When Ye Feng was in a hurry and ran to the little girl to check the situation, he would press the button of the device and watch the two men disappear with a bang. Of course, he doesn't want to see this happen. Indeed, it is simple and efficient to do so, but the hatred over the years makes him don't want to make such a rational choice. If he can, he wants to catch Ye Feng alive, and then spend a period of time talking to this old friend.

He had figured out where to go, how to take, what steps to take and what tools to use. All these were constantly fermenting and changing in his mind. He could hardly restrain the impulse in his heart. It's like the goddess who was once young. At this time, she came out in front of you after many years. There is only one arm distance between you, and he is smiling at you.

He trembled violently and excitedly, and couldn't even speak. After driving to the final venue, the little girl who stayed obediently in the stadium on the top of the mountain still sat on the temporarily built small stage, which seemed to be something left over from the abnormal concert not long ago. Although after the concert, the small stage built of wood was not demolished, And stay in this abandoned stadium where few people will come. The stadium is not large and can accommodate thousands of people, so it used to be an old stadium, but now the stadium has already stood in a better place. In this old urban area, no one else lives here except the poor who can't move out of here, and the public security here is very poor, so even during the day, You can hardly see anyone passing on the road. Putting Avril in such a relatively secret space is quite appropriate for this operation, and in this relatively closed space, it is more convenient to make some preparations. He has set up some cameras and some small traps around, which can definitely give a heavy blow to those unscrupulous people who come here. Fortunately, this situation did not happen. No tramps came here to disturb Avril's silence alone.

Avril was in the middle of the wooden stage. She sat in a wooden armchair with her hands tied behind her. Her mouth was stuffed with a hand roll. Even if she was tied up like this, Avril didn't panic at all, but sat quietly in the chair. Watching the feedback on the screen, I couldn't help but marvel at the girl's strength. No matter what kind of industry such a girl is engaged in, she can definitely make a career. If you can, fury doesn't want to hurt the girl. Recently, the girl he got along with day and night impressed him with her strong intelligence, so once he was sure that he could control Ye Feng's life, he would let the girl go as agreed. It should be possible to ask from Ye Feng's mouth. Where his companions are or contact information, and then frantically will contact them to make them feel that they have left the girl here.

As for Ye Feng, I'm sorry. He will tie Ye Feng directly before they come, and then take him to a quiet place to have a good chat with him. Of course, the premise of all this is that the person who came to trade is indeed Ye Feng. If not, it would be easier. Determine the identity, and then hand over the person to him. After the fierce evacuation to a safe place, they can start the self destruction procedure of the small device, and then there will be no danger. How they take the device away from the little girl is their own business. Then wild hunting can take the money and have fun for a long time.

Just as he was thinking, Ye Feng came to this small town on a motorcycle according to the fierce instructions. The town is sparsely populated. Almost half of the remaining shops on the streets are closed, and the remaining half are surviving. The shopkeepers don't even have money to hire clerks, One by one, it seems like walking corpses about to enter the coffin. They don't care whether there will be business today. They watched blankly as Ye Feng, who was riding a cross-country motorcycle, drove quickly across the street and towards the hill, which is located in a corner of the town. As a landmark coordinate, Ye Feng rode a motorcycle and saw the hill with stone buildings on the top of the mountain at a glance, which fully conforms to the place where Avril was handed over described by fury. Here, the calm state of mind in his heart immediately became complicated. The sense of tension and panic were intertwined, making her heart pounding, as if she were about to jump out of her chest. All this seems so unreal that Ye Feng has the illusion that he may be dreaming. He pinches himself with a strong sense of pain, which makes him realize that all this is reality, but now he is going to the trap set by the enemy alone.

He knew that the enemy hated him, but there was nothing he could do. He could only hope that his previous efforts to disguise could deceive the fierce. But there was a very clear voice in Ye Feng's heart, which kept repeating in his ear almost every minute. It's impossible for you to deceive him with that trick. You're throwing yourself into a dead end. And maybe because your innocent little girl may be killed by the crazy madman.

All kinds of thoughts entangled in Huang Liang's mind, so that he could hardly breathe. He carefully avoided the stones and sundries on the side of the road. Ye Feng came to the foot of the hill. There is only one winding up here. The road surface of the path is uneven, and the slope is very steep. It may not be a good choice to ride it. Ye Feng threw the motorcycle aside, and then walked towards the path for a while. Sure enough, he found the second step above. Ye Fengqing was lucky that he didn't rush up on the motorcycle. This small quiet place is very quiet. There are scattered trees on both sides of the road. These trees seem to be half dead. The dry tree was covered with peeled bark. The exposed tissue looks so ugly.

At this time, it's a little dark. It's more than 4 p.m. and less than 5 p.m. because it's a cloudy day today and the sun has been shrouded by thick dark clouds, it looks later. In such a strange environment with a slightly gloomy ghost wind around, Ye Feng couldn't help muttering in his heart. He had a strong impulse to turn around and leave, but his reason stopped this instinctive desire for survival. The idea of rescuing Avril and separating the little girl from the dangerous situation is stronger.

Ye Feng didn't know how he finished the remaining hundreds of steps. In a word, when standing in front of a dilapidated door with only one door, all the tangles and worries in his heart disappeared, because he saw the little figure sitting on the chair in the middle of the wooden dance platform not far away, that was Avril. Although she hasn't seen her for a long time, Avril is still as thin as before, blonde, fair skinned and long hair. She is still so beautiful that you can't help feeling pity for her.

Ye Feng looked at her, smiled and nodded, and then walked quickly to him. Avril, sitting in the chair, showed an excited look. He kept struggling and wanted to get away from the protection of the rope. He watched Ye Feng approach him bit by bit, and excited tears fell down her cheeks. He had been thinking that miracles could happen and that he could see the most important person in his life again. But when the truth really happened before, she had a feeling that she could not believe it. She was afraid that all this was just her fantasy. It was a bubble that had been touched.

Although she was very excited, Avril still controlled. She wanted to shout Ye Feng's name. Somehow, she always felt that doing so would put them in absolute danger, so she didn't shout. Although her mouth was wrapped in tape, in fact, she could still make some vague sounds, which were enough to attract the fierce attention hidden in the shadow, He watched Ye Feng with a telescope and walked carefully to Avril in the center of the stage. In the whole process, he has been watching Ye Feng's figure. Ye Feng is wearing loose clothes that don't show his figure. This sportswear is specially selected by him. The color is gray. He is wearing sunglasses and gray baseball cap, and a scarf is wrapped around his face. It's no exaggeration to say that Ye Feng's facial features are hardly exposed. He has protected his whole face. Although this behavior seems very normal at such a crucial scene of the liberation of hostages, even if he does so, he still can't. To defend the fury against his accurate sixth sense.

This sixth sense is sometimes as accurate as a prediction. At least in this matter, in locking Ye Feng's identity, fury did get the right answer. His strong premonition is also closely related to his understanding of Ye Feng. For more than a year, he met Ye Feng almost every day, so he knows Ye Feng's gait, Ye Feng's small movements, the differences between Ye Feng's walking posture and others, and even Ye Feng didn't notice these small details, However, due to the fierce for so many years, the person Ye Feng constantly appears in his mind all the time, so those memory fragments are played in his mind again and again, so that he can deeply recall every feature of Ye Feng's behavior and action. Although Ye Feng resisted the impulse to speak in his heart, kept silent and walked towards Avril in the center of the stage, But even if he doesn't make a sound, his every move has already revealed his true identity. For others, Ye Feng's gait may not be much different from that of ordinary people, but in the fierce eyes, it is like a light in the night, attracting all his eyes and attention. In his mind, a voice is repeating constantly, This is the person you are looking for, this is the person you are looking for, this is the person you are looking for. The volume of the voice was expanding, and it had filled the fierce whole world. He suddenly felt a sense of dizziness, shook his head and controlled himself. He was shocked by the sudden surge of emotion.

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