Even if the Leika people studied how to harm her in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't understand what they were talking about, so he was very nervous at the moment. The Leika man seemed to be slapped in the face, and the fierce light in his eyes soared. He shouted at Ye Feng in an angry tone: "this is a duel between soldiers. For glory -"

"You just said I'm not from Reka, so I'm not a soldier in your eyes."

"What are you still arguing about? If you don't dare to fight, I'll kill you directly."

Ye Feng shrugged helplessly, turned to the night devil beside him and said, "man, don't hurry to jump out of the building and have a look. I'll have a fight with this big man. Anyway, it's not a loss for you to watch a wonderful fight before you die."

The night devil rolled his eyes: "my life is dying. Am I still in the mood to see this thing? Hurry up." he pushed Ye Feng, and Ye Feng staggered for a few steps. The distance between him and the big Reka was less than ten meters. Everything in the world seemed to disappear at this moment. In their eyes, there was no other scenery except each other. Ye Feng took a few deep breaths. He needed to adjust his state. Although his injury had recovered, there was no doubt that even in his heyday, it was difficult for him to deal with a real Reka warrior, Since he can be selected as the leader of this group of Reka soldiers, it shows that his strength must be very strong. Moreover, this is a duel when both sides have been fully prepared, and Ye Feng has lost the first opportunity. He can't sneak attack or take advantage of the other party's psychology of belittling the enemy, which makes this frontal duel very difficult. After all, for yefen, frontal rigidity is never his fighting style, and he prefers to come to Yin.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on the weapon around the Leika man's waist. After noticing Ye Feng's eyes, the Leika man sneered, then took off all his weapons and threw them to the younger brothers behind him. He moved his shoulders and made a rattle. "Satisfied?" he said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng touched his nose, nodded, and then took off his coat, revealing his strong upper limbs in a T-shirt. He stretched out his hand and bent in the direction of the Reka people. The meaning is very simple. Let's put his horse here. Facing Ye Feng's provocation, the Leika people directly collided with him like a bull. He swung his big fist as big as Ye Feng's face. And although he is a big piece taller than Ye Feng, his speed is not slow. He runs with the momentum of a powerful chariot. Ye Feng was surprised at this, but fortunately, when he was surprised, his body had reacted. A very ugly roll made him avoid the punch and would control his body. Before Ye Feng stood up from the ground, the other party's attack had followed.

The man used a whip leg. Ye Feng quickly put up his arms to block him in front of his chest. This leg kicked him out for several meters. Ye Feng felt that his arm was jerked by an iron stick. His arm was numb when it hurt. He shook his arm hard. Then he got up from the ground. As soon as he got up, the Reka soldier had come to Ye Feng. With almost no reaction time, Ye Feng can only put up his fists to block the key part in front of his chest. Under the onslaught of bullets.

What makes Ye Feng feel helpless is that this series of actions did not make the Reka soldier pant. His breathing is still very smooth, which only shows one thing. He hasn't done his best yet. But even so, maple leaf has been very difficult to deal with. If the Reka did not abide by the agreement in his mouth, but used weapons at the beginning, there is no doubt that Ye Feng has now become a corpse.

Because the Reka warrior is very powerful, his self-esteem is also very high. He thinks highly of himself and won't go back on his word in the face of an enemy weaker than himself, so Ye Feng can barely hold on until now, but if this situation continues, Ye Feng's two arms will be discounted. At that time, he will have nothing to prevent his vital points from being attacked by the other party.

The time left for Ye Feng is running out, and both sides know this very well. The man wants to beat Ye Feng down directly. He wants to prove his strength in front of those men. He wanted to beat Ye Feng like a sandbag and ravage him. In fact, he did the same. Soon, Ye Feng's clothes were soaked with warm blood again. The blood on his body had gradually dried up, which made his clothes very uncomfortable and hard. At this moment, This discomfort has been quietly replaced by pain everywhere on the back. While being beaten, Ye Feng's brain is also thinking all the time. Most of him are thinking about how to break the game, and a small part of him is cheering the Leika man who beat him in front of him, which makes Ye Feng very helpless.

Well done, this is the Reka. Yes, that's it.

Ye Feng has no mind to take into account his wishful thinking. He must come up with a way to crack it. There is no doubt that the gap between himself and the enemy is much bigger than he imagined. It seems that there is no other way except to play Yin. Thinking of this, Ye Feng raised his legs, took the other party's fist and pushed his knees against the other party's lower third way. Originally thought he would hit the key place of the Leika people, but to Ye Feng's surprise, what he put on his knee was a muscle as hard as steel. Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he scolded secretly in his heart. Damn it, I forgot. The Reka are gender neutral. They don't have that thing at all!

Just when Ye Feng was stunned, the Reka soldier didn't miss a chance. Although he didn't know why Ye Feng would give up his defense and take the initiative to attack, it seemed meaningless to just push himself with his knee. He just waved his two huge fists back to Ye Feng's cheek, pulled a few times, and Ye Feng's nose broke immediately. Blood spilled all over his cheeks, so that he couldn't open his glasses. Ye Feng picked it up directly from the ground in pain. She gave full play to all his potential. The punch was fast and fierce. She was stunned and hit the Leika soldier who had no time to respond. It not only startled the soldier, but also startled Ye Feng herself. She felt like a punch on a concrete wall, so hard and impeccable. Ye Feng obviously felt that her wrist was slightly broken, This punch did not cause much damage to the other party, but hurt himself.

The action of force is mutual. Ye Feng hasn't finished this sentence in his heart yet. The enraged Leika soldier directly flew up and kicked it on Ye Feng's right ear. For a moment, Ye Feng felt that Fei detonated a bomb in his mind. He could no longer hear and feel everything outside. Only a buzzing sound filled his mind. Ye Feng was knocked unconscious by this kick. After flying for a few meters, he fell to the ground and woke up with pain. His mind fell into a blur. Before he recovered his consciousness, the Leika soldiers who rushed over raised him high and beat him up. He grabbed Ye Feng's neck with one hand and lifted him up. The other hand desperately hit Ye Feng's abdomen, banging like a sandbag.

Ye Feng was beaten to vomit blood, but at the moment, although he was between life and death, he tried to open his eyes and look at the angry Leika soldiers in front of him. Ye Feng spewed out a mouthful of blood and said in a trembling voice, "guys, man, you shouldn't mention me in front of you."

Before the Leika people could understand what they were talking about, Ye Feng's hand behind his back suddenly stabbed Lei's vital organ - his neck. With a puff, the sharp knife in Ye Feng's hand directly penetrated the armor like dura mater used to protect and plunged into the key of the Leika people. The Reka soldier stared at Ye Feng's glasses. He raised his fist and wanted to smash Ye Feng's head, but finally he put his hand down. He shook it and fell to the ground.

Ye Feng lost his support and fell directly to the ground. Two bloody bodies fell on the concrete floor. For a moment, no one made any sound on the roof. Everyone held their breath and stared at the strange scene. No one would have thought that the development of the situation would be so dramatic and so sharp. The Leika soldiers who have been watching are ready to cheer for another battle victory of their boss. But in an instant, their boss, their seemingly invincible God of war, was so easily killed and fell to the ground as a corpse. What the hell happened? The Reka soldiers had not figured out the situation until now.

However, they had no chance to think clearly. When the night devil ran to Ye Feng who fell to the ground, a few chirps suddenly came from his head. Then, a series of explosions broke out in the location of the Leika people. Blow these people to pieces immediately.

Before the night devil could figure out the situation, a figure suddenly flashed in the air. It was a very exaggerated black armor. Even for an expert who knows all kinds of armor like night devil, he has never seen a combat armor with such exaggerated shape and perfect invisibility before. He protected Ye Feng's body and faced the armor in mid air with open arms. The head of the armor suddenly opened, revealing a beautiful face.

"What's wrong with Ye Feng? Why did I ask such a stupid question? How could he be wrong." Cobi said to herself and said to the night devil, "you stay here and watch him, and others will arrive soon."

The night devil just nodded numbly and didn't understand what had happened. He only knew that this woman should not be their enemy. This woman knew Ye Feng, that is to say, the rescuer invited by Ye Feng finally arrived. Thinking of this, he relaxed and lay on the concrete floor relying on Ye Feng.

"Man, have you fainted?" he whispered.

"I just woke up. What's the matter? What happened? Were we killed?"

"No beautiful woman suddenly appeared in the air with a set of armor and killed the rest of the Reka people. She has gone to clean up the other Reka people now."

"Oh, it's Kobi." ye Fengchang sighed, "it seems that things can be solved satisfactorily."

"Really? One side of the plan has arrived, but the other side is still on the way. Once they find an accident in the diamond mine, they may turn around and run away."

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