At first, Ye Feng didn't know why Adeline's reaction was so extreme. After he talked to Adeline on the phone, he realized that the number of enemies was much more than he thought. It was not a group of people who wanted to fight Avril, but many people didn't organize. At the same time, they are all on the way to win Avril. Because Avril's technology has too good prospects and terrible possibilities, no matter who or organization is very interested in this thing, some are for money and some are to achieve their goals. Anyway, no matter whether these goals are noble or not, in a word, these people have come to a dead end, Only Avril holds the real formula of this core technology, that is, only by prying her mouth can she really master this technology. If this technology is made public, its value will be lost. After all, people can study this material and figure out how to prevent it. Only when Avril gets this formula before it is released, and then kills all the people who make the formula, can we ensure that this secret is firmly in their own hands. It is precisely because of this that everyone is like crazy and tries their best to succeed before others.

Adlin saw all this. In the process of talking to Audrey, she also said her ideas. After several people discussed, they finally decided that once Avril was kidnapped by one party. Adlin will immediately force the other party to hand over Avril. Otherwise, she will disclose the formula of that special material, but the problem is that if she does so, the fish will die and the net will be broken. The other party is likely to use crooked brains on the choice of releasing Avril. For example, they will not release the kidnapped Avril at all, but directly tear up the ticket.

Those people should know very well, even if they let Avril go. Eventually, the recipe will be made public. So, if that's the case. Adlin may have no choice. Once she really makes the recipe public, Avril's life will end. If the formula of this material is announced in advance, will it lead to an abrupt end? After heated discussion, they all came to the same conclusion: This is impossible.

Even if the formula is published, it seems that Avril has no use value, but since she can study such strange materials, she must be able to study other things. Talented researchers like this must be the existence of various organizations. This will only irritate those people, and then they will intensify their revenge on Avril. Maybe she can survive, but it's hard to say what she will experience. The matter is in such a dilemma. Whether it is open or not is very dangerous for Avril. How to get out of this quagmire? Avril can never live such a life, although from the moment her identity was exposed, she can no longer live as a normal person. But Ye Feng still wanted to rack his brains to come up with a way to solve the current dilemma.

Avril is only a teenager. If she has to be frightened for her life safety from now on, this life is too long for him. Ye Feng doesn't want to see Avril immersed in fear every day. For him, how to ensure Avril's safety and get her life back on track, so that she can safely do what she likes and live her life is the problem Ye Feng wants to solve most at present. How to drive these bastards away from Avril, Instead, it has become a secondary task.

There are so many people in the shield alliance who are protecting them openly and secretly. Ye Feng is no longer worried about his safety, at least not as scared as before.

Because Jack is a person who is not good at talking, Ye Feng doesn't bother her quiet after trying to communicate with him for several times. Among the three, in addition to Mary, who can talk and talk, Ye Feng most often goes to chat with Tom, who is tall and big. First of all, Tom's appearance is very tough and handsome. Although Ye Feng is a little jealous, Ye Feng still feels handsome after holding the mirror as if he confirmed it. In a word, it's human nature to chat with handsome people. Ye Feng will talk to Tom when he has nothing to do. Moreover, Tom is also very talkative, and is different from Mary and Jack who concentrate all their energy on work, Tom seems more casual. His character is quite in line with Ye Feng's preferences. The two often go to the bar in the hotel to have a drink and talk, so time passes quickly. After all, such a high-pressure environment is a kind of torture for anyone.

In fact, in addition to being very busy and nervous at the beginning, everyone's nerves have stabilized. After all, there are shield holders' Alliance personnel on all floors of the hotel. It's no exaggeration to say how many residents there are in the hotel if these people are removed. In short, As the shield bearer alliance continues to send people into the hotel, the security work of the hotel becomes more and more simple.

Mary's trio arrived at the beginning to establish an intelligence network and carry out preliminary basic work. After these work are completed, the remaining people only need to. Look away. It's better to put it on the available source. Most of the work doesn't need them to continue to do, and the most important work is to maintain the established framework. Therefore, even Mary and Jack don't have so much workload in a day, especially in class. They sit in front of the computer monitor and stare at the data almost all the time. Tom studies nature and takes time off. He often explores the fun of the hotel with Ye Feng. Although the hotel is so large that they can't leave easily, fortunately, there is a bar, which is the best place for two adult men to relax. They both like drinking very much. There are many common topics in this regard, so it's very pleasant to talk.

Audrey hated Ye Feng's irresponsible behavior, but Ye Feng didn't intend to listen to her at all, but went in one ear and out the other. He was so impatient that he just opened the door and walked out of the room, leaving Audrey and Avril in the room, while he went to drink and have a good time himself.

At the same time, the work of how to leave here is also under preparation. Edlin has made relevant plans. Once the luxury cruise ship that can take thousands of tourists lands at a nearby port, Edlin will arrange personnel to take Ye Feng three. Transfer to the cruise ship. Once you can board the cruise ship safely and airtight, you may be able to shut out all the personnel.

On the vast sea, they can enjoy a boat trip for more than half a month. The cruise ship has everything and all kinds of entertainment facilities. It seems to be a holiday paradise moving on the sea. Ye Feng, what they need to worry about is that they can't be found in the process of moving to Youlong. Once the other party learns of this action, sending people to the cruise ship will pose a great threat, After all, it is a closed area with limited space. Once the enemy gets into it, it will cause unimaginable danger. This is the problem that adlin urgently needs to solve. In this regard, she has considered many schemes and cost plans, and strive to ensure that there will be no difference in the transfer. However, she also knows that it is very difficult to completely avoid people's eyes and ears. After all, even if people from all parties are inquiring about information in the area where Ye Feng is located. If a large number of people are transferred, there is no doubt that their intentions will be exposed immediately. However, although the number is small and flexible, they may still not be able to make the right choice immediately in case of danger or emergencies. In this way, it may cause complications, resulting in the disclosure of their action plan. In short, things are very difficult. Even people who are good at management like Adeline feel a headache. She can only recruit those think tanks to polish the details of various schemes in order to achieve the ideal state.

At the same time, Ye Feng and others are still in the hotel, and they don't even know the plan at all. Because they are worried that the call line may be monitored, even Ye Feng and they don't know that Adeline is designing and improving the transfer plan at the moment. They just stay in the hotel. After such a long time, even Audrey, who has always been vigilant, has gradually relaxed. Although she still keeps Avril in her sight all the time, their area is not limited to the strictly guarded room, but Audrey will take Avril around in the safe area of the hotel, Of course, when they stroll around, there will be at least three security personnel around them, who are distributed at key intersections to prevent accidents.

It has to be said that the existence of the shield holder alliance will cause some inconvenience to other guests in the hotel. Ye Feng's solution is very simple. He found the owner of the hotel and bought the ownership of the hotel. Of course, in order not to make the hotel look too strange, he did not drive away all the guests, but for the information of these guests, He still has a clear grasp, which is the convenience for managers to get customer information. Then he will screen these people. Try to control the number of people within an acceptable range, no more, no less. Too few words, it seems that this hotel is very abrupt, not like a normal hotel. If the number of people is too large, it will inevitably be mixed with some unscrupulous people. Therefore, Ye Feng has always asked the front desk to monitor all kinds of personnel. In fact, except for those unimportant positions, almost all important positions of the hotel staff have been replaced by those of the shield alliance. At least the front desk and doorboy are agents of the shield alliance, These people dressed up will judge whether to let new residents in according to the implementation. There is a complex operating mechanism. Ye Feng doesn't understand it. Fortunately, these things don't need him to care about him. It's enough to pay these people. After all, what these people do has nothing to do with the shield holder alliance itself. It is an extra job, so Ye Feng generously gave them a lot of overtime pay.

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