Crazy hunting is a person with super powers. It's just that his ability is a little ordinary and can't be perceived from the appearance. She has amazing sight and hearing. The sense of smell is also unusually sensitive. Not to mention, his intuition can almost be accurate to the degree of metamorphosis. His facial features are naturally much more sensitive than others. He thought this was just a special case, but in fact, this is a super ability, an ability that others can't reach. It is precisely because of this ability, from small to large, no matter what he is engaged in and what work he does, he will do twice as much with half the effort as other personnel. Only in his 20s did he find that killing is a very profitable job. Since then, he has become a professional killer. He knows himself well and doesn't challenge those difficult tasks. While accumulating a little experience, he has gradually become proficient in his professional skills.

After that, he began to challenge his limits bit by bit. For him now, making money is only secondary. How to make life more interesting is the main reason for continuing to undertake work. This time, he received a task to catch a little girl alive. At first he looked down upon the task. All he could consider was the huge amount of money paid for the task. But after hearing that the last two actions had failed, those talents found themselves. Crazy hunting has some interest in this task. He knew a killer who failed in his last mission. He knew that the man's hand was good. Although he could not be among the first-class, he was at least above the pass line, and such a person also had no return. This made him realize that there were these cruel characters beside the target character.

And his intuition never made a big mistake. So he decided to go and see for himself. If he could, he would complete these tasks. If he couldn't, he would get out of it immediately. He explained his intention to the client in advance, and the client had no other way. In fact, they just wanted to gamble on crazy hunting. Crazy hunting was not the only one who received the entrustment. In fact, several top experts received the same entrustment, and they were competitors to see who could take the lead in completing the task.

Those who take the lead in completing this task and come back alive will receive that well paid reward. The losers and the dead will get no money. All the winners. This is the most exciting part of the game. It is also the most inseparable part of crazy hunting.

Adlin has been questioning the two arrested killers who carried out the attack. But the problem is that the two people don't know when they ask. Edlin began to think that they were just hard spoken, so he used some small hands, but after some tossing, although they were black and blue, they still gave a definite answer. On the contrary, most of what they said was false, even the lie detector was painful. There is no doubt that they lied because they couldn't resist the pain, This means that they may not really know the answers Edlin wants to know.

This gave Edlin a headache. She specially invited an expert who had made great achievements in interrogation to interrogate the two people, but the final result was that the two people still knew nothing. They just knew the action goal and how to carry out the action. As for the purpose of the action and who hired them, they actually knew nothing, Although the information they communicated with those people was thoroughly investigated. But there is no doubt that the other party has done a very thorough job in confidentiality. Even Gemma, who is good at mining information, has not found any clues for investigation in this regard. In short, she can't get any valuable information from these two people at all. After learning this, Adeline stopped talking to them and locked them up casually, Adeline went to work on something more important.

On the one hand, she needs to work hard for the mess left by the Leika people. On the other hand, she also needs to worry about Ye Feng's safety. Although Ye Feng hid in the farm and killed a horse gun, it is reasonable that no one should find this, but the previous two attacks should not happen. No one should lock their location. After all, the trip was under close protection and secret operations from beginning to end. According to common sense, it is impossible for anyone to know their information accurately, let alone the specific location of Avril's room. This alone frightened Adeline.

This can only confirm one thing from the side: the enemy is after all.

Know them better than Ye Feng expected. An enemy who knows you but you know nothing about him. This great threat makes Adeline anxious almost all the time. She originally wanted to suggest Ye Feng to take Avril and Audrey back to the new metropolis and their safe home. In this way, there would be no danger, but she also knew that even if they fled back, It's impossible to hide in that house forever. Moreover, in the new metropolis, there may be more trouble if people have many eyes. If they hide like that, they may be able to buy adlin some time. They can use this time to find out the true identity of those who want to plot against Avril and hope to solve them as soon as possible. Otherwise, they can't go on like this all the time.

Even large organizations such as the shield bearer alliance can't sustain the consumption. After all, they have too much work to solve, and it's impossible to focus all their energy on protecting Avril, although she is really worth protecting, whether it's herself or the special technology she has developed.

When she learned that the real goal of those people was Avril, adlin was not surprised. From the mouths of the two people, she had already learned the news. These two tasks are very clear. Catch the girl and kill other people, so their goal can only be Avril. Avril will be regarded as the only reason for the goal. What seems reasonable is only her ongoing research. Although the little girl is only a teenager, her research is a top secret that other scientists in the world can't understand at all. Although her experience is not rich, her knowledge reserve and IQ are definitely higher than most people in the world. Although it is helpless to say so, it is those geniuses who often change the world. Avril is one of the geniuses who can change the world.

Her existence has always been a very confidential matter. After all, all parties want to obtain a professional genius like him, so even the laboratory she has been doing research in has kept her data strictly confidential. Unfortunately, there is always a loophole on the exquisite firewall, and people with ulterior motives can always find it properly, Then use it. Although it has been closely guarded, it is only a matter of time before Avril's information and her research technology are leaked, and adlin has already made relevant preparations. But I didn't expect that the other party would choose this time to start. Now it seems that the other party should have planned for a long time.

When Avril left the new metropolis, their actions had been implemented. I don't know what the other party's consideration is, but there is no doubt that they may think that there will be more loopholes in Avril after leaving the familiar place of Xindu city. However, although they know some information about Avril, there is no doubt that they can't grasp the information of these people around Avril, They don't know that Avril is under the protection of a group of extremely powerful people, and ordinary killers can't move.

At the moment, adlin is extremely afraid. Fortunately, they let Audrey and Ye Feng go together. Otherwise, if ye Feng was alone, his nervous and careless character may lead to Avril's danger., She has passed on all the information she has received to Ye Feng and Audrey. Although she doesn't have much information, it is enough to show that the current situation is very serious.

She still suggested that Ye Feng and Audrey bring Avril back, but Ye Feng refused. He solemnly said that he would protect Avril's safety. Adeline had no doubt about Ye Feng's determination, but she knew that there were too many variables, and no one knew exactly what the enemy would do.

Will the other party change his mind if he does it again and again? The value of the technology Avril mastered is immeasurable. What should she do if the other party spends a lot of money to send powerful people? Indeed, Audrey's strength is very strong, and Ye Feng is not weak, but the two together may not really be the opponent of a top killer. Perhaps only by sending Kirby can we ensure the safety of Avril and others, but Kirby is now performing the task of annihilating the Leika people, and she has no skills at all, It's impossible to come back and stay next to Ye Feng and Avril. Defend against an attack that doesn't know when.

So adlin is in a dilemma. She wants all her strength to come to Avril's side to protect the little girl's safety, but now she can't do this because she is caught in an event that threatens the security of the earth. It's too selfish to do that. Abandon the safety of others.

Edlin frankly told Ye Feng about his inner entanglement. Although Ye Feng didn't say anything, he just smiled faintly, and then told Edlin to do your job well. Here, Audrey and I have to worry about it. There's nothing wrong.

Edlin also wants to believe Ye Feng's promise, but the sixth sense in her heart has been warning herself that the situation will become more complicated. It must be dealt with before something irreparable happens.

Ye Feng was worried, although he had spent four days safely after returning to the farm. In these four days, in order to prevent others from discovering that they lived on this farm, they acted carefully. They didn't even have a light or electricity. I'm afraid that others will find that there are people living in this house. Although various inconveniences make this trip dull, Ye Feng still doesn't intend to take Avril back so easily. There are too many variables on the journey back. Once the other party uses a shady trick, they don't even have time to react. Ye Feng decided to stay in the house that had been armed to the teeth,. Watch the change. Since you don't know who the other party is, but you can know that the other party will come again, wait for the other party to make a move. See the move.

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