Everyone knows that being too close to killing will lead to your death. When he was very young, he might have delusions about it. Delusion that he may be able to escape the fate of a killer, not only among other killers, but in fact, with the deepening of experience, he knows that this day will eventually come, but he hopes that before this day comes, he can find the bastard. Watched him die. All this is the ultimate driving force for him to persevere and move forward.

For him, life has no merit, just live simply, but live must need a goal. And the goal is to find that man and kill him. Maybe after this, he will consider hiding his name and withdraw from the Jianghu, but crazy hunting knows that once he has such an idea, it is not far from his death. A killer can never imagine what his life will be like when he no longer becomes a killer, otherwise, in the process of performing the task, In the face of life and death, we will hesitate, and hesitation will defeat. The price of defeat is to pay life.

After driving to the safe house. The wild hunting didn't attract anyone's attention. After all, he parked his car at the end of the street. After getting out of the car, he took cover of the night. Crawling on the cold sidewalk. He didn't know whether someone was watching the people's every move in the street in the dark, but he was sure that the other party would not make such a low-level mistake, so he hunted wildly and crept forward slowly with the help of the shadow cast by the side of the building.

He will not make any sound, nor will anyone notice him from the dark shadow. He is shrouded in black action. Under the cover of the shadow, he is like a gecko fully integrated into the darkness, moving quietly on the ground. This action is slow and extremely laborious. If it is not for his strong waist and abdomen, Even so, when he climbed to the door of the house, he still felt that the whole person was about to lose his strength.

After a quiet rest in the dark for nearly a quarter of an hour, I fiercely noticed that there were shadows behind at least three windows in the two nearby buildings, that is, people in the safe house were probably observing behind those three windows. However, he has been here, so there is nothing to worry about. He is waiting for an opportunity. He asked a taxi driver to drive slowly through the street in advance. At this time, we have reached the agreed place. The taxi driver didn't break his promise. After all, his family were under the control of fury. If he didn't do what he said, he might never be able to reunite with them again. In short, the driver told him with fury that he was driving on this quiet street. When the car entered the right position, The crash immediately rolled from the shadow to the bottom of a black car parked on the roadside.

At this position, he can observe the directions on both sides, and the vehicle is determined to be the vehicle of the group after prior investigation, that is, if they want to transfer the target character according to the plan tomorrow, the target character will be transferred tomorrow. It should be put into the car early in the morning and drive to the nearest private airport. In fact, it's not tomorrow, but today. It's two o'clock in the morning, less than two hours from four o'clock when their operation began. As for how to get the information, fury doesn't care about him. He just wants to ensure that the information is used correctly. As long as the information is correct, he has enough confidence to get the target character.

When he rolled to the bottom of the car, the body of the taxi was covered, so it was not recorded in the eyes of those who were observing the street. In fact, those people didn't stare at the street all the time as they imagined. The street was extremely quiet. After a busy day, they were a little tired, So they didn't concentrate on watching every move on the street, but even if they did, they couldn't find a violent figure.

Crazy hunting stayed under the chassis of the car and waited patiently. Time passed. During this period, he entered a state of concentration. On the one hand, he restored his physical strength and on the other hand, he focused on influencing, so as to ensure the peace of mind. When it was more than three o'clock and nearly four o'clock, the sky had turned white. The noise from the house. Crazy hunting, the whole person immediately became nervous. He waited for the moment when the door was opened. The moment came. The door was pushed open, and the party was surrounded by a small figure, like this black car. The series of footsteps didn't sound messy, but full of rhythm.

A man trotted past the front of the car to the side of the cockpit. He opened the door and sat in. Just when he saw the little foot standing in front of the opened door, fury suddenly appeared from under the car. In front of the shocked people, he directly took out guns and shot several people in the head. Then he grabbed the target's hand and dragged her into the car, closed the door, fury said to the driver who had started the car. At the moment, he said he didn't want to die, Just drive out of here at once. The driver hesitated for only a second, immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away towards the end of the street.

All this happened between lightning and flint. Those people didn't react at all. They had captured Avril, hijacked the car and ran away without a trace. In fact, after turning the corner and driving only one street ahead, the frenzy immediately shot and killed the driver. Control the vehicle, park the car on the roadside, drag the stunned Avril out of the car, and then immediately walk like an alley. There is a motorcycle parked in the alley. He can't help picking up Avril, put it on the motorcycle seat, and then ride the motorcycle to the far away. He has set the escape route in advance, He knew how to use the motorcycle to avoid pursuers and surveillance cameras in the streets of the city, as he planned. The plan was simple, powerful and perfect. He came to another car parked on the roadside, threw the motorcycle and directly took Avril into the car. After the car, they changed their transportation tools three times before leaving the city.

During the whole process, fury didn't say anything to Avril. Although Avril showed some resistance, she didn't do anything to provoke fury. The little girl knew that this man was a real killer. She had seen the cold breath on his body in Ye Feng's friends, and it was only revealed occasionally when they studied serious things, which showed that this man must not be enough to provoke him and annoy him, otherwise, he would suffer.

Crazy hunting has no time to worry about whether the character's target is obedient. Now all his attention is getting rid of the possible pursuit. Although he has left the scope of the city, he knows that the organization's hand is far away. Maybe he has found his trace and is chasing him. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, even if he has controlled the target person, he has not made any report like his client, and the frenzy has realized that the client's value is immeasurable. Maybe some people are willing to buy it from him at a higher price. In short, fury didn't contact anyone, but took the target character on a flight.

Two hours after the incident, Ye Feng got the news. Because Mary had been monitoring the major events and minor events in nearby cities, the kidnapping in broad daylight on the street soon fell into his sight. A person living nearby happened to take a picture with a mobile phone. After face recognition and comparison, Soon Mary identified the information and identified it, and then informed the people of the action team. At this time, Ye Feng has joined Audrey. They had been looking for each city separately before. After determining the city where Avril was kidnapped, they immediately rushed to the city. Although they were sure they were late, at least some traces left could be found. It will help them in their current search and rescue operations.

After coming to the city, they conducted an urgent investigation, but it is regrettable that whether it is the identity of the person Avril was hijacked or the identity of the group who prompted him to be robbed later. It can't be found out in a short time, and most importantly, there is still no clue where Avril is at the moment. But at least one thing is certain that Avril should still be in this area, maybe not in this city, but still in this area.

With regard to her actions and disputes, it is unclear whether she has been handed over to the client or is still in the process of being kidnapped. However, during the search of the house, it was suddenly found that the building was empty, leaving almost no trace, but Huangliang was found under the iron bed in an obviously transformed basement. A few slightly blurred English letters and numbers. Avril should have stayed.

After sending these numbers and letters to Mary, she immediately recognized them. This should be the identification code of Avril's headset that can communicate. In other words, if you always send a communication request like this code, you can communicate with Avril as long as it is within the communication range.

This discovery made Ye Feng ecstatic. Previously, he could only passively receive communication requests from Avril, but now he can continuously make communication requests to Avril. In this way, as long as Avril appears within the communication range, they can get in touch with her,

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