They belong to a huge multinational company. The company operates all sophisticated new products with rich profits, but the R & D expenses are also amazing. In order to maintain a balance of payments and control profits, the company often kidnaps top researchers of competitors, so they are almost familiar with kidnapping Avril.

Although Avril was protected layer by layer after entering the hotel, which made it difficult for them to take action, when Avril was taken out of the hotel by Tom, they immediately locked Tom's vehicle and followed him all the time. Until they came to a certain safe operation place, they exposed their tusks and made a devastating blow to Tom. After killing the man, they took away the panicked Avril directly. There was no sloppy move in the whole process, but they became professional at one go.

They haven't been eyeing Avril for a year or two. After Avril's first paper was published, her name had been entered into the company's database and became a researcher for their potential robbery. However, Avril was not moved by various means. Then they started Plan B, which directly controlled Avril through tough means.

Because they have had a lot of experience before, it is very clear that some people's temper, you can't force them to do anything, otherwise their creativity will disappear. For this company, hurting these researchers is not the purpose, and it's not their idea to force them to lay golden eggs. They want a long stream, Maintain the independent development ability of these researchers and ensure their creativity as much as possible, so as to ensure that more emerging technologies can be successfully developed. Therefore, they will not treat such forcibly robbed researchers in a very rough way, but vary from person to person.

Some people may use intimidation, while others are coercion and inducement. For a little girl like Avril, all they do is lock her up, calm her down, and then persuade her slowly and step by step. They have also handled teenage gifted researchers before, so they are not inexperienced in this field.

And this is one of the safe houses built in this area. The relevant facilities and conditions are not perfect. Now the wisest way is to stay quiet for a period of time. After the limelight passes, the forces of all parties move away from here. They are trying to transfer Avril from here and back to their base. They are no different from other people or organizations. They are completely chasing interests, but their means are more clever than simple and rough.

Avril sat on the cold marching bed with some helplessness. She often thinks about whether those natural talents are gifts or a curse. At least for her, the curse may be more important.

Ye Feng, they have been anxious like a fire, but they can't take favorable actions. At least for now, they can't lock where those people took Avril. According to the pictures sent by the satellite photos, it can be clearly seen that the car indeed drove towards Mary to find a city, but when passing through a forest on the way, it could not find the car again. At the same time, several cars appeared from the forest and drove in different directions. These cars obviously covered for the car, Avril may buy another car.

So for Ye Feng, they completely lost Avril's possible location. Although operational personnel were sent in the direction of each vehicle. But who knows if the other party has only carried out such an action once? Perhaps after arriving at another place, Avril will be taken into another car. If she disperses or hides in this way, it is almost impossible to find his trace. Everything can only be said that now it is the most difficult to control and predict.

The situation was so complicated that no one thought of it. Ye Feng thought she could get Avril back when she found Tom. Unexpectedly, Tom didn't live until they met again. Ye Feng hates that the root of his teeth stops itching. He can't take revenge on this damn bastard, but even so, he buried Tom's body. There's no need to be too serious about a dead man.

Crazy hunting learned at the first time that the target character had been controlled by others. It was not difficult to learn this news. After all, various organizations penetrated into each other. You have me and I have you. Therefore, after Avril was controlled, crazy learned this information almost less than an hour later. After learning this information, he felt very angry. On the one hand, he fell into others, on the other hand, he felt that things had become a little tricky.

Although it is very difficult to kidnap Avril, now that he has received the news, it means that other organizations or people have also received the news. Maybe those people had Avril in their hands before he did it. Once the character has been tossed and turned several times, it is very difficult to lock the final exact position. So how to get all this back on track and no longer out of his control is something that fierce must solve now.

Fortunately, because the client knew more about the organization controlling Avril, and the client also sent him accurate information about difficult organization at the first time, although these information was valuable. But for crazy hunting, this means that he can have a lot of convenience if he takes action.

In fact, he is now driving to the organization's safe house. According to the intelligence, the safe house is in the city, and there happen to be fierce people in the city. They have collected the necessary information, but now they only need to explore the location and negotiate, if possible. He will leave with the target character. As for how many bodies he will leave after he leaves, crazy hunting doesn't care. Now he can't wait to kill a few of those people, so that he can vent his anger a little.

There is a pile of weapons in his vehicle. Most of these weapons are brought by himself. He is not used to using other people's things. He was a loner for a long time. Living alone, he will never live in the same place for too long.

He was a passer-by at every place. These are all his painful lessons, telling him the truth of life. In this business, we should be prepared to guard against others all the time. This business makes money quickly, but also because of interests, all kinds of disputes and hatred, it will come to us at any time. In order to avoid being dragged down by these things, fury is in a state of mental tension all the time.

He knows that life is only once. As long as there is a little negligence, he may no longer belong to himself, but lose to death. Others are completely untrustworthy. Even if this person has saved your life and you have great trust in him, he will still abandon you at the critical moment, and this is the conclusion drawn by rage.

Over the years, he kept a distance from anyone all the time. No one could come near him because he had been deeply hurt. Now he has nightmares from time to time, watching the fading lifeboat, but he is surrounded by a large group of enemies on his bed. It's almost impossible to escape from it. If he didn't fall into the sea, he miraculously escaped the bullets shot at him like rain. Although he hit several shots, he didn't lose his life. All this can only be regarded as his good luck. He didn't know how he survived from the sea at all. In retrospect, he seemed to be rescued by a passing fishing boat after drifting on the sea for a few days and nights. He was unconscious for seven days, and almost all the crew had to give him up. But he was stunned to hold his breath and was not taken away by death.

It took nearly a year to recover from this serious injury. But when he went to find the man for revenge, he found that the man had completely disappeared, as if he had never existed in this world. He hunted wildly for several years, but finally got nothing, which made him desperate. A fever that completely loses the idea of survival. For a long time, he was drunk and dreamed of death. What pulled him out of this chaotic state of life was hatred and poverty.

For a long time without restraint. The cost consumed all his savings. Forced by his vitality, he had to start training again. He prayed to be able to return to his old profession. After some hard and unparalleled efforts, he finally recovered his ability in the past and could support himself again. In this way, he gradually honed his skills in various tasks. Even stronger than the peak.

The hatred of that person seems so ridiculous now, but at least for the rage of that year, the only meaning of living is to find that person and let him pay the price. Betraying someone he trusted was the most painful blow he had ever suffered in his fierce life, which made him lose several years of his life. When I got up again, I suddenly looked back. Crazy hunting thinks he used to look ridiculous, but in any case, the bastard who caused the sad and poor man must pay a price for it. Even if the time has passed for so long, maybe the man has died in the past in the hands of someone or in a corner, but the fierce hatred for him is like yesterday, and there is no change.

This hatred supported him in honing his skills. It's hard to say that as an ordinary man, his physical condition is not outstanding. Although he feels extremely sharp, it can't bring him intuitive help in battle. Many times, he relies on the exquisite technology obtained by hard training, coupled with his feeling as an assistant, so that he can survive one vicious battle after another, He rarely undertakes those tasks that are too challenging. On the one hand, it is also because he clearly knows his deep shortcomings. At the same time, he also wants to avoid dying. He has not revenge on the man. He doesn't want to leave the world too early.

From the moment I stepped into the killer industry. He knew that he could not die on his bed or at home like a normal person. It would be a good ending if he could die in the house.

It is almost a dream for a killer to avoid being killed by his enemies before retirement. Few people can die miserably in some tasks that most people are performing. You can't expect yourself to survive an ordeal. After all, for anyone, you stare at the abyss, and the abyss is staring at you.

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