"Because this is a deserted place. Even a big city is just a small place with a population of hundreds of thousands. Maybe this is the consequence of being away from the noise of the world. It is indeed far away, but there are too few people. Do you see the face of the man chasing us?"

"I see. It's a man wearing a skeleton mask. From the body shape, it should be a man. There's no doubt that the mask pattern on this face. I've sent the relevant photos to Adeline and asked her to search. Maybe there's relevant information about this person in their database." when Audrey said this, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang. Staring at the caller who couldn't display the number, Ye Feng knew that this should be Edlin's phone. After connecting the phone, he immediately asked, "is Edlin you?"

"Yes, it's me, Ye Feng. How are you doing now?"

"Not bad. As for where to stay, don't ask. It's safe for the time being anyway."

"Well, the killer you met, after comparing the data in the database, should be crazy hunting in nine out of ten."

"What, it's crazy hunting that bastard!"

Audrey heard Huang Liang's words and looked at him, "what are you talking about? Who's crazy hunting?"

"The killer who chased us."

"Why do you still know this man?"

"Not really. I've worked with him several times. It's no exaggeration to say that most of his skills are learned from me?"

"Learned from you? Then his skill won't be much."

"I'm a little unhappy when you say this. How can you say that the skills learned from me won't be very powerful?" Ye Feng shook his head reluctantly, put his mobile phone on the desktop and turned on the hands-free. He told Adeline at the other end of the phone and Audrey and Avril sitting next to him about his past relationship with crazy hunting.

At that time, Ye Feng was a lone wolf. Although living happily, gratitude and hatred, loneliness is always around, so Ye Feng always lingers among all kinds of women. Of course, he will also contact with the same sex. Of course, this contact is very formal, that is to say, he will find some newcomers and take them to complete the task. One advantage of this is that once the task goes wrong, he can have a human flesh blocking card that can be abandoned at any time. However, in the task cooperation with crazy hunting, this situation has never occurred. They get along fairly happily, because crazy hunting is a silent person, and Ye Feng's mouth can never be closed. A movement, a silence, a conversation, combined together, can be somewhat harmonious.

The tasks they performed were not very complex, so the planned abandonment never happened. But in the end, there was a small mistake in an assassination mission. The target stayed in a tropical jungle. Under the dense woods, there was a villa, which was his hiding place. Because it is clear that someone wants his own life, the goal of this task pays great attention to safety. Even if he stays in a place where there are no people within a radius of dozens of miles, he will never stay in the window for more than five seconds in that villa. In fact, he does not need to do so. Those windows are thick bulletproof glass, Even Ye Feng has no way to take these windows. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you stay in the villa comparable to the prison, the life of the mission target is safe, but in fact, a big man like him can't give himself a holiday all the time.

Out of business, he had to leave the rainforest by helicopter. And this is Ye Feng's only chance to act. For this opportunity, they lay quietly on the trees among the leaders and poisonous insects in the tropical jungle. During the two-day period, they didn't take any action except drinking some water. But the accident happened when the mission target came out of the door and walked through a short open-air road to the helicopter. A poisonous insect suddenly climbed onto the face of crazy hunting. The toxicity of this poisonous insect is not comparable to those insects that have been bothering them before. As long as you gently bite and inject the venom in his body into the body of crazy hunting, crazy hunting will immediately poison and die. This neurotoxic toxin is almost impossible.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's heart didn't stir up a ripple. Between the success of the task and keeping the young killer, he made a choice without any hesitation, aiming to pull the trigger bullet. The high-speed gun hit the foot worm's body with a spiral, and then produced a slight offset. Then it crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and directly hit the head of the mission target. When the task is completed, Ye Feng grabs the wild hunting with a blood mark on his face and runs wildly in the tropical rain forest. This time he saved the life of crazy hunting, and soon after that, he completely abandoned crazy hunting in just half a year.

It was an escape at sea. It took a certain time for the liferaft to be put down. Wild hunting went to resist the enemy's attack, while Ye Feng was putting the liferaft into the sea. When he finally put the liferaft into the sea and jumped on the liferaft, wild hunting was almost pushed forward by the enemy. Ye Feng clearly realized that if he wanted to wait for wild hunting to go together, neither of them could run, So without hesitation, he directly turned on the engine and ran away alone. That was the last time he saw the man hunting wildly.

"---- in fact, I gave him the name of crazy hunting. Because he has a sullen character and can't change a word in his mouth in three words, I joked that you might as well call crazy hunting. It seems that he has been acting under the name of dingzhe since then."

"Your boy is too unkind." Adelin's helpless words came from the phone. "Can't you wait for him to go together?"

"The situation was urgent at that time. If I waited, neither of us could go. It was better to die than to die. Although I was a little tangled -"

"You won't tangle."

"Well, you've seen through it. Indeed, I didn't hesitate at that time. I took the layman to perform the task together just for this moment. You know how important it is to have a companion willing to stick to your back. Of course, it's also very important to give up."

"You are a man, but I won't easily believe you again."

"You are different." Ye Feng waved his hand, "Crazy hunting and I have a simple cooperative relationship. We don't have a deep personal relationship. In order to avoid hesitation in the face of such a moment, I even deliberately alienated him. After all, I saved his life, although it was only easy at that time. But he should at least pay a small price for what I did, shouldn't he? Life for life, I think I did the right thing."

"What have you experienced before? Why are your thoughts so distorted?"

Avril looked at Ye Feng in silence, and her eyes were full of exploration.

"You know, the world is not just in front of you. Where there is light, there will be darkness. I can only say that sometimes when people are struggling on the line of life and death, they will always succumb to the desire to survive. At that time, I acted entirely by instinct, and you know that human beings can save themselves. Now, I live to keep you safe." As he spoke, he reached out and gently stroked Avril's long soft hair. The lethality caused by his move and his words was unimaginable.

Audrey and adidlin sighed with one voice. Both women knew that Ye Feng was really telling the truth, but in a sense, it was also very dangerous for him to say such words. After all, he was in the vortex of trouble, and he could always bring endless trouble to the people around him.

"It seems that this time I met an old friend. I hope crazy hunting didn't recognize me. Otherwise, I'm really worried that he will do something unexpected."

"Did you reveal your true face to him?"

"Of course, we have worked together for two years. Of course, he knows what I look like." Ye Feng said bitterly, "It seems that it's not a good thing to be young forever. Even if I go to cosmetic surgery, it's useless. After a few days, the wound burst open, and then recovered, and I became myself again. What a headache. Those old enemies who remember me deeply will never forget my handsome face -"

"Well, I don't have time to listen to your boasting. Since you know that the person who chases you is crazy hunting, you should take up 120000 spirit. After being entrapped by you, he has been silent for several years, but after returning to the Jianghu again, he has become a top killer. It's no exaggeration to say that his task completion rate is frightening, and some of them are more challenging. When facing him, don't be careless. This person is not the newcomer who has been rescued by you, but a cold killer. "

"OK, I know. I'll be vigilant, and Audrey will accompany me. All this is not a problem. It's good to know that it's crazy hunting. This boy has some very special characteristics. His intuition and insensitivity are very sharp, but in addition, he is no different from ordinary people. I'm sorry, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to come. Although he knows me, it's different from this At the same time, I know something about him. "

"You mean the man named crazy hunting has neither variation nor technology?"

"Yes, although he just honed his skills by himself. I don't know how far he honed his skills after that, but he learned things very fast during the time he was with me. He is a creative talent. I dare say that the boy's strength must be unfathomable now, but yes, just like you said, but without those exaggerations, we have nothing At least he doesn't have a set of exaggerated armor like Kobi. Of course, maybe. During my absence, he still got some similar things. However, since he is willing to accept this task, it shows that the boy's strength is not particularly strong. Although he is quasi first-class, he can do harm to us due to his physical conditions In fact, the threat should not be particularly big. As long as we handle it properly, we should be able to minimize the threat he brings. "

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