The only thing that makes Ye Feng feel lucky is that so far, although there have been several clashes in the hotel, these conflicts have been quickly subsided, and according to post hoc investigations, these people are not those who track down the whereabouts of Avril. However, Ye Feng is very clear that those people must have been here and explored, maybe they have not been able to live in. But Ye Feng is very sure that this hotel is the highest standard hotel in this small town, so those people will pay attention to it.

It is true that among the guests who want to complain, several people with very strange identities have been found. After a thorough identity investigation, it is found that they are indeed people belonging to different organizations or companies. There is no doubt that these action personnel want to inquire about information. At the beginning, Ye Feng asked people to refuse. The reason for these people's request for admission was that there were no guest rooms. However, after thinking about it, it was obviously not normal, so he asked people to put several people in. Of course, after these people entered, they were under the surveillance of the shield alliance almost all the time. No matter where he went, It is impossible to find out the information they want. After all, almost all the people they want to open the information are from the shield alliance.

In fact, the staff at the bottom of the hotel don't know what happened, and they won't explore whether there is a little girl like Avril in the hotel. Because Avril has been closely protected, few people have seen her real appearance, and there is almost no such loophole, Even when going out for a walk in the hotel, Audrey would make Avril sit in a disguise and let the teenage girl pretend to be a beautiful teenager. This kind of camouflage is very simple. It only needs a little casual clothes. Moreover, because Avril is short and her body is not fully developed, her body like a washboard is very easy to disguise as a boy. To this end, Audrey also personally cut off Avril's hair, turning her original shawl long hair into. Short hair although Avril is very sad, she also knows that it is necessary to make these sacrifices. After all, so many people are working hard for her safety.

After exploring the hotel, the people found that there was no news, and they soon left. After they left, Ye Feng still sent a special person to track them in real time. In order to obtain more information, but from the follow-up development, these people are very vigilant. After they leave, they do not immediately return to places like safe houses, but break up into parts and continue to do the same work in other forms. In order to fear that it would scare the snake, Ye Feng has been slow to let the stalkers attack these people, and then asked for the necessary information from them.

Ye Feng is worried that the information these people have is of little use. After all, you only need to tell them the purpose of these bottom operators. They may not even know the true identity of the person who paid them. Once these people lose contact with their online, it is likely that they will know that their identity has been exposed. If they trace back their actions, they will inevitably focus on this hotel.

On this day, as usual, after breakfast, Avril stayed in the room reading. Audrey also stayed in the room and made a few phone calls from time to time because she had something to deal with. As the situation was very special, in order to avoid Avril hearing her conversation with the other end of the phone, Audrey told Avril to leave the room, but she didn't go far, just continued to call in the staircase at the end of the corridor. Ten minutes later, when she called back to the room, she was shocked to find that the room was empty. She immediately called Ye Feng and asked him what had happened recently, but Ye Feng was also confused. He didn't take Avril away. He didn't see Avril again after breakfast.

"It's all right. Don't be too nervous. There are all our people in this hotel. Even if someone wants to attack Avril, they won't endanger his life. Moreover, the time has only passed so short. Maybe they are still in the hotel. Let's find it."

To appease the panicked Audrey, Ye Feng immediately found Mary and informed her of the situation. She immediately took out the surveillance video in the hotel, but to their surprise, the surveillance video did not record Avril leaving the room. No one can tell why this happened. It is reasonable to say that Audrey left the room in the picture, After that, no one passed in the corridor. After thinking for a while, Mary finally found the crux of the problem. The surveillance video was false.

She said confidently: "you see, although the time stamp shows that the time is passing, in fact, all the monitoring images in this corridor have been locked, that is, since you left this bedroom, someone hacked into the system and blocked all the monitoring videos, which led to no one finding that Avril was taken away."

"Did he hack all the monitoring systems of the whole hotel?"

"It seems so." Mary quickly tapped her hands on the keyboard. Her eyes stared at the screen of the display, and her tone was still very shocked. "It's impossible. If there's no password, you can't log in to the system and control the surveillance camera. Damn... Who hacked into the system, it's impossible."

Mary has absolute confidence in the system she has built, and facts have proved that it is true. Although the other party's hands and feet are very clean, Mary managed to recover the deleted records. It is obvious from the system log that someone logged into the system with his account and then controlled all the monitoring images. And the identity of this man was beyond everyone's expectation. It was Tom!

Ye Feng stared at the name on the screen and couldn't help crying out: "Damn it, I said how can't find this bastard. Is it that he took Avril away!"

Indeed, although the surveillance camera did not record the moment, many people from the shield bearer alliance patrolling in the hotel witnessed the scene that Tom took Avril away. After all, Tom was not low in the shield bearer alliance, so no one thought of stopping him, No one thought to ask why he left with such an important target. In this way, Tom took Avril away from the hotel and left the heavily protected safe place like a castle.

The final picture that can be found is that after the two people entered a car, the trace of the car can not be found. It may be that another car was changed to hide their whereabouts in a position that the camera can't capture. In short, Avril was taken away.

It took several hours to figure out what was going on. Audrey and Ye Feng blamed themselves, and Mary felt the most guilty. She didn't expect that there was such a person lurking so deep in her team. Although she only contacted him for less than a year, Mary thought she knew them better, But in fact, she knew nothing about the man's true identity. What he told Mary was a fabricated lie, and Mary didn't expose him for the first time, and then let him really get into the shield bearer alliance, and successfully took the important people away from everyone's eyes. This is undoubtedly the biggest setback and blow in Mary's career. She almost fell down. If Ye Feng didn't cheer her up with a tough attitude, maybe she really planned to quit.

"The whereabouts of this bastard Tom must be locked. Damn, I don't know his real name, and what I can be sure is that the name he told me is definitely not true! Damn, why didn't I see through his true face?"

"OK, now is not the time to blame yourself. Hurry to find me the location of this person. As long as you find him, you can find Avril. Now they have only left for a few hours. Maybe they haven't left the nearby airport yet. Don't you say you have found out the situation of the nearby airport?"

"No suspicious aircraft will take off from several nearby airports. I don't think so. Adlin has contacted the airport to at least lock those small private aircraft and can't leave, while those commercial aircraft will be thoroughly checked before leaving, so it's not very likely that those people will leave with Avril. And because we're not the only ones staring at the airport There are many people and organizations staring at the airport, so it's not easy to leave the airport. It's actually very difficult to take other measures. Now all forces are concentrated in this area. That's why even if the person has Avril in his hand, he can't transfer it out in time. That's for me We have no time. "

Ye Feng said positively, "we must find Avril's whereabouts within this period of time. If we can't, we'll all wait to die. At least I'm going to commit suicide by caesarean section and apologize for death. Damn it, why did this happen? Why Tom? Is it possible that there are other people with ulterior motives in our organization?"

Audrey had calmed down now, and she said coldly: "This kind of person has always existed, and you don't have to worry about it. However, since this kind of thing happened, we must worry about it. Maybe it was a mistake to involve so many people. And I was the biggest mistake. Tom didn't act before. Maybe it was because he was afraid that I was always by Avril's side The first time I let Avril out of my sight for more than ten minutes, and she had an accident immediately. Next time I want Avril back, I will definitely tie her to me. I don't believe others can take her away from me! "

"Let's talk about that later. Now we have to focus on how to lock them in. Damn it, Tom knows our behavior pattern. The previous early warning plans may not work at all."

Ye Feng smashed the wall: "this bastard really knows our roots. What should we do? If the dozens of schemes designed before can't be used, it's difficult for us to find a practical and effective plan that can avoid loopholes in a short time."

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