But everyone knew that one batch of wheat had been cut off and another batch would grow out. Such people will always exist. They always want to strengthen themselves by plundering talented researchers. As long as there is desire and greed in this world, people will take this shortcut to achieve success in their eyes, and Avril's safety will always be threatened.

In order to prevent similar accidents from happening again. Avril can only be between Ye Feng and the shield bearer alliance building every day. Living a two-point and one-line life, although he is very satisfied with such a life, for a young girl, the idea of going to see the outside world is always remembered from time to time. However, once she has such an idea, she will think of the things that he can't forget in his life. She will realize that she should not be capricious. Her existence is to benefit more mankind. Instead of simply satisfying your temporary fun. In this way, he was also held to such a noble belief. Research continues in the shield bearer alliance building, and her ultra-high IQ will give full play to her waste heat in the next few hundred years. Future generations will be grateful to this talented scientist named Avril. It is her existence that makes the world a better place

Back to the new city, life has become as stagnant as before. Avril is protected by everyone almost every day because she is worried that the accident may happen again at any time. However, from the current point of view, it seems that the previous riots have made those people or organizations who have coveted her for a long time honest. After all, if you want to face the anger from the shield alliance, anyone must think carefully before taking action.

Moreover, Avril will not give those people such an opportunity to abduct her so easily. Although she is very reluctant, he also clearly realizes that he must be careful in his later actions, otherwise someone will pay the price of life for her. After returning home, Ye Feng lived a carefree life every day. He did nothing almost every day. He talked to that person today and this person tomorrow. He simply had a lot of friends in the new metropolis, although these friends had their own things.

The only thing that makes Ye Feng happy is that the relationship between her and Audrey has been improved. After the explosion made by Avril herself, Ye Feng was blown to pieces. After seeing this legacy, Audrey's inner view of Ye Feng has been greatly improved. In order to rescue a little girl, such a man would rather hold the idea of breaking into pieces, but also move forward bravely and do not bother others. Such a spirit alone is worth dissipating any dissatisfaction with him as a woman.

In fact, there was no great conflict between the two, just because Audrey was too contradictory. He couldn't bear the more capable Ye Feng was, the less responsible she was. That's why she always feels very angry about Ye Feng's various behaviors. After experiencing such an event, Audrey also realizes that Ye Feng is not a heartless person. Although he shows that he doesn't care about this matter, he actually has something to do with the people around him and those who don't have much to do with him, And in order not to let these people bear the consequences that they can't bear, he chose to face all this alone. Therefore, after Ye Feng woke up, Audrey's attitude towards him has been greatly improved, even with a pleasant face. This makes Ye Feng feel happy from the sky. The two had a long talk several times, and all the estrangements in their hearts were opened, and the relationship was further sublimated. Ye Feng felt happy from the bottom of her heart. Even if she broke herself into pieces several times, the pain of recovering from the fragments was also worth letting her experience all this.

Everyone's life seems to have returned to peace. However, for Kate, her situation has become difficult again. This time, it is not those who have the ability to commit crimes or some crazy criminals that make her feel very headache. Of course, from a certain point of view, these people who make her feel headache are more evil and spiteful than these people. They hide behind, but let some children under the age of adulthood do those evil things for them. With the hands of these children, they have completed one spiteful sin after another. These people guide and take advantage of these children's competitive heart to instill some evil ideas into them before their world outlook is fully formed and consolidated. Because these children are not yet adults, they will be dealt with lightly when sentencing. In this way, these people will be more unscrupulous. Because the punishment is too light, these children are bored and even have no intention of repentance. Seeing that this life will be completely destroyed in the hands of these sinners.

It was the other party who took advantage of these that made it impossible to find them directly. This circuitous way of handling made it difficult for Kate to catch these people from the dark corner and throw them directly to the court, so she was in trouble recently. I have been worrying about how to solve these problems and how to make the new city return to the calm of the past. It is no exaggeration to say that if things continue to develop like this. No one can tell what will happen at that time.

When Ye Feng heard about similar things, he immediately refreshed himself. During this period of time, he stayed in the new metropolis. Nothing made him feel very bored. He was worried about finding something to do and spend his leisure time, but because so many things had happened, he didn't want to get involved in too difficult things now, So he was trying to find something that he could handle well and would not find any big trouble. At this time, he heard from Senma. Kate felt very headache about this series of malignant events. He saw that these were ordinary people or little farts. He wouldn't face too much danger at all. Ye Feng immediately ran to find Kate and wanted to talk to her about it in detail.

In the face of Ye Feng's sudden visit, Kate seems a little helpless. She may already know that if ye Feng is involved in this matter, the situation may be more difficult, but after thinking about it, the situation has reached this point. Even if the situation is no longer ugly, it will be no worse, Perhaps if ye Feng is involved, it can also play some unpredictable roles. Driven by the idea that a dead horse should be a living horse doctor, Ye Feng and Kate began to talk about this series of things in detail.

"Kate, it's said to be a group of bastards who use children to commit crimes?"

"Yes, it's these bastards, these bastards. It's hard for you to really find them, because they hide well and never do those dirty activities by themselves, so it's hard for these people to leave a handle to arrest or arrest them. These are real bastards. It's hard for you to imagine people who are more hidden and lower than what they do."

"Indeed, the thought of using children to achieve some activities is very evil in itself, and some people have really implemented this. The disgusting way of behavior is really that I really want to pull out these people one by one and spit on their faces."

"You're not the only one who wants to do this," Kate said helplessly, "Many people want to find out these bastards and let them eat some bones, but few people can turn this situation into reality. In fact, many people have lost their lives. In a word, if you want to get in touch with this matter, don't take it lightly. Don't think the other party is just a group of ordinary people and use children to do some evil things In fact, the other party is a very cunning criminal. "

Although Ye Feng said I know what I know. In fact, he didn't agree with Kate's words in his heart. For Kate's advice to himself, he just regarded it as Kate's too thorny to each other. The situation may indeed become very dangerous, but for Ye Feng who has seen great storms, all this is just a small matter and has no responsibility What's worth paying attention to. He mainly takes care to prevent the other party from being seriously injured. As for others, what uncertain things can a powerful person like him encounter.

It seems that she read out his real thoughts from Ye Feng's expression. Kate seems very helpless. She repeatedly advised Ye Feng not to act rashly to avoid startling the snake. In fact, she really thinks too much. Ye Feng doesn't know what to do, and how can she startle the snake? He just wants to find something to do now. As for the investigation Actually, he doesn't care what will happen or what will happen. He doesn't want to explore. He just enjoys the process. It's ridiculous. Ye Feng's idea is so funny.

After leaving Kate's office, Ye Feng thought in his mind about what he should do. He thought about it and decided whether he should. Conduct an investigation, otherwise it would be like this. If he doesn't know anything, he will participate in the event. Who knows what will happen, and Ye Feng knows very well that the things that can make Kate feel difficult are definitely not Small things. If the other party can come up with such a shady trick to avoid legal sanctions, it shows that the other party must still have a brain, but blindly acting recklessly may lead to serious consequences.

He was beaten up by a group of high school students. Ye Feng laughed happily at his ideas. Maybe it was a very interesting experience. After returning home, he went to zhenzhenma for help according to his previous ideas. For the major and minor events that happened in the new metropolis, the minor girl can give great help.

However, after jenma's investigation, Ye Feng found that he seemed to think too simply. This high school is indeed a high school, nominally, but in fact, this high school is more like a arena. The company that founded this high school has a very unique business philosophy. There are no conditions to enter this high school, as long as you are willing to pay You can go here, and generally speaking, the three-year semester of high school has no meaning here. This high school is that you can go as long as you want. Even if you don't graduate all your life, no one cares about you as long as you pay your tuition on time. You can imagine how chaotic such a high school will be.

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