"Yes, what should I do?"

They were in trouble. After all, Tom was a participant in the design of those plans, many of which were even his ideas. At this time, because he deeply understood these plans, these plans became a piece of waste paper and couldn't work at all. He was well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these plans, Therefore, he can avoid or even completely eliminate other people's locking and tracking him to a certain extent. It is no exaggeration to say that this time was really put together by this person.

Under the eyes of Ye Feng and Audrey, he succeeded in taking Avril away. This has to show his superb means. He has such outstanding acting skills in his acting expenses. Why not act? Ye Feng doesn't understand. Is it really more exciting and promising to be an undercover than to be a movie emperor? Maybe it's really the difference in personal pursuit. In short, the situation has become so complex that no one thought of it.

When Ye Feng got up in the morning, he would think that today was another ordinary day, but it was a pity that this happened suddenly, which made this day not ordinary. He also left the hotel for a long time and began to pursue where Tom might go. Although Ye Feng can't do much in this regard, he still went out to find several areas that he thought could become a safe house and searched for Tom and Avril. In his opinion, although it is difficult to find the whereabouts of these two people, maybe the blind cat will also encounter dead mice. After all, the appearance of these two people is too conspicuous. One is tall and strong, the other is thin and small, and they are still a little girl, so the combination of these two people may attract the attention of passers-by, but the problem is, will Tom really let people see them? Ye Feng has some doubts about this. They may stand in the vehicle all the way, and the car may have a local license plate, and passers-by won't pay more attention to him at all.

In any case, the difficulties in front of everyone at the moment are undoubtedly much more difficult than they imagined. At the moment, perhaps only firm faith can turn corruption into magic and create miracles. Ye Feng is extremely anxious, but he also knows that he is in chaos and useless at the moment. He can only hope that Avril can stay safe during this period. He swears, If those people touch her a hair, he will kill them all.

While everyone was busy and didn't know how to deal with the situation, Ye Feng's mobile phone suddenly rang. He took out his mobile phone and found that there were numbers that could not be displayed on the screen, which surprised him. After all, there were not many people who knew his mobile phone number in the world. All those people's numbers were stored in his mobile phone address book, so he almost never received any harassing calls or text messages. In this regard, Gemma helped him build a firewall, It is impossible for an ordinary person to know his telephone number.

He was very surprised and hesitated for a second. Ye Feng immediately pressed the green call button: "Hello, who are you?"

The voice from the other party was very weak, almost like a whisper. Ye Feng didn't recognize the owner of the voice for the first time. He was stunned, and then he reacted that the voice was actually Avril's! He excitedly pressed the hands-free button and turned the volume of the call to the maximum.

"Avril, is that you? What's the matter with you? Are you safe now? Are you hurt?" Ye Feng spewed out many words like a machine gun, but there was no answer from the opposite side. It took a long time to slowly think of Avril's voice: "I'm fine now."

Her voice is still very weak. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all. Other people in the room were also excited. They gathered together in front of Ye Feng's mobile phone. A group of adults crowded around the mobile phone. Audrey was so excited that she couldn't speak. She calmed her emotions before she spoke. She asked Avril at the other end of the phone, "Avril, what's the situation? Are you still with Tom now?"

After a long time, the other party said, "yes. I'm with him, but he seems to have stopped to buy things. I seem to be locked in the trunk of the car, so I can't speak too loudly."

"What did you contact us with?" Ye Feng asked. "You should have nothing to communicate with us."

"Although the man took all the communication equipment in my hand, he didn't confiscate my headset. I simply modified my wireless headset. It can make it talk at a certain distance. However, if it is beyond this distance, we can't talk."

"Damn it. What should I do?" Ye Feng felt very nervous after hearing this. If so, maybe the communication between them and Avril would be broken in the next second. "Do you know where you are now?"

"I don't know, but this should be a gas station. Because there are a lot of cars coming and going, and people talking loudly about something. This should be a very busy place. That's all I can know. I woke up before. Tom seems to have knocked me out."

"Damn it, what happened?"

After Avril's story, people understood what happened. It turned out that less than a minute after Audrey went out to make a phone call, the door of the room was knocked. Avril looked out through the cat's eye. It was Tom's handsome face. Because of this time, Avril was not prepared for him. She opened the door directly. The moment she opened it, The smiling Tom suddenly showed his true face. He took out his handkerchief and put it directly on Avril's face. Avril lost consciousness. When she woke up again, she found that she was trapped in a narrow and dark space. It was hard around. She didn't shout or kick and beat in panic, but quietly shrank into a ball, I don't want Tom to know that she has recovered. She could feel that the car was driving fast. Because the road was not flat, there would be a bump from time to time. However, it seemed that after a short time, the car put it on a flat, oily road. The shaking of the car decreased a lot. After driving for less than ten minutes, it stopped. According to the noise around, Avril was sure that she should be in a gas station now.

"No, he seems to be back." Avril said, "I can't speak. Go on over there. I don't know when the call will break. In short, you must save me." after saying this, there was no sound from the opposite side, However, Ye Feng and they could vaguely hear the sound of some cars starting, the sound of engines and the sound of tires rolling over stones.

This made Ye Feng and them very anxious. They discussed with each other and couldn't think of a good idea. However, just when they felt difficult, Tom's voice suddenly came to mind at the other end of the phone. It seemed that Tom was talking to someone. Avril seemed to stick the headset as close as possible to the cockpit, so she could vaguely hear Tom's conversation.

"I'm already on my way to the delivery site. There's no danger and no one is following me. I've made many detours along the way to get rid of the tail behind me. Although I did some useless work, I'm sure no one paid attention to me. The idiots of the shield alliance should be too anxious to know what to do now. As for Other competitors can't master this secret. This time I was really lucky. I wanted to hide in the shield bearer Alliance for a long time to see if I could get any good tasks. I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon. You'd better give me all the remuneration agreed in the entrustment in cash and wait for me at the delivery place. If you play any tricks If so, don't blame me for fiddling with this little girl. You don't want to get an idiot. "

The man laughed and listened to his words. Ye Feng stamped his feet angrily, but he knew that even if he yelled at each other, there would be no improvement in the situation, so he controlled his emotions and continued to listen to any sound from the other end. At the same time, Mary has begun to take action. She is the calmest one among the people. According to the information currently available, she has begun to judge Tom's course of action. According to the information just fed back, she began to judge whether the gas stations passing from the city can correspond to what Avril said. Although she received little information, according to her efforts, she found the location of three suspicious gas stations.

She immediately cut into the video surveillance system of the three battles. Soon she locked one of the gas stations. About ten minutes ago, a black Jeep drove away. The man driving from the black jeep. In terms of body shape and behavior, it is very similar to Tom. Basically, it can be locked that the man wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses is Tom himself.

After locking this information, Mary sent an operation to track the black jeep, and Audrey went with the operation team. Ye Feng originally wanted to leave, but because of. Someone must keep communication with Avril to give him confidence, so the task is handed over to Ye Feng. He can only stay in the hotel and continue to communicate with Avril. Even if he can't talk to her, she may be able to persevere as long as Avril can hear Ye Feng's voice.

In this way, the action team left. About half an hour after they left, Avril's communication hung up. The arrival of this moment had long been expected by Ye Feng, but when the drop of communication hung up, Ye Feng felt helpless and despair sweeping towards him. He strongly felt that he was getting farther and farther away from Avril, and the little girl became lonely again, and no one could rely on. This almost broke Ye Feng's heart. He broke several vases to vent his anger. After venting, he gradually calmed down in his chair, and now everything is on track.

Because of Mary's cleverness, the man has revealed his flaws. Ye Feng believes that even if he left more than ten hours before them, the action team members of the shield bearer alliance can still catch him. Tom wasted too much time to make sure no one followed him, otherwise the ten hours would be enough for him to come to the delivery place and give Avril to his client.

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