Ye Feng's peaceful life was suddenly broken in one afternoon. Because the farm where they live is a distance from other neighbors, they have to drive, so generally speaking, they don't have other visitors except for several nearby families. However, some uninvited people still don't know what channel to find Ye Feng's whereabouts.

Afterwards, Ye Feng had to give them a big a for their investigation ability. These people really achieved the best. Even if ye Feng changed their whereabouts, they still tracked down their specific tracks. However, these people were very powerful in investigation, but they were not well prepared in battle. When the three masked men rushed into the farm. Ye Feng had not even had time to fight. These three people had been solved by Audrey alone. She directly killed two people, and she deliberately left his life for the remaining one. Otherwise, she would become a cold body like his companions.

But what they didn't expect was that the living man who stayed was so determined that he bit his tongue and killed himself in front of Ye Feng and Audrey. It makes them all feel tricky. After disposing of the body, Ye Feng first asked Avril to return to her bedroom, and then went down to the living room on the first floor to discuss with Audrey.

"What do you think is going on?"

Audrey shook her head: "I don't know. Now I don't know anything. I can't find any information that can lock their true identity from those bodies. There's no doubt that these people are really crazy, otherwise they won't come to our trouble."

"Who did you say they came for? You or me?"

Audrey tilted her head and thought, "it's possible to come to me, but it's not as likely as you. I think it's better to come to you. After all, you have so many enemies. You don't know who wants to kill you."

Ye Feng smiled helplessly: "Maybe you are right, but as you said, I have made too many enemies. For a while, I can't remember who will send a killer to deal with us. But why can he find our route? This is still very suspicious. Only those people know the whereabouts of me, you and Avril, and those people will never betray us."

Audrey nodded. Although she agreed with Ye Feng's point of view, she also knew that nothing was foolproof in this world. In their previous conversations with friends, in those communications, maybe some people intercepted those communications with ulterior motives, and then might be able to lock their position according to these information. After all, they Not in the deep mountains and forests, but in a leisurely countryside. Although it is not as busy as the city or other places, it does not mean that it is isolated from the world. In fact, every family here, like the city people, can't live without WiFi for a minute.

After listening to Audrey's analysis, Ye Feng could only nod helplessly: "indeed, there may be a mistake in a certain link, which led to such a situation. Damn it, it seems that we have to change places quickly." Ye Feng said, "We don't have much time. Maybe the second killer will pour in tonight or tomorrow morning. I don't want these idiots to ruin Avril's rare vacation."

Avril came down from upstairs: "I'm fine, Ye Feng, otherwise we'd better go straight back to Xindu city." her small cheek was full of worried expression, and Ye Feng spoiled and rubbed her hair.

"It's all right. It's agreed that if you want to have a good trip this time, you must pay it back according to the original plan, but we may have to change our action plan slightly. Since we can't stay here for a long time, we'd better find another place, a more quiet place that won't be disturbed. What do you think?"

"Is that ok?" Avril looked at Ye Feng pitifully. She didn't want to end this precious holiday in such a hurry. Who knows how long it will be before Ye Feng will have time to concentrate with her. After all, she also knew that busy people like Ye Feng would always get involved in one trouble after another, so she actually cherished being alone with Ye Feng for a long time Opportunities.

Of course, Ye Feng understood the little girl's mind. He nodded, and then immediately set about arranging relevant matters. First, he wanted Edlin to send a shield bearer alliance plane to take them to an absolutely safe place. As for where this place is, Ye Feng didn't know or intend to know. He planned to leave all this to the will of heaven to judge. He would die in a dice Zi's six sides wrote down six selected places in his heart, and then threw them at random. The result was the destination they were going to. Ye Feng didn't believe that the other party could predict their whereabouts in this completely random way.

Ye Feng said what she thought. Avril and Audrey agreed. In this way, Ye Feng began to contact Edlin and asked her to immediately send a plane to help them evacuate from here. Audrey has arranged traps at all intersections to prevent people from disturbing their tranquility before the arrival of the plane, but none of this happened.

When the shield bearer alliance's plane landed on the farm, the killers did not appear again. Before leaving, Audrey carefully cleared all the traces in the farm and all the traps set up to prevent you from accidentally injuring others. After doing this, three people walked into the plane with their luggage.

After flying to an altitude of 10000 meters, Ye Feng used his stupid method to determine the next place to go, which is in a quiet valley. There is a sightseeing villa for tourists in the valley. Ye Feng has bought the villa. No one will know that they hide here and enjoy their leisure. Although I really want to catch those bad guys who disturb their quiet life and give them a hard meal, because I know that there are many opportunities in the future, but there may not be so many opportunities to accompany Avril. Let those bastards jump for a few days. One day, Ye Feng will clean them up with his own hands.

With this idea in mind, Ye Feng and his three people took a plane to the villa in the valley. Although the villa was a little shabby, it was only two floors high. The furniture in the wooden building is not very luxurious, but somewhat dilapidated. However, for Avril, who has everything fresh, it's nothing. As long as she can stay quietly with Ye Feng and them, it's enough. Moreover, it has the opportunity to have close contact with nature. For Avril, it's more wild A greener life is actually a good experience.

Although Audrey knew that it was absolutely impossible for anyone to follow them here, she made all the preparations. In this forest, she arranged several micro cameras to keep an eye on every move in the forest. Although Ye Feng can't understand that she looks like a great enemy, he can only do it with Audrey. After all, Audrey won't pay attention to what he said.

She lived quietly in the valley for a few days. During this period, Ye Feng took Avril to climb the mountain, catch butterflies and have close contact with the small animals in the forest. Of course, there were several small dangers in the process, such as a group of suddenly appeared wolves. However, under the protection of Ye Feng, Avril was in danger, and in fact, she didn't even have any scars, In the whole process, she seemed very bold, curious and brave. On the contrary, Ye Feng was in a hurry by all kinds of small episodes. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong.

Audrey sometimes goes out with them, but most of the time she just stays in her room and watches the information from the cameras. Moreover, it seems to have begun to investigate the people who came after them. Although they were all dead and could not ask any valuable information from them, according to their appearance - two of them had cosmetic surgery, but one of them had no similar trace - Audrey confirmed the identity of this person according to his facial features.

"Ye Feng, this man has a problem." Audrey called Ye Feng into her room and said to him seriously. She pointed to a picture of a man on the computer screen. It was one of the killers who attacked them. "This person's information is incomplete."

"What do you mean?"

"His personal information was only recorded seven years ago, and there was no update in the following seven years. That is to say, someone deliberately wanted to miss this person's experience. For some purpose, of course, it must be a secret."

Ye Feng said, "send this person's information to zhenma and let her check it. She will certainly be able to dig out more things."

"What do you say? I've sent her the relevant identity information. Gemma is working on information mining. There should be feedback soon."

Ye Feng nodded: "well, maybe it's just a killer hired by an enemy. There are many such idiots in the world. You don't have to worry too much -"

"What if he's not?" Audrey asked coldly. "What are you going to do if he's not an ordinary killer?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "aliens have been killed, not to mention killers. If they dare to come, let them come. It will definitely let them die."

"What you think is too one-sided and too simple." Audrey shook her head. "It doesn't matter what kind of person this person is. The people or forces behind him are what we need to worry about. Think about it. Ye Feng, have you provoked anyone lately?"

"Who can I provoke?" Ye Feng said unhappily. "You know, I've taken a lot of heart since I met you. I almost won't do things recklessly or provoke anyone like before. I can't think of who is staring at me, and maybe their goal is not me, maybe you."

"Me? What else do they want from me?"

"Who knows? There are far more people in your mind than me these days. I'm not like you these days. I'm busy working outside almost every day."

"I was there to save people."

"Yes, compared with you, I don't seem so noble. Every step of my action is because of my own interests. Can I do that?" Ye Feng said angrily, "forget it, no matter who he is afraid of, as long as I know their true colors, I'll kill them all."

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