When she got angry with Audrey, Ye Feng had to leave the team and act alone. Although he knows it's a little abrupt, he really doesn't want to quarrel with Audrey face to face. For him, the current situation is how to redeem Avril safely from the fierce hands. As long as the girl comes back, the conflict between him and Audrey will be solved. After all, their starting point is good, To make up for some of his mistakes and make Avril safe, Ye Feng devoted himself to raising the large ransom put forward by fury. On this issue, although fury is a lion's mouth, Ye Feng can barely cope with it because he has a relatively thick family background.

Jenma has asked them to prepare cash and transfer the money to the bank account designated by fury, so Ye Feng is actually very busy now. Fury asks for two ways to pay. On the one hand, there are millions of cash. On the other hand, most of the remaining money will be transferred through several accounts and then summarized by himself. In short, in order to ensure the safety of the whole transaction process, Ye Feng put forward a lot of requirements. Ye Feng can only harden his head to meet his excessive requirements, so he is a little busy during this period. However, he can hear some Avril's voice from time to time. Although Avril's voice is very short, Those strong words can still give Ye Feng some encouragement so that he can continue to stick to it.

Because things have come to this point. The shield holders' alliance could not have a great impact on the current situation, so gradually those members of the shield holders' Alliance stationed here began to return, leaving only some elite personnel to deal with the matter. Audrey was always paying attention to Ivy's specific position, but it seemed that there was a little premonition of the fierce move back, He is not in this world. Leave too many traces as before. Different from the previous ideas, this time he chose to live alone and spend most of his time in this car to solve problems. Although such a life is very inconvenient and has been living in the wilderness, it is very dangerous in such a deserted place, in order to avoid the recurrence of the situation that has happened before, So fury still takes Avril on the way from one road to another almost all the time. They hardly settle down. It is precisely because of their way of traveling almost all the time that almost no one can lock their position.

So the old way of locking their position is no longer useful. Even if Audrey drives her people to pay attention to Avril's position all the time to see if they can get in touch with him, just like before, she drives Avril almost non-stop on this vast land due to her fierce driving, Therefore, this method can hardly play any role. After several occasional contacts, when Audrey led the team to the place, fury had already left with Avril.

After several times, Audrey finally realized that it might be very difficult to bring the little girl back in this way. Now she can only put all her hopes on whether she can redeem the girl with money. On this point, Ye Feng has been following up and almost has settled all the details of the whole handover process, According to the conversation and discussion between fanlie and Ye Feng during this period, they decided to hand over the personnel in a strange way.

Fury will tell Ye Feng an address, and he will keep Avril there in advance. He will give up some small things on Avril, which can ensure that Ye Feng will not play any means before he gets the money. Once he is sure that the money has been entered into his account. He will untie all the little devices on Avril and let her return safely. Although Ye Feng is dissatisfied with this handover method, he also knows that this may be a more acceptable way for both sides to return the hostages. After he receives Avril, as long as he pays off the money, he will remotely remove those things from Avril. In this way, she will be completely safe. Moreover, by doing so, Ye Feng can not face fierce. Ye Feng can simply disguise. Even if fierce is hidden nearby and observed in the dark, he should not see that the person is Ye Feng. He just needs to know that the money has arrived.

Although somewhat reluctant, Ye Feng told Audrey the way of exchanging hostages agreed by both sides and asked her to arrange it secretly, but in fact, this arrangement is meaningless. Only after Ye Feng put Avril at the place where the hostages were exchanged and made all the preparations in advance, could they know the place where the hostages were exchanged. At that time, if they went, they could hardly make any preparations in advance, so they had to go step by step.

Although Audrey still has full doubts about the hostage exchange plan, she knows that there is almost no other way to go now. She can only see if this road can work. If it doesn't work, she can only continue to think of other ways. If she can solve the problem so easily, she is still happy to see that Audrey is not angry with Ye Feng. She is just angry with herself. Why can't she control her emotions and make such a low-level mistake? Because she couldn't lose face, she couldn't find Ye Feng to communicate. In this way, the two sides gradually separated from each other in their misunderstanding, so that the two people who want face very much would rather deal with the matter with cold violence than open their hearts and say their inner thoughts. From this point of view, both sides are childish in dealing with this issue, but in the emotional world, no one is not childish.

With the arrival of the agreed time day by day, Ye Feng was very nervous and nervous. Avril, who is in the center of the vortex, is also uneasy at the moment. Although the situation seems to be developing in the direction he expects, no one can tell what will happen. If the transaction really goes smoothly, it will be a happy ending, and she can safely return to her familiar life. But she didn't know whether the man around her would really keep his promise. If she played a trick, what should she do then? He took Ye Feng's money but didn't give himself back to Ye Feng. Then he would abduct her again and give her to another person who came up with a price. If this happened, she would really lose her wife and lose her soldiers. But even with so many worries in my heart. But Avril can't do anything about this. He can only try his best to keep calm and rational. Offend the cold man.

Fury has always maintained its cold character. From his words and his facial expression, you can hardly feel the real thoughts in his heart. You can only guess the thoughts in the cold man's brain as much as you can. However, during this period of observation, Audrey could at least know that this man did not seem to be particularly cruel. Although it is not clear whether he will keep his promises, at this moment for Avril, she can only believe that this man will really keep his promises.

This fate is completely in the hands of a complete stranger. It feels terrible. Avril thought she might have been familiar with this disgusting feeling in her past experience, but at this moment she realized that she could not get used to this inhuman feeling at all. She would only be on the verge of collapse again and again, Then forcibly pull yourself away from the abyss with reason. This is all her feelings. There is no joy of escaping from life. On the contrary, her heart is full of anxiety. She doesn't know what kind of situation she will face. Maybe the situation will be worse than now. Who knows?

I just want to live my life, don't provoke anyone, don't hurt anyone, but even so, the seemingly simple requirements are so difficult to implement. Let her feel that life is so incalculable. She can only strongly continue to face the malice of every life, and then she knows that if she can really separate from all this, it will be the best dream she has ever had in her life.

Since the two sides have generally carried out relatively smooth negotiation, Ye Feng also transferred that part of the deposit to an untraceable bank account in accordance with the agreement to show his sincerity. After receiving the money, the fierce attitude obviously became more cooperative. Although he didn't let go of some key issues, at least he has allowed Ye Feng and Avril to have a short communication without having to repeat it through him.

Even this change made Ye Feng and Audrey excited. Listening to Avril's voice ringing in her ear, Ye Feng and Audrey put down their previous quarrel. They communicated with Avril in a soft and gentle voice and talked about some unimportant topics. Both sides were trying their best to suppress their inner excitement, but from their slightly trembling tone, it was not difficult to hear that the three people were very excited and happy about the next reunion.

Ye Feng even had an illusion that he should thank the fierce bastard for saving Avril from another group of worse bastards. Without him, maybe the outcome of these things might be different. Ye Feng could only smile bitterly and shake his head to clear the slightly absurd idea from his mind. Now is not a time to thank others. Now we must ensure that Avril can return to him safely.

Huang Liang had to fall deeply into the action of rescuing Avril because fury played a trick. Originally, he planned to stay away from the action and don't let fury realize his true identity. However, after communicating with Ye Feng for several times, fury vaguely realized that he should know that his sixth sense was so keen, So that Ye Feng's little tricks didn't work at all. Ye Feng has been trying to change his speed and tone of voice to make his voice sound like another person, but even after making these efforts, it didn't play any good role, but made crazy vaguely feel that Ye Feng may have met him.

This strong premonition in the sixth sense enabled him to become who he is now.

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