"I don't think so," Audrey said slightly pessimistically, "They have failed twice before. If those people decide to take action for the third time, the people they find must not be unknown. They know that they have frightened the snake, so they will ensure that this action is safe, and there is only one person who carries out this action, which shows that they are very confident in this person's strength, and this person has not asked anyone for help Hand, also shows that he has absolute confidence in his strength.

"Such an enemy is hard to deal with, and because he is a person, he acts more secretly. He may be a driver in any vehicle we pass by, or a stranger who passes by us. Even if you know the real face of this person, you can hardly recognize him at the first time in the past years as long as you make some disguises, and what he has done Just take Avril.

"It's not a difficult thing for him. We always have a time to relax our vigilance. That's the best time for him to start. Although they may not be able to lock the position of the door now. But as you said, this place is deserted. It's easy for outsiders like us to be identified and the traces left are difficult to remove, so in any case, the current situation is It's very dangerous. Even if you know the details of the pursuer, it's hard to say how much value you know about those old sesame seeds and rotten millet after all.

"I suggest that we act immediately and never stay in the same place for too long. Now the only good thing is that this place is too backward, and it seems that the registration system is not connected to the network. In this case, the other party is not so easy to check, and the car we drive has a local license plate. Even if they want to track the vehicle information, It is also difficult to investigate our specific whereabouts, which may buy us a little time. "

"Where do you think we should go next? Let me say, go directly to places like the port, disguise as tourists, and then get on a boat to leave here. As long as we can safely mix into the tourists, we may be able to get rid of the pursuers."

Ye Feng's words Audrey seriously considered for a long time: "I think your plan is feasible. The only thing I need to pay attention to is that before going to the port, we must hide our whereabouts and can't let the other party follow up. Otherwise, in the enclosed space like the cruise ship, we will give each other more mobile phones."

"OK, let's do it. Before we go to the port, we'll have a good game of hide and seek with fury. We must make him dizzy, so that we can safely take the upstream ship home. This cruise trip will take at least one month. This month we can regard it as another trip. Haven't you been on the ship for so long?"

Avril shook her head: "I didn't, I didn't even make a ferry."

"Although it's a little painful to take a boat, once you adapt to the life on the boat, you will still feel good. We will choose a luxury cruise ship at sea. Believe me, I'm very experienced in this regard."

Avril nodded. Of course she believed Ye Feng. But Audrey was still a little hard to let go. She knew that the identity of the pursuer was not very valuable to them now. Even if she knew the man's name was fierce, what transformation would a top killer produce over the years? No one could tell.

According to the information fed back by Edlin, there are very few relevant information about this person. The only thing we can know is that this person either doesn't do it or will maintain a very high completion rate after undertaking the task. This is actually very terrible, which shows that this person has his own consideration before doing every walk, and will take action after careful consideration. One never makes mistakes The wrong person, who becomes your enemy, will be everyone's nightmare.

Second, before dawn every day, three people left their hiding room. They went to the carriage of the car and drove to the nearest town. On the way, because it was still early, there were no vehicles and the road was very smooth. They drove all the way to the nearest town.

At the same time, he had been wandering around the town all night. He confirmed that the target gate had not come to the city. It was a commercial street in the city. It was a dilapidated small street. All kinds of shops were listed on the street. These shopkeepers claimed that they had not seen foreigners. Crazy hunting was sure that these people had not deceived themselves from their frightened eyes. He was a little hesitant and didn't know Should Dao stay here or continue to go to other towns for inquiry. In fact, his reserve personnel are on their way here. Once they arrive, they will collect information for him. They will be scattered in various towns nearby, and then inquire for information and feed back the latest information to him. In this way, he can concentrate on thinking He Zai took action after finding the target. The primary purpose of this task is to capture the little girl alive. The client made it clear that the girl's life must not be hurt. Moreover, if you can, don't hurt her as much as possible. Fury didn't pay attention to the last one. He knew that as long as he lived to bring the girl to the client, he would be paid Kim, in that case, it's not very difficult to take action. Just kill all the people around the girl and take the girl away. If the girl doesn't cooperate, she will either faint or suffer a little. She will always compromise in the end. According to the fierce past experience, it's too clear how fragile a girl's psychological defense line is 。

He didn't close his eyes all night, even though he was fierce, he was a little sleepy. He sat in his car and ate the breakfast bought from the roadside stall. The food was poor. He chewed like completing the task. He needed to replenish energy. After all, he was just a mortal. If he didn't have a reasonable rest and meal, his combat effectiveness would be reduced at the critical moment, So he lay in the cockpit and went to sleep unconsciously. If he didn't fall asleep, he might see Ye Feng driving away from his car.

Somehow, Ye Feng always felt very uneasy in his heart, so when he came to this town, he didn't even stop to replenish supplies, but drove straight across the town. In this way, they passed by again. When Ye Feng had left for more than an hour, he woke up and rubbed his face. After chewing a few pieces of gum, he drove from the street to the end of the street. After continuing to ask, he was sure that the target had not come. He turned around and drove to another town.

In this intricate border town, the two sides are engaged in a chase that seems to never reach the end, but it is clear when, where and in a dramatic way that they will meet. And this day is not far away.

Aiedlin finally pulled out some people and rushed to a relatively large town in the area where Ye Feng was located. After receiving the news, Ye Feng immediately drove there. There was no accident on the way. It was already evening when he got there. The sun set and the night shrouded the small town. The nightlife of the city is quite rich. The street lights on both sides of the street are mixed with the lights broadcast by the shop signs. Intertwined into a sea of lights, Ye Feng drove to the hotel under the pollution of artificial light. Because he wanted to hide people's eyes and ears, Ye Feng drove directly to the parking lot of the hotel, and then took the bus in the parking lot. The elevator came directly. Edlin told his floor that in this living floor, two rooms were used by the group. After pushing the door into the room, Ye Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him. Although it could be vaguely seen that this was the hotel room, almost all the rooms and other things had been emptied and replaced with a set of equipment, which was simply a small combat room. It's no exaggeration to say that this was somewhat unexpected to Ye Feng. Besides, Adelin sent over. There were three members in the team, two men and one woman. Ye Feng didn't know them and had never met them. The two men were older and looked about 30 years old. The woman was very young, However, after asking her age, I learned that she was the oldest of the three, and she was also the leader of the group. The room next door is used for rest. This room is specially used as a war room. Ye Feng watched this set of operating equipment and was overwhelmed. He looked around and bumped. He didn't know what the use of these things was.

"What are these things for? Are you hiding here to collect intelligence?"

"Yes, this is one of the functions. More importantly, with these devices, we can monitor strangers in this area in real time. Because we are connected to the local database, as long as we have new faces, we will get an alarm at the first time. As long as strangers enter this small city, we will be notified at the first time. In this way, we can Identify the identity of this person. Once we find that there is a problem with his identity, we can take action immediately. Of course, when we take action, we usually take the initiative. Unless we encounter a difficult situation, we will let you do it. If you need to send more people, just say it. "

"Is the head of your mouth Adeline?"

"That's right."

The woman nodded. The woman introduced herself as Mary. The two men, one named Jack and the other Tom, were extremely suspicious that this was just their code name. No one would have such a stupid name. Because of meeting with these people, Ye Feng's uneasy trip in their hearts weakened a lot. Just opposite this combat room is Ye Feng's room, which is a large suite with two bedrooms. Avril and Audrey use one room and Ye Feng one. The conditions are quite good. At least in this town, it is the best room to find.

After staying, the three people had a good meal in the room. They bumped on the road these days and had no chance to eat hot and delicious food. This time, even if Avril didn't eat much at ordinary times, this time they also opened their appetite to have a full meal. Although it was clear that the hotel should not be discovered for a while, Audrey went out of the room after dinner and explored the internal structure of the hotel.

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