told me that this is a stress response. If you want to relieve the stress in this way, it usually works well."

"Can those who help you come?"

"It's only been less than 12 hours. Whether they can catch up or not can only see the fat man," Ye Feng shrugged, "If the fat man contacted the two people in strict accordance with my requirements, maybe we still have a chance of life. Even if the fat man delayed a little time, it seems that we can't stick to until my friends come, or even they may not come at all. The fat man is not trustworthy at all."

"I don't know if that fat man is worthy of trust. He is really a person with little ability and focuses on how to extract money from this diamond mine. However, I hope this bastard can keep calm in front of such major rights and wrongs and don't do anything beyond his regret. Otherwise, even if he is a ghost, I won't let him go."

"If we really get to that point, we'll form a group to scare him."

"OK, you can't say something useful." the night devil said angrily.

While they were chatting, they heard a series of rapid footsteps, more and more clear and louder. There was no doubt that a large group of people were running down the stairs to the roof. The night devil and Ye Feng looked at each other and smiled. They both saw complex emotions from each other's eyes. They were helpless. At this moment, there was no change in the sky. There was no doubt The group of friends who came to reinforce couldn't have arrived in time. Even if they came, they might only see two flesh and blood corpses spread on the ground.

The night devil stood up and helped Ye Feng up. They leaned against the railing. Watching the metal door leading to the roof kicked open, more than a dozen Leika people in the same uniform rushed to the roof. They covered their lower half of their face with a special mask, and closely protected their vital parts. At this time, they were clear Chu himself wants the right people who are familiar with their weaknesses, so their eyes and their every move show their seriousness and concentration at the moment. They will never give each other a chance to sneak attack and kill themselves. Of course, even if they are unprepared now, Ye Feng and night devil can't do anything to more than a dozen of them. Even the two people who are not injured are still alive It's hard to deal with. At this time, in terms of physical quality, the night devil and Ye Feng have been regarded as the peak of human evolution, but it's not enough to see this group of Leika people. Each of these Leika people seems to be a demigod, and the toughness and strength of their bodies are a perfect combination. Although they seem to be human, in fact, everyone is happy It's an armored vehicle. It's all a bulldozer.

"Guys," Ye Feng shouted at them, pretending to be calm, "can't we sit down and have a good chat? Look, everyone is covered with blood. Isn't it not so cool to face off like this?"

None of the Leika people responded to Ye Feng, but looked at him coldly.

"Well, man, I see that you don't want to communicate with a big master. I don't know what you know about the concept of the opposite sex, but I have to tell you, I also don't want to confront you smelly masters. How about this? Since we hate each other, we'll take it as if we didn't see you go your way, and I'll go Let's say goodbye to the single wooden bridge. What do you think? "

In the face of Ye Feng's ridicule, the tired guests still didn't respond at all, but one by one took up their weapons and stared at Ye Feng and the night devil. The night devil stabbed Ye Feng: "you seem to annoy them."

"If you get angry, you'll get angry. Anyway, it's the difference between dying one second earlier and playing dead one second. Why, are you going to kneel down and sing to conquer?"

"I can't sing that song." the night devil said angrily. He quietly turned his waist and was ready to jump downstairs. Although he knew that jumping down would die, he didn't want to die in the hands of these aliens. He would rather die under his own choice. Ye Feng noticed the night devil's move, clapped his hands and signaled him not to be too impulsive.

"If you can delay for a while, you can live longer. One second is one second. Don't be too serious, man. That's what this kind of thing is. Maybe they want to catch us and torture us. Maybe they want to catch us and abuse us. In a word, don't be impulsive. We can jump from a building at any time."

The night devil nodded, but his body still kept jumping off the roof at any time.

"Who is the leader here? Can you make a noise?"

"What are you, man?"

A Leika man who looked the largest and the most ferocious in his eyes took a step forward. He aimed his weapon at Ye Feng's face and asked Ye Feng in a very strange tone.

"Man, are you the leader? Not bad. I can at least understand what you say." Ye Feng moved his sore shoulder, "Well, you want to know my origin, right? It's very simple. You want to own this diamond mine, and I don't want to see such a situation happen, because I will lose a lot of money. So there is no personal grudge between us, just because of some business. Understand?"

The Reka shook his head and said, "I don't understand. I only know you killed my companion -"

"Man, it's not my fault, at least not entirely. Your bastard companions also want my life, but I'm a little better than them. If I die in their hands, do you think my friends will ask you for compensation? If not, it's a great shame for the soldiers."

Leika's cheek twitched slightly. Ye Feng saw his hand clenched into a fist. "Human. Are you finished?"

"Of course not. I have a lot to say. Even as a last word, you have to respect me. When I face you natural soldiers alone, I have to do more in one block. At least you have to give me a little respect. Don't you Leika people always claim to be the most fighting race in the universe? Although you It's hard to say how strong the combat effectiveness is, "Ye Feng whispered and didn't let his group of Leika people hear," but you are quite belligerent. In that case, don't you think you have violated the glory of a soldier in such a despicable way and action in the face of a warrior who defeated you? "

"You are a dirty and cheap human being. Our glory has nothing to do with you."

"Look, it's useless to talk about these useless things again. If I win, you have to respect me. It's so simple. You just can't afford to lose. Who can't afford to lose? You can't afford to lose. Look at you one by one. More than a dozen people surround us? Why, are you afraid we can't beat us? Or are you afraid we'll run away? Where do we all go? Unless we jump directly. You can't do it either I see. A dozen stories high may not be a big deal for you, but for small humans like us, falling is death. You are still so aggressive. If I say, let's fight one-on-one, don't you think? "

"Fight alone?" the Reka snorted coldly. "Why should I fight alone with a cheap species like you?"

"Fear is fear. Don't talk about those useless things. Dare you come? You see I'm seriously injured and covered with blood. You're fully armed and have weapons in your hands. I don't have anything. Why, in this case, are you still afraid? Are you still afraid to fight? It's funny. You're still a small leader of the Reka people. I don't think you Reka people can develop -"

"Man! Shut your mouth, or I'll tear your mouth."

"Not bad, not bad. This sentence is quite authentic. Although it still sounds strange, as if you have lost half your tongue, at least I understand it. Go on, let me see if you have any words I haven't heard." Ye Feng is deliberately provoking the Leika man. In fact, he did it. In fact, Ye Feng is very adventurous to do so. Once the Reka man is irritated and loses his mind. He may make two choices. One is to give an order and let all his subordinates tear Ye Feng and the night devil into pieces. The second choice is that it will take over the one-to-one fight, and the probability of these two things is half. The key lies in the extent to which Ye Feng can ravage the Leika's self-esteem with his own cynicism. If he ravages too much, he may make the other party lose his mind and kill them all directly. However, if he ravages enough, this person may not be fooled by Ye Feng.

In the final analysis, the decision-making power is still in each other's hands. This man-made knife, I feel for fish, which makes Ye Feng very unhappy. However, while talking nonsense with each other, Ye Feng is also recovering his physical injury bit by bit. Although he looks miserable and looks like a blood gourd, his injury has recovered. Moreover, he was not as empty as he said. There were several small weapons hidden under his uniform. Although the lethality was not enough, if used properly, they could still play a miraculous role in combat. Everything is ready. It depends on whether the other party should fight or not.

While Ye Feng was anxiously waiting for the reaction of the Leika man. The other Leika people who had been standing behind the Leika people got excited one by one and muttered something at the Leika people. Because ye Feng couldn't understand the language, he didn't know what they were communicating with each other. In a word, looking at him, it should mean tearing the two bastards to pieces immediately, Stop talking nonsense to them. Maybe something like that. The silent night devil leaned over again, put one hand on the railing and was ready to turn over and jump down at any time.

Soon, the dispute seemed to be the result. The two Leika who talked with Ye Feng took a few steps forward and stood out from the siege of his subordinates. He said to Ye Feng in blunt language, "come on, boy, I'll fight you with my bare hands."

"Really? Don't you use anything? Just let's do it one-on-one?" Ye Feng raised one eyebrow and looked at the expression on his face. Because only one pair of eyes were exposed, and those eyes were full of cold and cruel light, Ye Feng was actually difficult to judge whether the bastard was lying.

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