"In short, maple leaf is up to you," Kate expected.

"OK, just leave it to me. It shouldn't be a problem to find out the whereabouts of that organization by virtue of their friendship with those students. However, I don't intend to continue to cultivate this relationship with them and make them trust me more in a few days. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll just give them some sweets, and then they will be frightened as if they asked such a crucial question, and I doubt them These people should not have access to such confidential information. They may know the existence of such an organization, but can they know who the core figures of that organization are? I don't think so. Their level is still too low. It seems that I have to contact some people who have more voice in evil ghost high school. "

"OK, you must remember not to play too much, and a ghost high school is also a long dragon and crouching tiger. Among the students in unlimited classes, they can't be summarized by the concept of students. They are potential criminals one by one, and even some are criminals."

"Of course I know, but it seems that the students in my class are relatively simple. They don't look like criminals one by one. Of course, under the correct guidance, the red haired kid doesn't seem to wear that class at ordinary times. That class is often bullied by other wireless watchmen, so they seem so honest one by one. In short , my class is a counseling class. Although it is convenient for management, it is less likely that they will have access to core secrets. There are advantages and disadvantages. "

The next morning, Ye Feng, who went to the school, asked the students if he knew. Someone specially came to find the students of evil ghost high school to do some things. Sure enough, they knew these things, but they didn't know who or what organization came to bridge the gap and let the students of evil ghost high school participate in these things. Everyone talked about them one after another.

"I know about this. I heard that a person was killed or related to the students of our school. The student was finally caught and sentenced to 20 years."

"What? Only 20 years for murder?"

"Because he was young at that time. But because the plot was too serious, he had a lot of time to judge."

"How is such a thing in ghost high school?"

"Quite a few," the students said thoughtfully. In ghost high school. It's not a particularly difficult thing to tie your fist and make a world, as long as you're really strong. But some people are not satisfied with being the king in the evil ghost high school. They want to win more things. In this way, people with ulterior motives will come to them and the two sides will cooperate if they look at each other. So, such things are often seen in ghost high school, but such serious things that even people die are rare. They only appear in recent years. After all, this is also a high school.

Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully. Sure enough, as he expected, the people he entered this class were more counseling, the kind who were more obedient among the bad students.

Ye Feng seemed a little disappointed with their answers, but fortunately, none of his classmates are at least the kind of people who do bad things. In that case, he may have to teach them a lesson instead of their parents. It may be because these students are obedient and timid that they stay in ghost high school all the time, Don't mess with things outside. However, at least they are also unrestricted classes. Although students in unrestricted classes will be bullied, not many ordinary students dare to touch their eyebrows. Although life is not good, as long as they are honest, no one will come to trouble them.

The sphere of influence controlled by each class of this evil ghost high school has basically been fixed. Due to Ye Feng's sudden appearance, he killed the red haired boy, so that the structure has been shaken. However, over the past week, Ye Feng has no other movement, Therefore, those who always wanted to see good plays in ghost high school gradually lost their interest in Ye Feng, an outsider. I just think he is a simple minded idiot with developed limbs who doesn't know what he wants to do. Although this evaluation is quite consistent with Ye Feng, Ye Feng doesn't know what others think of him. Otherwise, he will make a big fuss with his temper.

While Ye Feng was thinking about how to get access to the more critical information, there was no doubt that it was difficult for these students to get the information he wanted from his side. At this time, there was a stranger at the door of the class. Standing at the door of the classroom, he looked at the people in the class, swept the faces of the students one by one, and finally fixed on Ye Feng. Ye Feng suddenly noticed that the atmosphere in the classroom seemed to have changed. The students who were talking happily suddenly closed their mouths and looked at the door with a serious expression, Some people even have hidden fear in their eyes. Ye Feng looked curiously at the door of the classroom and found that standing there was a bald man in school uniform who was definitely over 30 years old. His face was fierce and his eyes were small, but he revealed his fierce eyes that were hard to ignore. He was like a beast.

"Is your boy new?" he asked coldly like Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded, sat across the chair, put his hands on the back of the chair, and looked at the bald head with great interest. "Are you the legendary marinated egg king?"

None of the people present thought that Ye Feng would suddenly say such a sentence, and they were all stunned. The bald man's face was very ugly. He stared at Ye Feng angrily. Before he spoke, he was drowned by bursts of laughter.

"Boss, what you said is too much. How can you say that someone else is a stewed egg gentleman."

"Yes, yes, although he looks like a marinated egg, he is not a marinated egg gentleman."

"The stewed egg gentleman sounds cute. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, boss, you are so humorous."

A group of students laughed recklessly and made the 30-year-old marinated egg more like a marinated egg. "You all shut up," he roared angrily.

Ye Feng smiled, stood up and walked in front of the crowd. Under the baldheaded man's gaze, he raised his hand and slapped him directly out. He fell on the wall of the corridor and rolled several times, which stopped him. At the moment, the cheek fanned by Ye Feng's palm swelled like a balloon. This time, it really didn't look like a stewed egg, but it was a boiled egg.

"Speak carefully. Don't you know whose territory it is?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

Marinated egg Jun didn't expect that he would be beaten into an egg. In addition to his anger, he also had an intuitive experience of Ye Feng's strength. He knew that a slap from an ordinary person could not hurt him to this extent. This man must not be an ordinary person. It seems that the words in the rumors should not be based on hearsay. There is indeed a powerful person in high school. Although he may have a brain problem, he has personally experienced it, there is no doubt that he is a capable person, and he is a very capable person.

The stewed egg gentleman lay on the ground and didn't look at Ye Feng. He said in a stuffy voice. "You're in trouble, boy. I warn you, you're definitely in trouble."

"OK, I know, I know. If you are all the same, quickly say what you want to say to me. Who is interested in me?" Ye Feng stood against the wall. He took out his ear with his little thumb and said bored. He has already seen similar plots in those idiot movies. I don't know how many times. It's clear that this marinated egg came to spread a message that he is an insignificant minion. It may be debatable that he is so contemptuous towards a minion, but Ye Feng is in a good mood and wants to find someone to fight.

"Our boss wants to meet and talk with you."

"Your boss? Are you also an unlimited class?"

"Yes, we are also an unlimited class, so you'd better not act rashly, otherwise -"

"All right, just keep these cruel words and tell others. You idiots, you think I'm afraid." Ye Feng will kick again like a marinated egg. He immediately shrinks into a group to defend himself. "You see, you can't stand a scare. What's the outfit for the calf? Go ahead, time and place, and what's the name of your boss?"

"At noon, our boss will wait for you."

"Your boss won't wait for me with people?" Ye Feng asked with great interest, "You can choose whether to fight alone or in a group fight? I can go on. If you fight alone, I will fight with your boss alone. If you fight in a group, I will beat all of you alone. Tell your boss the original sentence. If I find you say one word less, I will beat you. Do you understand?"

The stewed egg gentleman nodded subconsciously, then immediately stood up and ran away, as if he was afraid that Ye Feng was beating him. Ye Feng snorted coldly, turned and returned to the classroom, and his classmates gathered around one by one.

"Boss, it's not good to do this. You don't know who the other party is, so you promise to meet the other party."

"I don't know who the other party is. Can you still know who that idiot is?"

"I know. It's under the crazy tiger."

"Crazy tiger? The name is very cool. Is it a nickname?"

"Yes, it's a tall man with blond curly hair. He's very tall. He should be over two meters and he's very strong. He's like those bodybuilders. Lao Da Guang looks at you and thinks this man is difficult to deal with, let alone take a face with him."

"So, this crazy tiger is a character."

"It's definitely true in high school. The class he commands is the most powerful. Crazy tiger's own strength is also unfathomable. It's not clear why he has been staying in ghost high school. After all, countless people throw olive branches at him every year. As long as he nods his head, he can live a good life, but he doesn't seem to be interested in those. He just stays in high school every day Days. I remember his biggest interest was asking girls out. "

"What, it's not a crazy tiger. It's a color tiger. It's so boring. I knew I wouldn't agree to meet him. I don't want to talk to such a person." Ye Feng said bored. In his heart, Ye Feng has deleted this crazy tiger from his list. It is absolutely impossible for a boy who only asks girls all day to know any important secrets.

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