After checking, he took out a small mirror and looked at whether there was dirt on his face. After all this, he asked the students in confusion, "what's the matter? What are you looking at me for? Haven't you seen a handsome man?"

Dozens of students tried to resist the urge to scold Ye Feng. One of them stood up trembling. He didn't want to be a head bird, but his friends were very bad and pushed him out of the chair. He staggered a few steps and knelt directly in front of Ye Feng.

"Don't do that. I'm sorry to give such a big gift. I don't have anything like a red envelope in my pocket. Get up, boy. What's the matter with you?"

Ye Feng reached out and touched the bald head like a marinated egg. The bald man was angry and anxious. He didn't dare to say anything. He quickly stood up from the ground. When he was about to go back, Ye Feng put a hand on his shoulder and said, "your friends are frowning at you. You must have something to say to me."

The bald man scolded the ancestors of these unreliable friends for 18 generations countless times. He turned his head and looked at Ye Feng's eyes tremblingly. Then he clenched his teeth and stamped his feet and said to Ye Feng, "in fact, it's nothing. It's just that life these days is too boring."

"Life is too boring?" Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. He said, "so you are also boring. I thought there were some problems in this evil ghost high school. Since there is still such an honest class in class," Ye Feng didn't realize that the real reason for this class's honest class for a week is not the students, but him, Because he has been sleeping on his desk, the other students dare not make a loud noise.

After hearing the grievances suffered by the bald man this week, Ye Feng laughed. He thought it was so serious. It turned out to be such a small thing. With a big hand, he said to the students who were staring at him: "I don't care what you should do in class. As long as you don't come to trouble me, I won't pay attention to what you're doing. Oh, by the way, no matter what you're busy with, keep your voice down. If it makes me sleep, I'll get angry all my life, but I'll turn my face."

Everyone was bitter faced and exchanged eyes with each other. Their voice was a little lower. What's the difference between that and before? One of the thin students raised his hand and said to Ye Feng, "can we be absent from school during the day?"

"Whatever you should do, don't take into account me. As long as I don't hate it, I won't interfere in your life. By the way, I forgot to tell you. Am I the boss of this class now?"

Everyone looked at Ye Feng inexplicably, and then nodded: "of course, now we follow your lead. You let us go east, and we will never go west. Yes, that's it. This is the rule here."

"That's OK. I've been in this school for a week. I haven't figured out what's going on in this school. Please help me answer this question."

"OK, yes, what do you want to know, boss."

Ye Feng leaned on his desk for a moment of meditation and asked the question he was most concerned about: "how many students in unlimited classes are there in this evil high school?"

"There are four classes in the unrestricted class, and the number of students in each class is about 50, that is to say, the total number should be about 200 unrestricted students." one of the students explained to Ye Feng.

"There are 200 unrestricted students, that is, there are at least 200 adults in this school."

"Almost. Among the unrestricted students, the youngest is in their 20s, the older is in their 30s, and nearly 40 are also in their 40s. However, too many wireless on duty students rarely come to class. They just hang their names in the school. Therefore, the number of unrestricted students is usually about 150. The rest are either busy or have been efficient to the hungry ghost Not interested. "

When Ye Feng heard this word, he brightened his eyes: "is there any dispute in ghost high school?"

"Of course, among those ordinary students, they fight each other. Generally, our unrestricted students will not participate. Once people come outside to find trouble in ghost high school, it is usually the students in our unrestricted class who go out to deal with it. After all, our combat effectiveness is stronger than those real students."

"In other words, there are no people worthy of attention among ordinary students."

"It can't be said that among ordinary students, there are still more than a dozen people with strong ability. Although these people are not old, their strength is not small. Ordinary students in unlimited classes don't dare to shout at them. After all, the grade is not important in this school. What matters is whether their fists are hard enough."

"It's just that wolves eat meat and dogs eat shit. This school is good. Do high schools often have out of school cases to find trouble?"

"Of course, there are hooligans and gangsters around here, as well as people from other places who want to smash the gold lettered signboard of evil ghost high school. In a word, people who come here to look for trouble have a wave in three or two days. It's quite normal."

"Really?" Ye Feng thought back. Maybe someone came to him when he was sleeping in the past few days. He didn't know the trouble. "Someone came from other places?"

"Of course, many people want to become famous in the first World War of evil ghost high school. But few people can do this. The gold lettered signboard of evil ghost high school can't be smashed casually." when the students said these words, they all looked very serious, as if they were talking about some noble cause worthy of giving their lives, Ye Feng couldn't help smiling, But he immediately put away his smile. You can't be the opposite of these students. You must integrate into them in order to investigate the truth hidden in this evil high school. How to learn those secrets depends entirely on these students.

"So you're fooling around here day by day, and your parents don't care?"

The students all showed puzzled expressions and seemed to wonder why Ye Feng asked such a ridiculous question. "Of course not. We were sent in by our parents."

"What? Did anyone send their children to such a messy school?"

"That's because most of our fathers graduated here. This is also a tradition of high school. Generally speaking, students who graduated from ghost high school will send their children to this school to let them experience what the world of real men is."

Huang Liang can't help but feel a little headache. It turns out that so many unreliable parents will send their children to such a chaotic place after raising them. As for whether they can learn something in the so-called man's world, Ye Feng has strong doubts, but since these parents are like this, That means maybe these students can be taught in this evil high school, which they can't learn elsewhere. For example, respect for the strong. After a long talk about self-study in the morning, Ye Feng drew a lot closer to the students in this class. They looked at Ye Feng with less resentment and more respect. After all, Ye Feng is a handsome man, and his conversation is humorous, which can easily win the favor of these young people.

Moreover, Ye Feng was very generous. He invited these classmates to a good restaurant at noon and rubbed them hard. He took them to have a good play after dinner. He spent all the expenses without blinking his eyelids, which made these new younger brothers greatly appreciate him.

"It's so strong." several students gathered together, looked at Ye Feng's tall and straight back and whispered, "you see, the boss is so handsome. He is much better to us than the red haired monkey."

"Yes, that monkey hairy monkey asks for money from us all day. It's not like the boss directly inviting us to eat and drink."

"That's right. The red envelope monkey just lay in the hospital and became a garbage. He's been unhappy with him for a long time. It's enough to be stingy. It's good to say he's a man. Can he go to the urinal?"

If a group of students let their phone bills still lie in the hospital and the red haired man wrapped in mummy hears it, the man will be angry immediately. After this day's play and narrowing the distance with the students, Ye Feng hummed a little song and returned home.

At dinner, he told his family about today's progress, and everyone was happy about his progress today, at least in the absence of any conflict and bloodshed.

"If you really want to fool around with these boys, is it so interesting? I think your clothes are wrinkled every day." jenma said disapprovingly. "Let me check it. I'm sure I can find out the true face of the chief doctor soon."

"Forget it. You should care about the more important issues. Let me do this little thing. You don't know how to get along with those people. You feel much younger and have a great change in your mentality. Don't you think I look energetic now?"

"You don't look cheerful one day," said Gemma unhappily. "I advise you not to play too much and hurry up to find out the truth. If you delay like this again, maybe some children will do something that he regrets all his life because of the bewitchment of the mysterious organization.

"By the way, speaking of this." Ye Feng looked at Kate, "what happened recently?"

"That's not true." Kate put down her job and shook her head, "My work has been lightened a lot recently, so I can come back for dinner at night. It seems that I heard some rumors that the organization is not asking the students of the evil ghost high school to do things for them. However, I think this calm state should not last long. Once they find out what we are doing, they may immediately carry out corresponding countermeasures. Always In other words, time is still crucial. You'd better find out the whereabouts and personnel composition of the organization as soon as possible. If you can know the core figures in the organization, you may be able to carry out a annihilation action once and for all. Once it is proposed that each key figure has escaped, even if you catch some small fish and shrimp, it's nothing to do with things Essential help, after a period of time, those people will make a comeback. Even if they are not in the city of Xindu, they will go to another city to copy the sins they have committed. "

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