Avril looked straight into the wild hunting eyes. In fact, after this period of observation, she came to a conclusion that the man didn't care about her value at all. He just regarded himself as a hostage who could exchange for huge amounts of money. If the man just wanted money, it was very simple. She had money and she could redeem herself. Ye Feng is even richer. No matter how much money the man wants to give him, as long as he can safely return to his friends. Avril can afford the money.

Crazy hunting reduced the speed of the car and drove slowly on the road: "do you have money?"

"Of course, I am very rich," said Avril anxiously. "I make some investments myself, and my friends are very rich. There is absolutely no problem to pay the amount you put forward, as long as you can give me to my friends."

It's not that crazy hunting has not met people who want to exchange their own money for safety before. He has met this situation many times, but the little girl in front of him is a little different from those he has met before. The little girl is more calm and honest than them. There is no light of deception and confusion in her crystal clear eyes, In other words, what the little girl is saying now is likely to be believable.

Crazy Hunter thought for a moment and said to Avril, "it's not impossible. Anyway, I just want money. Can your friend really take out enough money to redeem you?"

As soon as Avril heard that the other party seemed to really have this intention, she nodded happily: "Of course, as long as you can keep your promise and exchange me safely with my friends, they will willingly pay you money, and I promise they will never trouble you, and all the money transaction processes are under your control. It is absolutely no problem for them to do whatever you say."

Crazy Hunter thought about it and thought that what the little girl said was really tempting. If he handed the little girl over to those organizations or individuals, how to hand it over and how to ensure that he would not be troubled later is really a headache for him. Although this girl means high value, at the same time, it also means that her troubles are related to her Jane It's directly proportional to your level, so it may not be an easy thing if you want to retreat.

But if you can put the girl back to his family, it may be the best way to deal with it. His purpose is different from those of others. Those people want the girl itself, but he only wants money. Therefore, it seems that it should be the most cost-effective to make a deal with the girl's family. She can open her mouth and the other party will never win After all, what the girl's family cares about most is not whether he is a talented researcher, but whether the girl has been hurt and can return to her side safely.

Crazy hunting thought about it and decided to take this step and try it. Anyway, there was no loss for him. The problem was how to get in touch with the girl's friends. The girl must not have a direct dialogue with those people, but the other party wouldn't believe it if she didn't come up with some practical evidence, so crazy hunting thought about it and decided to let Avril say Make a speech that only she and his friend know, and then he will play it to him in the process of contacting this friend. In this way, he can prove that Avril is indeed in his hand, and the other party will negotiate with him very seriously

After hunting said her plan, Avril cooperated very much and immediately told the recording pen of crazy hunting what only she and Ye Feng knew. Because her heart was full of vigilance, she didn't mention Ye Feng's name in this language, but called him by her brother. Although he used to call Ye Feng uncle.

In short, after recording this voice, crazy hunting found a public telephone booth on the side of the road, put in some coins, and then called Ye Feng with the telephone number Avril told him. It was unexpected for the two people who hadn't met for more than ten years to renew their conversation in this way. Because the two sides carried out through the telephone line Communication, and the receiver of the dilapidated public telephone booth found by crazy hunting seems to have some problems, and the sound is very distorted. Therefore, even after he had some bargaining with Ye Feng, he was stunned and didn't hear that the person at the other end of the phone is the enemy he desperately wants to find, and Ye Feng's mind is not on crazy hunting at all. He just focused on talking to each other There was a discussion on Avril's handover.

They didn't decide on a specific plan to exchange money. After all, crazy hunting can't meet each other so easily and bring Avril. Both sides know this very well, so they didn't spend more words on this issue, but reached an agreement first. Ye Feng will pay a lot of money to redeem Avril.

Crazy hunting said that the export price was much higher than he expected. Hearing the other party's easy promise, he seemed to regret it. However, he also knew that it was best not to bargain, otherwise it would be a chicken flying egg. Going back would reduce the other party's patience with him. Crazy hunting is a greedy person, but he is not an idiot. He knows too well that the price has changed After much higher than expected, you can definitely take the money and leave calmly.

The poor little girl can also return to his friends and family. If he does, both sides will be happy. He doesn't have to worry about whether anyone will come to him to take revenge on him. After agreeing on the time for the second conversation, crazy hunting drove the car and continued to take the destination towards more remote areas. In the whole process, Avril cooperated very well without any resistance, which made crazy hunting more confident in the hostage exchange.

He has never seen such a strong and rational little girl before. Usually, no matter how old a woman is, she will fall into panic and hysteria. However, although the little girl often has tears in her eyes, she has never let her emotions collapse. This alone added a lot to the impression of crazy hunting on her. As she has relaxed now, crazy hunting no longer treats her with a cold face. The two chatted one by one. Avril selectively told crazy hunting about some things she had experienced before, which surprised crazy hunting. He didn't expect that since the little girl who was less than 20 years old had experienced so many things, no wonder she could keep her calm at this time.

Meanwhile, Avril was relieved. Through conversation, she can feel that this person doesn't want to hurt herself, which is an important reason why she has been so cooperative with him.

At the same time, Ye Feng was almost too excited to sleep. Although the loss of the action team members made them worried, Audrey almost always dealt with this matter, but she was able to get in touch with the person who kidnapped Avril, and made preliminary negotiations on how to pay for the release, and reached a consensus, This eased Ye Feng's tight nerves to a certain extent. Moreover, he was more sure that the person who had just talked to him should be crazy hunting. The unique voice and the slow speaking speed convinced Ye Feng that this person was the man he had taught and harmed. Ye Feng was not sure whether the other party recognized his true identity, but from the other party's calm tone, He judged that the other party should not have found his true identity, otherwise, this person will not pretend, without a trace of emotional fluctuation.

Although Ye Feng was very excited to be able to solve the problem with money, he felt a little embarrassed when he thought that the person who traded with him was the one who must hate himself. He thought for a moment and decided that the subsequent negotiation should be handed over to others, and he would not be present in the whole process of paying money and releasing people. Although he wants to meet Avril again at the first time, Ye Feng knows that once his identity is exposed, the man is likely to do something unreasonable. At that time, the situation will be very difficult. In order to ensure Avril's life safety, he must not take risks.

Just leave it to Audrey. Audrey was very pessimistic about being able to redeem Avril with money. She didn't even feel a little relaxed, but more nervous. Her explanation for this is that the matter seems too smooth. If it can be solved in this way, it's best. However, once any link is exposed, Avril will be in absolute danger. The person hunting wildly has personal hatred with you, that is, once he finds out your true identity, Finding the intimate relationship between you and Avril is likely to retaliate against you by hurting Avril.

Ye Feng didn't know this hidden danger. He just didn't want to think about it. At the moment, Audrey directly tore open the wound, which inevitably made him unhappy. The more they talked, the more angry they became. They even blamed each other. In the case of Avril's kidnapping, both sides have their own responsibilities, so by this time, all the negative emotions that have been pent up in their hearts burst out. It is precisely because of the previous killing of the operatives that their emotions have almost reached the verge of collapse, and this time, The quarrel became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

Audrey saw Ye Feng's attitude for the first time. She was almost stunned immediately, but after she reacted, she immediately blamed Ye Feng without weakness. Ye Feng has been controlling his temper. He doesn't have a temper, but on the contrary, he has a great temper. But just because he has been using a giggling and cynical attitude to hide his temper, he gives people an illusion that he doesn't seem to be angry forever, but in fact, Ye Feng keeps everything in mind. Things are piled up, there will always be an outbreak time.

The high pressure during this period finally led to the conflict between him and Audrey. Both sides turned into personal attacks in the end. Finally Audrey slammed the door and left crying. Ye Feng, who won the conflict with vicious words, did not feel the joy of victory at all. He thought he was an idiot and an asshole. He smashed several things in the room, and then sat on the floor with his head in his arms. He doesn't know why things have developed to this extent. He just wants to go out and play with his beloved after a tiring task. Why is there no moment in his world that can make people completely relax even one day.

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