However, there are too many such candidates, and the force that the shield bearer alliance can dispatch is too few, so that the situation becomes extremely complex. Who is the real enemy? Who can not consider it for the time being? The screening of these questions racked Adeline's brains. It's like the two sides are playing a game, but both sides are wearing a mirror that blocks their sight. This pair of glasses makes it very inconvenient for them to move and can't judge the things in front of them. This is the real feeling of everyone in this mess.

After these days of getting along, Ye Feng found that although Mary seemed quite enthusiastic, the deceased was a very cold person, and it was difficult for you to have some in-depth dialogue with her. Jack is not good at words at all. He is a geek who is a bit of a nerd. As for Tom, he is tall and talkative. His social skills are undoubtedly very high, and he can get familiar with strangers quickly. Ye Feng will talk to him when he is free these days. He found it a more relaxed choice to talk with this man. Both sides often talk about unrealistic topics. In this regard, maple leaf is very good. It was a little casual, and Tom didn't take him too seriously, which made both sides happy in the process of getting along.

Avril stays in her bedroom every day and doesn't know what she's looking at. In short, she holds a tablet computer most of the time. As for Audrey, she's always nervous and never leaves Avril. She always keeps your little girl in her sight.

Six people stayed in the hotel on this floor and had nothing to do. After a busy start, Mary's three person team doesn't need much work now. They only need to judge the real-time monitoring data. Most of the process of this judgment is completed by computers. They only need to make real-time judgment according to the feedback information, so it is not difficult for them to do things. Once everything is on track, they will not be as busy as at the beginning.

However, although the two sides did not talk about the current situation as much as possible, everyone knew that the current situation was not safe. Each of them was in a worrying moment of their lives. Among the six people, apart from Ye Feng and Audrey, only Tom's skill could pass. Avril has no ability to defend herself, and what Mary and Jack can do in this regard is actually very limited. In order to ensure the safety of several people, some personnel sent by the shield bearer alliance have become full-time bodyguards, but Ye Feng has to say that the skill of these bodyguards is only a little better than ordinary people. In case of an emergency, their only role is to jump at the people who need to be protected and block the gun for them. Of course, this is also the most essential professional task of bodyguards. If they choose this profession, they need to be prepared to sacrifice for the target character.

Ye Feng didn't say these words to Avril because he knew Avril's character. Although he was thin and small in appearance, he was very strong and stubborn in heart. She didn't want others to give their lives for her safety. Everything she did now was based on this idea. If she knew these moments, The people wandering in the corridor exist for her safety, and once they find danger, they will not hesitate to give their lives. Avril must feel very guilty and remorse. Because she has died many people. Although Ye Feng has never talked about the corresponding topic with him, Avril knows that it can't be just his mentor in the laboratory who died. There must be other innocent people involved.

Indeed, in the process of looking for Avril's specific whereabouts, too many innocent people have suffered pain. These unnecessary persecutions have fundamentally changed their lives. Ye Feng has asked Adeline to secretly investigate these things. If he can master these people's identity, he wants to make some compensation for these people's losses by using the direct author alliance's specialized fund. Of course, there are some things that money can't make up for, but there is a fundamental difference between doing and not doing. Ye Feng also wants to make some efforts for himself to make some compensation for these people. All this was carried out without telling Avril. Although it was too clear that the undercurrent was surging, in fact, she didn't have too intuitive feelings about all this. She hadn't seen those who died because of her. So she is still very calm at the moment, but it won't be long before she will really realize how many people will fall into despair because of her own existence, which is not her fault. The only mistake is that some people are too greedy.

There is never a shortage of greedy people in this world, but few can achieve the four words of contentment and happiness. Most people's happiness comes from what they currently have, which is inconsistent with their desires. Wilde has a saying that the most painful thing in life is that you want to have something but can't get it, The other most painful thing is that you have got what you want to have.

"Have you found the whereabouts of those people?"

"Not yet. At present, it is difficult to determine the whereabouts of these people, but it is certain that they have not left this area. They should not have taken any means of transportation to leave this area, because in this regard, we are always paying attention to the dynamics of those airports and docks."

Put down the phone. He is not in a particularly good mood. A week has passed. He has visited all the surrounding areas, but he is not finding the trace of the target character. The situation is much more complicated than he thought. He thought the task could be solved in three or four days at most, but there was no doubt that the other party was more professional than he thought. Moreover, he suspected that there might be someone or force behind the other party that he had not foreseen, because he now had more than a dozen investigators in his hands, who were looking for the whereabouts of the three people day and night. According to the information, the man and woman accompanying the task target should not be ordinary people. Considering the target characters, the three people hide and flee back and forth in this area. Many places can or know information about them, and many people see them. As for the car they drove when they ran away, it still hasn't disappeared. It's not difficult to find a car. In particular, some people still remember several digits on the license plate. Even so, there has been no news in this regard.

Crazy hunting can't help but suspect that the other party may have disposed of the car, and if the other party has such courage, it means that the task is not so easy to complete. At the thought that he was close to the goal, he was furious and depressed. If those people found him, maybe all these things would not happen now, but his client found a group of idiots to complete it. They wasted two opportunities, so that it is difficult for him to take action no matter how he takes action, For the target characters who have become completely vigilant, they will do everything they can to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed.

"A bunch of idiots..." muttered wildly. Although he is still a good hand in collecting intelligence, he knows that the goal of this mission is different from that in the past. There is no doubt that this person has become a person competing for more forces. Perhaps she has taken refuge in a certain force, and this strength is strong enough to compete with his client, at least not lose. Has the target been found by his peers? Crazy Hunter shook his head. If this happens, he may break the rules.

In fact, the distance between wild thoughts is almost the same. There is a pair of eyes staring at Avril all the time. Once she reveals any flaws, she will immediately rush forward to take her away. Ye Feng doesn't know the existence of the hunter hidden in the dark at all. The reason why the situation did not get worse was that Audrey's natural keen intuition always felt that the danger was not over. Even if they hid in this hotel, they must remain calm, rational, sober and never relax.

Although Ye Feng would go to the bar for a drink from time to time and chat with people and chat with beautiful women in this luxury hotel like a small village, Audrey never let Avril leave his sight from the beginning to the end. If she could, anything Avril touched or ate would be checked in advance. Once something happens, she will immediately enter a fully armed state and prohibit anyone from approaching her and Avril, even Ye Feng.

This makes Ye Feng a little depressed. Although he knows that his character will always lead to some trouble, he still feels helpless about Audrey and even him. But it was because Audrey was always in a state of grass and trees that Avril spent a week safely in the hotel

。 Danger is everywhere, even to the extent you can't imagine.

At the same time, the shield bearer alliance is also doing what they can. Adeline sends groups of personnel transferred from other tasks around Ye Feng. The presence of these people greatly ensures the safety of Ye Feng and others to some extent. However, since these people are not the backbone of the shield bearer alliance, They can play a very limited role, but it's always good to have more people. It is no exaggeration to say that almost one-third of the guests in this hotel are employees of the shield bearer alliance.

The hotel operator should really write a thank-you letter to the shield holder Alliance for the revenue they bring to the hotel when it is not the peak business season. However, this is already the limit of the personnel that Adeline can transfer here. If she is sent down, Adeline knows that her help to things is not of great significance, and because there are too many people, it may attract the attention of all people and focus her attention on the hotel.

As a last resort, adlin had to let these people divide into batches. Several groups are injected into the hotel, and these people must have perfect false identities. Otherwise, once they are seen through, all these will be lost. In short, the past week is not peaceful, although Avril and Audrey stay in the room as much as possible and don't know what's happening outside, But Ye Feng saw all these changes. He knew that at the moment, Adeline was like a great enemy.

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