Since Avril came to the new metropolis, Ye Feng doesn't have much time to get along with her. This strong little girl has been silently trying to help Ye Feng in her way - although she can't fight - but she will help Ye Feng in another way. She read one degree after another, which made Ye Feng feel that a person can be so smart.

But in the final analysis, she is just a teenage girl. Avril is not excited to hear that Ye Feng is going to take her on a trip. However, Ye Feng is not very reliable, so if he is allowed to take Avril out alone, he may encounter danger. Therefore, after a heated discussion, we decided to let Audrey go with them. In this way, if Audrey is on the side to protect and take care of Avril, the danger can be minimized.

Although Avril wanted to go out with Ye Feng alone, it was not a very difficult thing for her to go out with Audrey, so the little girl nodded and agreed. Ye Feng hesitated because he hadn't got along well with Audrey for a long time. After all, either he was fooling around outside or Audrey was performing tasks outside, The two people's time always diverges, so that he has no chance to have a good talk with the cold and gorgeous beauty. Ye Feng thought that this opportunity might rekindle their old love.

What makes Ye Feng helpless is that Audrey is a woman with a strong sense of responsibility, so she usually sacrifices her feelings when she puts her feelings and career together. Ye Feng was helpless, but she could only respect her choice. This time, it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She took the little girl out for a trip and was able to contact Audrey. Therefore, without any hesitation, Ye Feng immediately took Audrey and Avril on the journey to travel abroad. Even when she was traveling, Audrey took her autocratic weapon with her. Ye Feng couldn't find a second person better than Audrey in using bows and arrows. From a certain point of view, if you let him confront Audrey head-on, if you don't know her details, maybe Ye Feng will be hit as soon as he comes up. After all, Audrey's talent and skills in archery are full. It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to escape her arrow.

Although Audrey insisted on taking these things, which made their journey a little twists and turns, finally, with the efforts of Ye Feng, all this was implemented. They flew to a small island abroad by a private plane. This island has beautiful scenery and a tropical climate. Surrounded by blue sea and blue sky, it is very suitable for relaxation. For Ye Feng, who has experienced a fierce battle, such a beach and ocean trip is very necessary. Avril lives in the steel jungle all year round and has little chance to get in touch with nature, which makes her indulge in the magnificent beauty of nature, indulge in pleasures without stop. Every morning, she would knock on Ye Feng's door and pull him out of bed. Before breakfast, the two would go to the seaside for a walk, and then return to the resort hotel for breakfast. After dinner, Avril would pull Ye Feng and Audrey, and the three would go to the private beach. Generally speaking, only Ye Feng and Avril would go to the sea, While Audrey Zehui lay on a beach chair, reading a book and inspecting every move around. Although Ye Feng repeatedly persuaded him to completely relax and join their queue, Audrey always smiled and continued to be vigilant.

Although there are only three guests on this island, Audrey still pays attention to the actions around her all the time to prevent accidents. After staying on the island for nearly a week, Ye Feng called a private plane. The three left the island and went to another place to play. This time they chose a secluded rural area, where they rented a house and enjoyed a comfortable life. Avril really wants to have her own farm, but she is too busy to take care of everything on the farm. So in order to meet his little wish, Ye Feng rented the farm and let Avril experience the farmer's life. It has to be said that although becoming a farmer is very hard and tired, the work that needs to be carried out every day is much busier, and there is almost no time to estimate others, Avril enjoys it. She likes this busy life. She likes the feeling of living with animals. This slow-paced life brightens her eyes.

When I was on this farm, there were still several neighbors around. Audrey looked more alert than when she was on the island. Although Ye Feng couldn't see what danger would happen in this place that almost no one knew, he knew that this was Audrey's nature, so he let her go and didn't waste words.

He always wanted to have a good talk with Audrey, but Audrey didn't give him this opportunity. I don't know whether it was an illusion or a fact. Ye Feng always felt that Audrey seemed to be avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally. This made him inevitably have a haze in this sunny trip. Ye Feng can only fight hard and greet Avril's every problem with a smiling face. At this moment, the little girl really becomes a naive romance in line with his age. Because she has experienced such tragic things, Avril's precocity is unmatched by her peers. Ye Feng didn't want to see such a lovely child. He became ruthless because of the tragic past. He has seen too many examples. Those people completely closed those and refused to accept any light and heat, resulting in them eventually becoming a killing machine or an emotionless beast. If such a thing happens to such a lovely little girl, Ye Feng will blame the mistake on himself. He ruined the girl's life. Therefore, seeing this naive and romantic change in Avril is also a kind of compensation for Ye Feng's psychology.

From time to time, he would recall the love and hatred between him and Avril's father. The crazy man obsessed with money finally fell into the abyss because of his greed. Such a person with an evil heart should give birth to such a naive and good girl. It can only be said that human genes may determine a person's appearance, but the heart is actually related to the soul.

As the time suddenly slowed down, Ye Feng couldn't find any good way to pass the time. Avril opposed that Ye Feng looked at the phone or computer all day, so in this kind of farm, as the owner, he put all these electrical appliances aside. Besides working with her, Ye Feng had to read books to pass the time. He also gradually began to associate with people from several other farms nearby. These rural people are very simple one by one. Although their words seem a little childish, Ye Feng still likes to deal with these people who have little heart. They will drink beer or watch ball games together. After sunset, people from several farms gathered to barbecue or something. This wonderful life like a movie makes Ye Feng linger.

Avril is deeply immersed in this life. Ye Feng was sincerely happy to see her become so happy. At the same time, although the lives of the three of them seem to be slow, the lives of others are still running at a high speed. The mess left by the Reka people is being cleaned up by the colleagues of the shield bearer alliance bit by bit. This may take a long process, but things are moving in a little better direction. Various forces around the world gathered to encircle and suppress the Reka people, which made it difficult for the remaining Reka people to gain a foothold on the earth.

Although they are easy to hide their characteristics, it is not very difficult for some professionals to identify the true identity of a Reka. In short, it won't be long before this group of garbage on the earth will be completely cleaned up. Only a few Leika people can't cause any big trouble. Ye Feng's only worry is that someone may have fled the earth. Once so, those Leika people are likely to attract a large number of two people to retaliate against the earth. If this happens, it's not something he needs to worry about. After all, he's just a wild grass man.

The Leika people are not the only ones who have a headache for the shield holders alliance. Because their scale is becoming larger and larger, they need to deal with more and more things. Kobi and they fly around the world almost every day to deal with various events. Although Ye Feng is somewhat dissatisfied with this, after all, these people are brought by him and gathered together by him, But these people themselves are very happy to do these busy jobs, so they can only go with them. When he thought of his busy family, but now there are only a few people around him, Ye Feng can't help feeling sad. This feeling that other people no longer depend on themselves and begin to have their own life. He feels like a father with many children. He gradually watches the children grow up and slowly integrate into the world, A complex feeling of melancholy and pride rushed into his heart. This feeling is very wonderful. It can't be said whether it is happy or confused. Maybe there are some sadness.

As for Ye Feng's nearly lost money, it has almost come back. Gemma completely broke off the relationship with the diamond mine. She cashed out all her shares and recovered some losses. Although they still suffered a lot of losses, they were at least much more acceptable than before. After this lesson, Gemma also realized that it's better to do more preliminary investigation when carrying out similar actions. In this way, she can also take some countermeasures in case of accidents. Although not every failure means an alien attack, who can say what will happen in this turbulent universe?

Accidents always come quietly. After staying with Ye Feng for so long, Gemma has only learned a simple truth: never question the man's ability to make trouble. He will definitely refresh your cognition again and again. Even though he doesn't want to experience these things himself, troublesome things will always follow him. It's not about his will, just because it's a basic attribute of him

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