It is no exaggeration to say that in this high school. None of the people who read in it came to study. One by one, they came to this school in admiration of the new metropolis or other cities. A unique high school to fight. It's no exaggeration to use the word "fight". All the students who come to this high school are trying to test whether their strength can stand. There are many people who will become criminals or killers in the future. This high school is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best hotbed for a person to exercise his fighting skills. Of course, there will be a lot of sins here, Because few people who come here to study are serious people.

There are two kinds of middle school students in this school. One is unlimited. These people have all their ages, the older in their 30s and the younger in their teens. They just fool around and fight all day. They attack each other. In short, they are mischievous. Other students go to a three-year school system and get a high school diploma after graduation. These people are probably a few years younger than normal high school students. They are relatively low-level students living in schools. After all, those unrestricted students are much older than them and have a lot of social experience, Most unrestricted students regard normal students as their attendants and younger brothers, and those students are willing to take this as a pleasure.

Ye Feng didn't have any intuitive feelings when listening to zhenma, but zhenma found some videos recorded by the students in this school. In these extremely exaggerated videos, Ye Feng saw this group of reckless students, what their study life is like.

It is no exaggeration to say that the teachers in this school have the least sense of existence. They can hardly have the opportunity to complete a whole gram. Generally, after a few minutes of class, they will be directly driven out of the classroom by these students. Of course, they will not study by themselves in the remaining time, but will fight in groups within the teachers, or even worse. Perhaps only those with abnormal brains will come to this high school as teachers. Of course, due to the high cost, even if they are beaten by the students from time to time, many people flock to it, because there are almost no conditions to be a teacher here. They just need to be able to speak. It doesn't even matter if you can't speak. It's just a process. The real owners of this school are these students, so this high school is very famous not only in Xindu, but also in other areas.

Because of this, many organizations will come to this high school to select talents. Of course, the talents they choose will become thugs or bodyguards. Although I can't learn other knowledge in this high school, fighting and survival skills can really be trained. A weak person won't survive here for a minute. He will be torn to pieces immediately after entering the gate of this high school, so few people with abnormal brains choose to go to this high school, All the people who come to this high school have their purpose, that is to use their fists to make their own future. It is precisely because most of the students in the school uphold this crazy and childish idea, so those people with evil intentions can use them to complete some illegal activities so easily. Sometimes they don't even choose people, but these people take the initiative to ask them to give themselves a chance. Ye Feng can only say that these children are definitely mentally abnormal. As for those in their 30s who are still in high school, Ye Feng can only say that these people are not only mentally abnormal, but also have mental problems.

That said, because the situation of this high school is very unique, Ye Feng can't help beating drums. There is no doubt that if he is an ordinary high school student, he can brush the whole school alone even with his eyes closed, but the problem is that this high school is not an ordinary high school. The main blood task of the students in this high school is to fight, get hurt and fight every day, People who grow up in this environment must be more difficult to deal with than ordinary people. Moreover, after investigation, Ye Feng found that many real cruel characters graduated from this high school, or dominated this high school when they were in school. What makes Ye Feng feel quite helpless is that there are several capable people among the current students in this high school. These capable people are due to their own abilities. This makes them like fish in water in this high school and become a small leader. This can be regarded as a process of accumulating contacts, but in a word, the muddy water is far more muddy than he imagined. After thinking about it, Ye Feng decided to think of a more appropriate way to play the game. After all, the other party is a group of children. Although those who are not children control the school, those people are a minority after all. Most of the children he faces are those who harm high school students. Ye Feng must think about how to think of a more gentle and appropriate way to deal with this matter, He can't beat some students to the ground casually. In that case, Ye Feng's face will have no place to put. If he is known, he will laugh at him and can only bully the hairy boy.

Moreover, the people who come to this high school are the kind of soft and hard people who don't eat and don't stint. It may be difficult to convince them. In that case, we can only find another way to enter them in a way. Once these people can accept him, they will actively share the information they have with Ye Feng. In this way, Ye Feng can use the information to judge what to do next.

In this way, he can cooperate with Kate to uproot the mysterious organization entrenched in this high school. In this way, he may be able to stop the increasing crime rate in Xindu.

Ye Feng shut himself in his room and thought hard for several days, but he still didn't think of a more appropriate way. Ye Feng originally wanted to apply for a teacher and go to that school to inquire about it, but after thinking about it, he found that this kind of thing seems difficult to do, because in that school, the teachers at the bottom of the biological chain are these teachers. If he goes disguised as a teacher, it is difficult to get along with those students, and those students will naturally have some resistance to him, In this way, if he wants to take any action later, he will be stopped because of this preconceived prejudice. After thinking about it, Ye Feng found that he had to go to high school.

Ye Feng doesn't remember whether he has ever been to high school. In his memory, he doesn't seem to have been to school for a few days, so he should not have been to high school. Considering that he has to go to high school at his age, Ye Feng can't help feeling helpless about his idea, but in fact, if he shaves his face, It's not difficult to cut a younger hairstyle and pretend to be a young man in his 20s. Although he can't pretend to be a teenager to break into the ordinary students, Ye Feng can still break into the happiness as a high school student because of the unlimited existence of students, Because not many people know their true face, if they are doing some simple camouflage, Ye Feng can mix with that group of students with a young face made up. Ye Feng believes that with his ability, the wind will rise in a short time. Become the overlord of that high school. In this way, those organizations and people will come to attract him. Maybe there is an organization that uses high school students to commit crimes. In this way, they may be able to have close contact with them and pull them out of the dark.

When Ye Feng told Kate what he thought, Kate frowned immediately, but he didn't refute immediately. Instead, he meditated for a moment to think about whether Ye Feng's words contained the possibility of action. After sitting silently in Kate's office for half an hour, Kate focused on Ye Feng again. She nodded and said: "Your idea seems bold, but it is indeed one of the better action plans so far. You are different from my subordinates. They have a special characteristic. People with a clear eye can see their true identity at a glance, but you are different. Your cynical appearance can really get along with that group of people. If you restrain a little, maybe I can really do it. It's the target of the action to find out the organization. But I must warn you, Ye Feng. If you really want to perform this task, you must ensure that there will be no irreparable harm to others in the process of task execution. After all, those children are too young. Once they are involved in the battle, they will inevitably be injured and will harm their whole life Become an indelible influence. "

"Don't worry, I won't do anything about them, and I think I should contact those unrestricted students. Those people should be close to those bastard organizations. You should be able to ask them from their mouth. Some precious news, at least those news you can't get from conventional channels. Those people are always very strict and only give a little to their companions So how to break into their interior is what I need to worry about now. Moreover, a handsome man like me always causes the envy of other men. Sometimes being handsome is not a good thing. "

Kate turned her eyes helplessly and ignored Ye Feng's boasting. "In that case, let's leave it to you. I believe you, Ye Feng, you can handle it well, but -"

Ye Feng could hear a strong distrust in her tone: "don't worry," he patted kate on the shoulder. "I won't make a big mess. Anyway, it's just a group of high school students, who are only parasites in their 30s and don't leave school at most. Do you still think I will disclose when dealing with these white fools? Of course not, I'm a god of death." Ye Feng said confidently.

Kate can't help muttering in her heart. Every time you say that, but every time things always deviate from the routine and exceed your imagination. However, this time, even your posting is at most to poke open the roof of the school, and there can't be any other big trouble. If it wasn't for the pain of Ye Feng's idle eggs during this period, Kate wouldn't let him in at all, Although things are indeed very difficult, there will always be a time for eyebrows. Ye Feng's entry may enable the world to further develop.

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