In terms of security, Ye Feng invested a lot of money. He installed various magic weapon systems around the villa. As long as there is any trouble, he will receive the news and be alert at the first time. Although these things may be vulnerable to those professionals and can only delay their efforts, for Ye Feng, as long as he has these time, he can respond quickly.

Ye Feng transformed the basement of the house almost indestructible. As long as in case of an accident, she could lock Avril into the basement directly, which could ensure her absolute safety. There are enough resources to support her for a whole year. The phone can directly contact Adeline, so as long as you enter this basement, Avril is the safest person in the world.

If things really get to that point, Ye Feng will push Audrey and Avril into the basement, and he will stand in front of the enemy. Buy them time. Ye Feng can only pray that these people will not come with weapons that specifically restrain their healing ability. After all, this kind of thing is very expensive. If these killers did not know her identity information, they should not come out with such valuable things. This is the only point Ye Feng can feel lucky at present. His identity has not been revealed.

When crazy hunting came in the morning, Ye Feng and Audrey were thinking about dinner. Neither of them has much talent for cooking. She could only swallow the food reluctantly, but Avril never complained about it, which made both of them relieved. When they were in the kitchen trying to make the fast food better, some detectors outside the farm were touched. Audrey immediately received feedback, and she quickly winked at Ye Feng, The two sides tacitly agreed to act immediately.

Audrey went to bring the necessary daily necessities, while Ye Feng went to find Avril and called him out of the bedroom. The three people immediately walked out through the excavated escape passage. Although I don't know how many people on the other side are moving, Ye Feng and they don't intend to have a positive confrontation with them. After all, with Avril, anything may happen in case of a battle. In this case, once Avril is injured or a more serious situation occurs. The gains were not worth the losses, so the three people did not hesitate to run to the escape passage immediately according to the previous agreement.

When the wild Hunter turned off the triggered detectors and went to the farm, Ye Feng and them had already run half way. If they ran a few hundred meters further, there would be an upward passage. After pushing away, the passage was set beside a deserted path, on which a wild car was placed in advance. There are food, weapons and all the documents they need. As long as they get on these cars, they can go wherever they want to go.

After wildly hunting entered the room, he immediately found that something was wrong with the room. Not long ago, there were people there, but now there was no sound and no one. He immediately realized that the little things he had just touched had informed the mission targets of the news of his arrival, so they immediately ran away. Crazy hunting was a little angry. He immediately searched the farm for signs of target escape. He looked for it, Sure enough, I found an inconspicuous door next to the basement. After opening the door, there was a ladder leading to deeper underground. There is no doubt that this group of people should leave from this ladder. The wild Hunter jumped under the ladder without any hesitation, and then ran forward along this not spacious passage. When he ran not far from the exit, he heard an engine sound from above. He immediately realized that the other party might have driven away. He scolded. Speed up and run to the hole. After going up, when he pushed away the exit hidden as a well cover, he felt a palpitation when he didn't come. He immediately put his hand back and drilled down. Then the explosion occurred. He was directly rushed back into the channel by the shock wave, and the crackling stones covered his body.

This is a small gift left by Ye Feng to the pursuers behind. Once the other party finds this escape passage and wants to catch up with them through this passage, the small mechanism placed at the exit will trigger. At that time, it can only be said that this person is resigned to his fate.

Hearing the explosion behind him, Ye Feng, who was driving forward, looked behind him through the rearview mirror, cheered and was very excited: "it seems that that bastard ate the little cake we left him. I hope he likes this sweetness. I always think it's not enough."

"It can't attract too much attention. Once there is a big noise, it may attract more people." Audrey sits in the back. He tightly holds Avril's hand to protect her. She cautiously looks at the back of the car to see if there are pursuers. Simply, when the farm turns into a small black spot, no vehicles and personnel catch up from the rear.

"Where are we going now?" Avril seemed at a loss. Although she had realized that this situation might happen again and again, Avril, as an ordinary little girl, would still feel a little flustered when she really faced this kind of thing at that time. High IQ does not mean that we are divorced from human's seven emotions and six desires. Aside from those, she is just a teenage girl. Although she is particularly strong, she is just a little girl.

"I don't know much about this area," Ye Feng replied casually. He took a look at the car map and went to the nearest town, "Find a motel. Let's stay for two days, think about the long term, and then get in touch with Adeline. It seems that we have to rely on the power of the shield bearer alliance, and we must solve the matter. The other party is threatening to find our whereabouts again and again, which can only explain one thing."


"That is, one of the three of us must have been hit by a hidden location tracker. Otherwise, they can't judge our specific location so easily. The possibility of such a thing on me is very low, and Audrey is also very small. It can only be you, Avril. After we enter the nearest small town, we go to the hospital and X-ray again. Yes Scan your body to see if you have a tiny positioning transmitter implanted in your body. "

"Probably not." Avril looked suspicious. "How could it be on me."

"It can only be on you, because you are the target of the task." on this point, Audrey rarely maintains the same opinion with Ye Feng. She said, "in fact, it must be on you. Looking for the X-ray machine is just looking for its specific location. Once it is really embedded into your body, Avril, I'm sorry, maybe a little surgery."

Avril's face was swollen: "no, will it hurt?"

"It hurts. Don't worry. It's just a minimally invasive operation. You can rest assured that the wound won't stay." Ye Feng vowed. Although he didn't know whether it might be like this, he could only pray not to make things too troublesome. After all, if they couldn't get rid of the possible positioning transmitter on the body through a simple small operation, they don't have time to do anything too complicated.

There was nothing to say and there were few vehicles on the road. The path he had traveled was toward the nearest town. He felt helpless with Ye Feng. Although this is a small town, it is really poor in scale. Let alone the municipal hospital, there is only one clinic, which has no X-ray machine at all. Ye Feng replenished some food and gasoline on the road, and then continued to drive towards the larger municipal government. He was very anxious and knew that once the other party mastered their specific location, the next wave of attacks would follow, but he didn't know whether there was a positioning transmitter in Avril's body. If so, how often did the signal transmitter report the location? If the time interval is very short, the other party may have mastered their whereabouts at the moment. He can only pray in his heart. If he can secretly inject into Avril's body, it can only show that the positioning transmitter is very small and may have reached a level invisible to the naked eye. In this way, he is likely to be able to send positioning signals only every few hours or even every few days. In that case, they still have time to deal with things before the next attack.

In fact, it is true. Although he can receive the positioning signal sent by Avril's Secret transmitter in his hand, crazy hunting can only continue to chase in the approximate direction. He judges Ye Feng's direction according to the ruts on the ground all the way. Although this is very slow and inefficient, at least he is gradually approaching Ye Feng's direction, The signal transmitter can only send out a signal every 24 hours. After all, he needs to use this time to supplement energy through bioelectrical energy in the human body.

Although crazy hunting was a little angry, he fell into the ecstasy of hunting prey. He had not met any prey that could make him eat flat as soon as he came up for a long time. In any case, the other side is resisting, which is totally unforgivable in the eyes of crazy hunting. There are only two kinds of prey, one is honestly waiting to die, and the other is Hui racking his brains to escape the hunter's pursuit. Although this prey makes the hunter itch, there is no doubt, The pleasure of hunting can only be obtained from them.

The beginning of the game made crazy hunting very happy. Sure enough, as those reports said, the people around the target character are really good players. At least they are not small characters that can be dealt with at will, which makes him look forward to the next development of the game. Along the ruts, he drove to a small town. According to the map, he knew that the town was the only road for vehicles. Maybe he could stop to supplement some resources, and then ask the people in the town whether a strange vehicle passed, and then I believe those people will give him a satisfactory answer. If not, he doesn't mind leaving a few bodies in this town. After all, they have had enough ordinary days. If life is too boring, let him, an outsider, add some color to their life. I hope they like the color red. Amused by his idea, crazy Hunter rolled down the window, put one hand out of the window, and drove leisurely along the road to the small town.

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