In this way, Ye Feng does not need to run around with his mobile phone, because several people can make continuous communication requests for this signal in several cities and different regions. In this way, as long as a place is connected, you can immediately lock Avril's general orientation. In this way, if you carry out research action, you won't take chances everywhere like headless flies as before.

Although she didn't find Avril's whereabouts, it was at least a breakthrough, which made Ye Feng have some confidence to bring Avril back intact. Audrey was also relieved. Her nerves were tense all the time. When she learned that Avril had fallen into the hands of others again, which was the third time she had been kidnapped, Audrey's spirit was about to collapse. Who knows if the little girl will be hurt when you get in touch with these bastards? However, from the picture of the last time she was hijacked, at least Avril should not be seriously injured. She looks in good condition. Although she is a little thin, it may be caused by the fatigue of these days.

As for the black man who took her away. Ye Feng judged from his body shape that this person is likely to be fierce. Although he did not know where this judgment came from, after all, he had not seen this person for many years, but Ye Feng's unreliable intuition told him again and again that this person was crazy hunting.

Ye Feng also felt that the fierce man, the lone wolf, might really be able to do these things. There is no doubt that he acted alone, but destroyed the transfer plan of a group of people. This is not an easy thing to do. Although he doesn't want to admit it, Ye Feng has to say that this bastard seems to have made great progress after many years of absence. At least from his point of view, he is definitely a professional. At the thought of Avril falling into the man's hands, Huang Liang felt suffocated.

Wild hunting took Avril to a safe house he had prepared in advance. Wild hunting relaxed. He knew that no one could find the room. So bring this girl here and hide for at least the next few days.

This house is the house of a couple who are traveling. They won't come back until a month later, and it's this that makes crazy like this house. The two-story building is on a remote street and there are few people. At this time, it is at home. Because the car is also the couple's car, it won't attract people's attention. After entering the house. Crazy hunting took Avril to a bedroom on the second floor. The environment in the bedroom was quite good and there were all kinds of facilities. However, after his prior transformation, Avril could never escape from this room. After giving Avril up this environment. Crazy hunting said nothing to her, just closed the door and left. For him, the little girl was just a medium for money. He had nothing to know. In fact, if he knew that the bodyguard next to Avril was Ye Feng, he would have a lot of words to learn from the little girl's mouth in the water, but he couldn't know it, and Avril couldn't tell him the real identity of Ye Feng, although both sides thought of the same person. But there was no communication between the two.

Avril stayed quietly in the room. The room was much better than the basement she had stayed in before, so he had gradually relaxed at this time. Although she was hijacked by this man for several hours, Avril was never hurt by this man's actions during this period. It seems that this person has no interest in her, which makes Avril barely panic. Although the man's face is cold, he doesn't seem to be a pervert. For Avril, this is particularly important now. She really doesn't want to bear any big blow.

Although the current situation is still very urgent, at least for now, he should not be in any danger. This man should not do anything too much to her. In fact, it is true. After frantic left, he went to the downstairs kitchen and simply made some food. Although his food is not delicious, he can at least fill his stomach. After handing the food to Avril, frantic left silently. He has a lot of things to do now, such as making smooth contact with various individuals or organizations to see how much they will pay for the girl, but now he has betrayed his former client, so he must ensure the safety of his identity when making contact, Otherwise, he may be besieged, intercepted and hunted by various forces. At the same time, he must ensure that his peers do not find their real position. Otherwise, the girl may not stay in his hands for long and become something in the bag of others.

Although he can get a huge sum of money if he directly gives the girl to the client, for the greedy maniac, only such a sum of money can never satisfy his appetite. At the beginning, he planned to do so.

When he took over the entrustment, crazy hunting had his own idea. When he learned that this matter had become so important, various forces participated in the siege and interception of the girl. Crazy immediately determined this idea, that is, after finding the girl, he was directly for sale.

If he can get a lot of money this time, he doesn't need to worry about money for a long time. Although he makes a lot of money, he also spends a lot of money. He is the kind of person who will never let it spend the night in his pocket. Such a character makes him spend money like dirt. If it were not for this way of life, perhaps he would have devoted himself to looking for the enemy, but at this time, he had already fallen into the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, as long as he could get more money, he would take risks to fight. And he also realized that the price of the girl was definitely more than the money the client promised him to pay, so after successfully getting the client. Crazy hunting had already had another plan in mind. In fact, his robbery plan didn't tell anyone. Even his client didn't know about the plan. He found it all by himself. He was not surprised at all. At this moment, many people had known that Avril had been kidnapped by him. However, because he had made a full disguise, no one should realize that he was the one who kidnapped the girl so quickly. Therefore, for the fierce, it was his most critical time in these days. He was ahead of everyone, If we can find a price that can impress him and sell the girl, for the frenzy, he can get out of this matter. For the client, he can prevaricate by failing to complete this task. The big deal is to double the commission fee paid to him in advance, This is an easy thing for the maniac who has achieved great benefits.

At the same time, due to the means to communicate with Avril, the people of the shield bearer alliance are in constant contact in various cities, hoping to lock Avril's position, but this kind of thing depends on luck, even if similar communication requests are made in most cities, But no one can say whether we can contact Abel within the scope. Simply, there are enough people in the shield alliance in this area. These people are scattered in various cities and can even control several blocks alone. In this way, we can immediately increase the probability of finding Avril.

For Ye Feng, what he needs to do at this time is to wait patiently to see if there is a turn for the better. However, although the process is long and arduous, Ye Feng is actually full of hope. He knows the character of the fierce man, and he will never do anything too much about this goal. For him, work is work. He is not a pervert. His character is very cold. Therefore, if Avril falls into his hands, Ye Feng can at least feel at ease. Although it is not clear whether his character has changed greatly after so many years, it is easy to change. Ye Feng still hopes that, like the shy and introverted boy, he will not make any special moves to Al, otherwise, even if he catches up with the ends of the earth, Ye Feng will kill him.

If ye Feng knew that fury was the one who wanted to kill the ends of the earth at most, he didn't know how he would feel in his heart.

Because the action plan is very effective, and there are many and efficient personnel to take action in all aspects, Avril's approximate position has been locked after only one night. Although Avril has not contacted the person who made the communication request to him, she can still lock Avril's approximate position according to the communication frequency band, which is not particularly accurate, But at least it's within four blocks.

There was a hiding place for Avril in this area. After learning the news, Ye Feng was very excited. He immediately came here with Audrey. Two people with ten action team members, a total of 12 people sat in two jeeps to take action on this matter.

Although Avril is within the scope of these four streets, what makes Ye Feng feel troublesome is that there are many residents in these four streets, and each house may be the room where Avril is hiding. Once they don't lock the room for the first time, it will make things too difficult.

Ye Feng believes that fury will never give him a second or third chance. Once they scare the snake, the fury will disappear with Avril at the first time. Ye Feng believes that fury must have prepared several evacuation plans. He knows this person's character. They will make a complete plan before action, so although they know that Avril is in a room in one of the four streets, they can never make things go wrong again and again, otherwise, all this will become endless.

For this, Audrey came up with a stupid way, that is to immediately check the surveillance videos in recent days one by one, and maybe find the figure of suspicious people in the videos, but Ye Feng knows very well that this is looking for a needle in a haystack. If they want to make any breakthrough in a short time, they really have to rely on luck. The situation in front of them is too difficult, and they have no chance to make mistakes.

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