"In fact, Jane's description is quite right. The guardian alliance used to be very famous, but now it is really going downhill. Very simply, they have all come to the earth to recruit people. You can imagine that the guardian alliance has gone down in the West." Xu wenweak said aside.

"Hey, a little racial self-confidence, fat man! Well, they have been mixed with human beings on earth. They are really down and out," said Ye Feng thoughtfully.

Pointing to the information on the screen, Xu wenweak explained to Ye Feng: "It's true that there are not many powerful people in human beings, and they can't manage things on the earth and colonial planets, let alone worry about the broken things in the whole universe. Moreover, the mission death rate of the guardian alliance is ridiculously high, and there are almost no insurance and welfare benefits, and basically no one applies for it."

"Well... Dick said he was a member of the guardian alliance. In order to get close to him, I have to go to this interview. Although I know that the application company is not very reliable, it is also good, at least the competitive pressure is not so great." Ye Feng comforted himself with the spiritual victory method. In order to regain his self-healing ability, even a glimmer of hope, he must try.

Without Ye Feng's command, Xu wenweak was busy at the computer: "I knew you would say, well, give me five minutes and I'll sign you up. These bastards can't spend some money to make their official website look like something? Ye Feng, with this lax attitude, I'm sorry for your next" Guardian " The trip, with the most sincere blessing: don't die outside the earth. We people you know don't even have a chance to go to the grave. You know, I've always dreamed of spitting in front of your tombstone. I didn't realize this wish last time. This time you have to refuel. "

Ye Feng scolded Xu wenweak fiercely: "add fart oil! You die! I'll pour it on your tombstone!"

"Give me your name, too." Xu wenweak was fighting with Ye Feng. Suddenly Jane's voice came in, interrupting the verbal battle between the two men.

Xu wenweak stopped his work, turned around and looked at Jane seriously: "Jane? Are you sure this is not a trip."

Ye Feng also said, "Jane, you don't need to intervene in this matter."

Jane said with an uncontrollable posture and firm eyes, "I want to go out for a break."

"... well, elder sister, I know you can take good care of yourself, Jane. Can you take care of me more or less?", Ye Feng looked at Jane with expectant eyes. A little starlight appeared in his eyes. Ye Feng gathered his hands on his chest and faced Jane with a very pious posture.

Jane replied with an expressionless "look at your mood." then she turned and began to deal with the two remaining fried potato chips on the table.


Xu wenweakly lowered his voice and quietly asked Ye Feng, "Maple, don't you know her well?"

"No, not familiar."

Xu wenweak said angrily, "then you still bring it to me!"

"I disgust you?" Jane's voice came slowly.

"How could it be! Jane, elder sister, what else do you need? I'll buy it for you!" , Ye Feng silently watched Xu wenweak jump out of his seat, run to Jane, and began to concentrate on taking out his little book. After recording the food Jane wanted to eat from the Internet, Xu pangzi put on his clothes and ran out to buy something for Jane.

Ye Feng reluctantly reminded: "watch less food programs. Aren't you afraid of long meat?"

"Use your tube."



"Express Hotel... There are people with genius like me. Jane, you may not know that one of my safe houses was built in the Express Hotel, where I left a lot of good memories. Unfortunately, it has been blown up."

Ye Feng, dressed in a soft pink casual suit, chattered to Jane, who was wearing a broken lace knee length white skirt. They were standing downstairs of a chain Express Hotel, preparing to enter one of the guest rooms of the building for an interview with the "Guardian alliance".

"Did you blow it up?" Jane asked casually.

Ye Feng joked: "get out of my mind, Jane, I can't hide anything from you."

"Stop talking nonsense and press the elevator button."

There was nothing to say all the way. When Ye Feng and Jane stood in front of room 706, Ye Feng involuntarily raised his tension. He had been on the battlefield a lot, but Ye Feng was a little poor in formal interviews. On the contrary, Jane on one side seemed much more calm. She pressed the doorbell directly.

"Wait a minute."

The people in the room shouted, and more than half a minute later, the door of room 706 slowly opened. For the first time, Ye Feng and Jane were surprised facing the empty open door. Until they were attracted by the sound and looked down, they saw a green dwarf looking up at them.

"Hey, come in, would you like something to drink? Coke? Sprite? Or GWAS?", the little green man has a big head out of proportion to his body, and two sharp big ears hang on both sides of his hairless head. It looks cute because of its huge eyes that account for half of his face.

"Uh... I'd like juice, thank you.", "do you have soybean juice?"

Ye Feng and Jane obediently walked into the room. The little green man looked around and closed the door of the room.

"Sorry, madam, I didn't prepare soybean milk here. Is soybean milk OK?" after Ye Feng and Jane sat in the living room seat, the little green man ran into the kitchen and was busy entertaining them.

Jane said calmly, "yes, thank you."

When the little green man struggled to bring two drinks to the table, it took a lot of effort to climb up a back chair. It is only about half a meter tall and wears a children's suit. Even Ye Feng has to admit that the little green man is really cute.

The little green man tidied up his little tie, and then introduced himself to Ye Feng and Jane with a smile: "you can call me shilake. Yes, I'm an alien and a foreigner, but since you will deal with all kinds of alien races in the universe after becoming a" Guardian ", you'd better adapt to this as soon as possible."

Ye Feng adjusted his mood and said to shilake, "Shrek? My companions and I have had an experience of traveling in the universe. Let's start the next question - Hey! What are you doing!?"

Little green man shilake took out a small device similar to a laser flashlight from his arms. The light emitted by this gadget shrouded Ye Feng: "relax, I'm just scanning your body to see if you are healthy, have any ability, have infectious diseases, and have a family history of mental illness -"

"Hey! I don't have a family history of mental illness!"

Jane said aloud, "Ye Feng, you'd better check it."


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