Originally, Audrey tried to put some trackers on Ye Feng, so that no matter where he was, they could know his location exactly, and then arrive at the first time. But Ye Feng refused this proposal. It's too clear that now there is a means to easily find out whether you have a signal transmitter. If you are fiercely locked, the other party is likely to change his mind. In order to minimize the uncertain factors, Ye Feng can only go to the transaction without any weapons and equipment.

Moreover, in Ye Feng's opinion, he doesn't need to do these small actions. After all, he has given money, and now it's just a harvest. If the other party really wants to be careful, he can't play any role even with some small things. Maybe Audrey and the action members of the shield bearer alliance will also be put in danger. If the other party really realizes his identity, the frenzy will undoubtedly give him some small gifts.

Ye Feng knows that these small gifts will make fanlie very happy, but they will not make him happy. Therefore, for many reasons, Ye Feng didn't let Audrey put anything on her body that could be located. He didn't even let Audrey install tracking software on his mobile phone. In this way, according to the fierce, Ye Feng just shuttles back and forth in this unfamiliar street. He is very surprised. It turns out that there is such an unknown side in this seemingly dilapidated little orange juice. Just walking through the street, you can't think of what kind of buildings and people are hidden behind that building What kind of life.

Ye Feng's mood at the moment is very strange. It is reasonable that he should feel uneasy. Before the action begins, he is indeed so, but at the moment, he is calm as if he is walking. There is no idea in his heart and mind. He just acts silently according to the fierce instructions, and then shuttles back and forth in this maze like alley.

I don't know when he has come to an area where he hasn't been before. There are few cars in this area, not to mention pedestrians, like a building tomb in the city.

The situation is so strange. Ye Feng also knows that his own state is not particularly good, but he is not nervous in his heart. It's like he can't attend his own funeral. Ye Feng walked around the street and soon came to a motorcycle according to the fierce instructions. With a key inserted in the motorcycle, it was placed in a narrow and dark alley. Ye Feng couldn't help laughing. If the car was stolen, would the operation be over?

Fortunately, this did not happen. Ye Feng turned the key to start the motorcycle, and then drove to the second place that fury told him.

At the same time, Audrey and her team have found Ye Feng urgently in the city. However, due to a series of instructions made fiercely, Ye Feng disappeared into the intricate lanes of the small town. The small town has no strict urban planning, so the house construction is irregular, there are almost no completely straight streets, and the streets are narrow and small, Twists and turns, people can't even understand the map. Moreover, there are no cameras everywhere, so Mary and them can't help Australia. Although she has already made such preparations in her heart, she is still as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Audrey is helpless to realize that everything can be tied to a man, But the problem is that the man always falls off the chain at the critical moment. Who knows if something unexpected will happen this time. And the most surprising thing is. Ye Feng didn't have any preparation. She really went empty handed, which made Audrey feel a little worried.

This man always has a tendency of self destruction. No one knows what choice he will make when he is impulsive and excited. Audrey is worried that Ye Feng will use her passion to exchange for Avril's safety,. Once the fury knows Ye Feng's true identity,. If she wants to be bad for Avril, Ye Feng will trade her life for Avril's safety. It's not clear whether this kind of transaction will be staged at that time, but the best result is to let Ye Feng's life for life in exchange for Avril's safety. If the other party doesn't know Ye Feng's self-healing ability, maybe he won't die in a short time, but once the other party finds that he has the healing ability, Ye Feng who finds a weapon to restrain the healing ability will still be killed. This possibility is very big. After all, Audrey doesn't believe that after so many years of separation, the fierce who finally found the enemy will directly and cleanly solve Ye Feng, and then stop caring about him. The probability of this kind of situation is, but it's very low. The greater possibility is that the fierce will firmly control Ye Feng and torture him slowly, In the process of torturing him again, I accidentally found Ye Feng's healing ability. At that time, it will really be Ye Feng's death.

Perhaps Ye Feng has thought of this and will take action rashly without guarantee. This can be seen from his inner determination.

Audrey couldn't find Ye Feng's whereabouts and hurriedly informed Adeline thousands of miles away, but in fact, even so, after some tense communication, the two women found that they were powerless. Although Adeline could send some people here immediately, this process would take time, and even if the people arrived, It is almost impossible to find a person in this strange land.

As Ye Feng thought, the fury was not far from him. Because fury always tells Ye Feng how to act, fury has been pretending to be a passer-by following behind Ye Feng. As for why he didn't find this, the reason is very simple. The distance between them is very long. Ye Feng couldn't find the fierce figure in him with the naked eye. The vehicles used have various devices prepared in advance, which can feed back real-time information to him. So fury doesn't worry that he will lose Ye Feng at all. He follows Ye Feng far behind to make sure that other people are also following Ye Feng. He doesn't care whether the other person is his colleague or the helper Ye Feng found. As long as he sees these people, he will kill them immediately. Fortunately, there is no such trouble.

Even if I saw the man's figure with my own eyes, I can't be sure that it is the man who haunted him and entrapped him many years ago. After all, the memory will inevitably be wrong after so long. Although the figure is indeed very similar, but tall and good people are everywhere. He is still not 100% sure that this person is his goal, but when he really looks at the man whose face is covered, a strong impulse surges in his heart that he can't imagine. It's like someone is pushing his back and making him close like this man, which is a strong feeling and makes the fierce heart very excited. Maybe it's really this person. He believes in his sixth sense and his intuition.

After seven turns and eight turns, Ye Feng didn't know where he came at last. In short, he was a long way from the urban area, and he didn't calculate how many. According to the time, nearly two hours had passed since he and Audrey had completely cut off contact. In these two hours, he completely followed the fierce instructions and left the city, He walked along the highway towards a path he didn't know at all. Due to his off-road motorcycle, although the journey was bumpy, it could still move forward. This seemed to be a natural path stepped out by people. There are few other ruts on it. Ye Feng doesn't know exactly how fury found this place. In a word, he knows that now he can only completely hand over his body to fury to command. No matter what he says or does, he must act according to fury's orders.

Fury didn't follow Ye Feng to the valley, but he had explored the nearby terrain before, so he took the expressway in advance and drove towards the destination Ye Feng should reach. He let Ye Feng march in the mountain forest to prevent other backup behind him. Somehow, the fierce premonition gave him a strong warning. We must not underestimate Ye Feng. The backup behind him may be able to cope with the situation if he is alone, but once Ye Feng is not alone, but someone is standing behind him, it is difficult to judge the outcome of the battle. In fact, his premonition is very correct, If Audrey stayed by the side of the night wind and led the action team at the moment. A fierce man can't beat this group of people in any way. His ability is below Audrey. The only trump card in his hand is the name of Avril, so he absolutely doesn't want to scare the snake and let irrelevant people participate in the transaction, although he hasn't observed the man looking for the little girl closely. But with the passage of time, his violent premonition became stronger and stronger. He strongly realized that this person was the one he had been looking for for for a long time.

Just imagine, this situation is also entirely possible. If the man still lives the same life as before for more than ten years, he will indeed become a bodyguard next to a talented researcher. His character does make the mistake of letting talented researchers be kidnapped from under his eyes. Therefore, if the man once entrapped Ye Feng, his existence is completely reasonable, which can also explain why previous actions failed. After all, ordinary people are not the opponent of Ye Feng.

His heart is filled with complex emotions, including anxiety, fear, expectation and excitement. He doesn't know whether he can kill Ye Feng one-on-one. Even if not, he should be able to retreat. After all, the little girl's life is in his hands. As long as a button on his mobile phone is pressed, the girl will turn into dust in an instant. Some gadgets he tied to her are extremely powerful. Although they are small, the power that can burst out in an instant is enough to tear up all objects within tens of meters of a square circle, not to mention a weak girl. This is also one of the fierce killer Maces. If he is sure that he can't agree with him in the front battle with Ye Feng, he will use this small device.

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