One of the streets here is full of houses with their own garage. Residents living there can drive the car to the garage, and then directly enter the room through the garage and the door of the house. There is no need to expose the whole process to the street. In this way, the camera becomes a decoration and makes no sense at all.

At least in this way, some options can be listed, and perhaps the scope can be narrowed down. Forced by helplessness, people can only take action in these two cars, and everyone is assigned some videos for repeated viewing.

According to the exclusion method, they quickly locked several rooms that were likely to be Avril's detention, but even so, they didn't dare to be too abrupt. Once the other party feels too difficult, who knows what the other party will do. Moreover, according to Ye Feng's wildest hunting knowledge, that person usually has several backup schemes when he acts, one of which must exist, that is, when the situation is out of control, try his best to defeat the other party. If you can't beat, you must make no progress to the other party, that is, once an unexpected situation occurs, the other party will start the destruction program. In this way, maybe Ye Feng and they can't meet Avril intact again.

To some extent, crazy hunting is an extremely crazy person. Although his character is very introverted, once he becomes crazy, almost no one can stop him. Therefore, what is put in front of everyone is that Avril's safety must be considered when dealing with things well.

How to rescue her intact is the ultimate goal of all these actions, and nothing else can stop them from pursuing this goal. It's no exaggeration to say that even if it's only one finger away from Avril, Ye Feng will never act rashly if he can't ensure that it can return to him unharmed. At this time, his anxious bad problems have not been revealed. On the contrary, he is even more patient than Audrey at the moment, He knows that this is definitely not the time to be impulsive. The task now is not to annihilate, but to protect the safety of an innocent little girl.

After talking about this idea and action goal, Ye Feng repeatedly stressed that he cares about one thing regardless of others, that is, Avril must be intact. He doesn't care whether the rescue operation is successful or not. If someone dares to make some special actions for rescue, Ye Feng will jump out first.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, all action team members also know that the current task is very arduous. What's more, there is no specific lock on which house Avril was kidnapped, so everyone threw themselves into their busy work again. At the same time, the sixth sense of crazy hunting sitting in the house suddenly warned him.

This feeling is so strange that it's hard for crazy hunting to tell others how it feels when it comes. It's like you suddenly get some knowledge that doesn't belong to you. You will feel that things will turn like this. Although this kind of turning often makes crazy hunting feel a little at a loss, the facts have proved that, Almost most of the situation has developed towards the turning point he expected, so for him, as long as this feeling occurs, we must pay attention to it.

Without any hesitation, he stood up and walked upstairs. He kicked open the door of the room. He saw the little girl lying on the bed resting. He saw him come in with a panic on his face. Crazy hunting threw her off the bed to the ground. He just said coldly, put on your shoes and keep quiet, otherwise it will make you look good. After saying this, he grabbed Avril's hand and went straight out of the room.

Avril showed great obedience with theout any resistance. He silently followed after crazy hunting. They walked down stairs with the their front and rear feet and walked towards garage. The hunters had already prepared everything, and he had already set out how to escape from it. In fact, the car in the garage had a brake driving system, so he could use the car to cover himself, watch the vehicle, start the automatic driving system, and control the vehicle through mobile phone.

Let the garage door open and the car went out without anyone. Because it is late at this time, if you don't look carefully at the night goggles, you will never find that there is no driver in the car. Watch the car drive up the street and slowly drive to the end of the street. Crazy hunting completely handed over the driving situation of the vehicle to the intelligent AI for control. He took Avril quietly out of the garage door and went to the back of the garage.

This kind of house was blocked by a wall. After climbing over the wall, the crazy Hunter held Avril's hand tightly. The two people shuttled back and forth in the intricate streets and alleys. After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour, they finally came to a place about 500 meters away from the house they had hidden before. They found a bicycle in an insignificant alley, The bike looks a little old and shabby, but it was put here before hunting. Although it looks ugly, this bike has been modified. It can ride very fast and save labor.

After the wild hunting tied the little girl in handcuffs, it was mentioned that the bike was driving on the street under the cover of night. Because it was clear which route in this area could completely avoid the prying eyes of others, the seemingly careless wild hunting actually moved forward in strict accordance with the law of camera shooting, He tried not to let anyone take pictures of himself or the little girl behind him. This is absolutely necessary. After all, no one knows who will take the videos taken by these cameras.

At the same time, Ye Feng and others are still in the dark, watching the car go from the garage. After that, they have locked the house and the room where Avril may be imprisoned. Then they realize that it may be crazy hunting driving out to supply. This is a great opportunity to rush into the house and check it.

Ye Feng hesitated and finally decided to let the action team members take action. He and Audrey stayed in the vehicle and watched them move. After all, if the wild hunting had left, they didn't have to do it. Once the crazy Hunter finds something unusual and drives back, it's time for him and Audrey to fight. They will buy time for the team members who are searching for Avril's whereabouts in the house.

But to their great shock, the action team members just approached the house. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the house, with flames splashing everywhere. Wally splashed into the street. Ye Feng stared at the terrible scene. The splashing debris splashed on the car they were in. Because the car had the ability of explosion-proof, he, Audrey and two action team members sitting in the car were unscathed, just staring at all the terrible things. Ye Feng didn't recover until the alarm sounded around. Audrey asked the driver to start the car and leave here immediately. They left the noisy street in a trance.

There is no doubt that the members of the operation close to the house have left them forever. This is the first time that casualties occurred during the search for Avril, which once again awakened Ye Feng and reminded them that they must not have the slightest fluke.

This is a hard and cruel battle. It is not ordinary people who play the game with them, but a bloodthirsty demon. The other party will kill people and start without any hesitation. As long as they relax a little, the other party will seize the opportunity to resist. It was not until he had driven away from the area for a long time that Ye Feng finally recovered his ability to speak. The first sentence he said was: "Avril should not be in that house. In the car that drove away, either Avril's figure or it was a bait."

Audrey looked pale, but nodded: "I don't think there is much possibility of Avril in that car, but the possibility of bait is greater. Now we have lost Avril's position again. However, as long as we continue to follow the previous ideas, we may still be able to find her position. Now we can only pray that the person who kidnapped Avril doesn't find the secret in Avril's earphone, otherwise, once he destroys the earphone With two headphones, we may no longer be able to accurately lock to Avril two. "

Their worry did not come true. Although crazy hunting wondered why the exact location of himself and the little girl was locked by someone so bad, he knew how many people and organizations were trying to find the girl's whereabouts, so he didn't find it difficult to understand if this happened.

Those people can always find their whereabouts. It's just a matter of time. He has already learned this, but this time it seems that he is unlucky and a similar situation happened too early. Although crazy hunting feels a little puzzled, he continues to ride this bike and aimlessly look for a seemingly suitable safe house in the city.

In fact, he also has his consideration in doing so, because if he goes completely according to the plan, those who are familiar with his law of action will also predict his next action through this law. At this time, adding a little randomness is not a bad thing for him. If he and the little girl want to hide, the goal is not big, they just need to be quiet Staying in an unknown corner may be able to avoid it. Once he has a chance to breathe, he can wait for a price to think about how to make the next move, and then walk away. For him, this kind of thing is very important and must be paid the greatest attention.

After changing the means of transportation several times and hunting wildly, she left the city with Avril. She searched the next destination on the vehicle map aimlessly. At this time, Avril dared to ask him in the co driver's seat, "where are we going next?"

"I don't know, little girl." the wild Hunter didn't even look at her.

"Can't you let me go?"

Crazy Hunter turned his head and looked at her: "what you said is too childish. Don't you all say that you are a gifted researcher with high IQ? How can you say such a ridiculous thing."

"I can give you as much money as you want."

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