It was his caution that gave Avril time and the opportunity for the action team members to catch up with him. Ye Feng believes that those people can complete the task. Although it is not clear how strong their strength is, with a group of trained shield bearer alliance agents and the furious Audrey, no one can retreat.

Thinking of these, Ye Feng's anger has gradually turned into cold hatred. He silently said in his heart: Tom, aren't you very good at acting? Come on, let's see if you can get out of the shell this time. Don't make women angry. And she's a great woman.

At the same time, Audrey sitting in the vehicle was fully armed. She put on her mask and only had her eyes exposed. She looked at the scenery passing by quickly outside the car. There was no other thoughts in her mind. Only one thought was to find the bastard, kill him and bring Avril back to her intact. Avril is like a sister or some older daughter to her. During this period of time, the two people have almost reached the level of never leaving. Mutual heart to heart has become an important existence in each other's life, and it is because of this that she feels extremely angry at herself, especially for Tom's bastard. She should protect the young girl from these hardships. This is the pain she has endured in her life. In her teenage life, she has lost too many relatives and friends. It is precisely because of such a girl that she is so mature and distressing. After that, she must not make the same mistake again. Audrey secretly vowed in her heart that after finding Avril this time, she would never put her in danger again.

The three cars were driving fast on the road. They followed Mary's real-time monitoring data through the satellite to track the black SUV driven by Tom. Because the car set out too long before them, and the distance of hundreds of kilometers was between the two sides, it might be very difficult to catch up with him before he delivered Avril, Since there is no shield bearer alliance ship deployed here, the pursuit becomes time-consuming. The two sides are engaged in a speed competition. Whether it is the bastard who gives Avril to his client first or Audrey who chases him first and then saves Avril, the two sides are fighting for speed.

As for Tom, he didn't know his identity and vehicle information had been exposed. He was driving slowly on the road. Perhaps for fear of attracting other people's attention or causing colleagues to dream of harassment, he will drive on the road for a period of time, get off the road and enter the dirt road. After a circle in the village, he will try to find a way out and return to the road. In this way, he walks and stops without any anxiety at all. If he drives straight to the delivery place, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Feng to catch up with him even if they know this information.

It is precisely because he is too confident and blindly believes that the task has been completed, and everything he has done before is seamless, that he is too worried that his peers will kill him halfway, leading to this situation. Sometimes it's not a good thing to be too cautious, especially when you have an advantage. It may make things clearer and simpler. But it was precisely because Tom made this mistake that he was overtaken by Audrey, who was full of new anger, a few hours later.

When Audrey and her team found Tom's jeep, what happened at present made their hearts sink. The car was not on the road, but in a deserted place about a kilometer away from the road. Although the jeep was the one Tom drove away, the body of the jeep was covered with bullet marks, and Tom's body fell on the cockpit. He lay on the steering wheel. There was no doubt that the whole person had been dead for a long time. One of the team members had experience in autopsy. After checking, he said to Audrey, "it's been more than two hours since he died. Damn, what should we do next?"

Audrey is the backbone of everyone, but even so, she doesn't know what she can do at the moment. The situation has become too strange. They did find Tom's whereabouts, but Tom had become a corpse, and Avril was not found in the jeep. Audrey was relieved that there were no bullet marks and blood in the trunk of the whole jeep. She found her hair in the trunk of the car. Judging from the hair color, it should be Avril's, which proves that Avril should still be alive. At least not affected by the gun battle.

Although they were at a loss and didn't know what to do in the future, they began to investigate the scene under the command of Audrey. A group of professionals acted very efficiently. In less than a quarter of an hour, they had roughly restored the whole process of the attack. It seemed that there was a car that had been tracking Tom's black jeep. The two cars chased each other, and then drove here from the road. Later, due to the large number of each other, they were suppressed by fire. Forcing Tom to stop the car, Tom may have been killed in the process of counterattack. As for the origin of Cheng Yaojin, who was killed on the way, they have taken Avril to where at the moment. It is difficult to see from the traces on the scene. Although it can roughly judge the escape direction of the car along the ruts, Audrey and her team can no longer find the ruts after they came to another highway. So far, they lost Avril's whereabouts again.

When Ye Feng heard the news, he couldn't sit still. He drove to go with Audrey and them. Mary, they stayed in the hotel to provide backup for them. Edlin has received the news. She is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but she can't contact Kobi. Kobi has lost the news for half a month. Although Edlin is not very worried about her safety, she hasn't contacted the headquarters for such a long time, which is really some accident.

Even so, Adeline knows that what she needs to worry about now is Avril's safety. She didn't send more people to Ye Feng. After all, they have enough people. It's just a drop in the bucket to go to some irrelevant personnel. Now the most important thing is to lock Avril's position.

In fact, there is a very simple way to lock Avril's position. That is to let Ye Feng hang around with his mobile phone. If you are lucky, you may be able to get in touch with Avril. After all, the communication range of the little thing she made is limited, But no one knows where Avril is at the moment. Maybe the blind cat meets the dead mouse. At the right time, Ye Feng and they may arrive within the communication range.

And according to the nearby road map and the distribution of the city, we can roughly judge where the people who robbed Avril might go. Mary did it quickly. A total of three cities may be their hiding places. All three cities are large-scale local population gathering areas. Convenient for hiding.

Ye Feng immediately rushed to the three possible areas. He drove around city by city. I hope I can hear Avril's voice and hear my mobile phone ring. It's just too slim. It's just looking for a needle in a haystack. Even so, Ye Feng has no choice but to drive around the city.

When everyone was exhausted, they parked in a motel. Although reason wanted them to keep busy, their bodies had turned on the red light. If they didn't want to collapse before finding Avril, they had to rest and eat something.

Audrey showed great self-control at the moment. She ate and drank almost as soon as she arrived at the hotel, filled her stomach and went to sleep directly in the armchair. Ye Feng couldn't eat or sleep because of too many distractions. He admired Audrey's tenacious ability to control her body by relying on her will. In this regard, His self-control has always been relatively poor.

Looking at the phone in his hand, he prayed all the time. The phone remembered that he could hear Avril's voice again, but at the moment, his prayer didn't respond. He just sat there blankly and fell asleep before he knew it.

At the same time, Avril has been taken to a room, which has no windows and is completely cement, like a blank room without decoration. Although the kidnapper behaved rudely, he didn't hurt her. After arriving at the place, he took off the blindfold on her head, and then she was shut into the room. There is a small window on the iron door. It was from this window that the group handed her the food, which was still a rich steak, a potato salad and a cup of tea. Although she is not in the mood to eat, Avril knows that she must keep healthy and clear consciousness. Otherwise, she simply has no ability to deal with these people. She must buy time for Ye Feng and their rescue. Even if she is alone, Avril still doesn't give in. She has experienced this situation more than once, Those painful experiences before not only honed her will, but also gave her a heart that can keep her mind in extreme situations.

She said a few words to herself from time to time to improve her self-confidence. As long as we stick to it, we will be able to meet them again. What makes Avril a little strange is that those people didn't bother her after they locked her in the room, and no one even came to ask her questions. She thought she would experience some torture after she was caught, and then they forced her to write the formula of the material by various means. She has prepared for this. Although she is very afraid, she has been using various reasons to make herself not give in to this fear, but this has not happened, which makes her a little relieved. Maybe these people are not a group of cruel people. Avril murmured in her heart that, in fact, the people who kidnapped her were not vicious lunatics. At least they didn't plan to do anything to Avril.

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