In the boundless space, a huge ship has just separated from FTL (fast than light) and returned to low-speed mode (half light).

After 73 days of flight, the warship came to the star area of the target. As for the "Poseidon class interstellar cruiser", the captain could not decide whether the mission was to save, destroy or revenge. He just followed the orders of the upper level to search for survivors on the planet in the corner of the universe.

Although there are only a few lines in the mission book, which shows that the mission is ordinary, the captain is aware of the differences in the "ordinary" mission. After all, a "Battlestar" has the strength to destroy a planet alone, and a tactical team - two "Battlestar" has been assigned to this mission ...

"Corby, please get up and start your day!" at five o'clock in the morning, the prompt sound in the room woke Corby Smedes in a timely manner. The blonde with green eyes stretched sleepily and rubbed her hair. She got up from bed lazily and went to the bathroom to wash.

Kobi has the inherent beauty of the Elf race. She has an outstanding appearance and a sexy and tight figure. What's more valuable is that Kobi is a genius with both businesses and makes great efforts to exercise self-discipline. This is also an important reason why she can become an assistant to the captain at the age of less than 30.

Although there are some rumors about Coby in the fleet, they are all fabricated by mediocre people out of thin air. Kobi's outstanding ability has been heard by many high-level people in the eternal elf kingdom. If captain Samuel Jackson had not resolutely refused to release people, and Kobi himself had no intention to change jobs, Kobi should now work in the royal government and live a much more comfortable life every day than in the fleet.

After washing and finishing, the fairy beauty Kobi put on a dark blue uniform. This tight and neat military uniform, coupled with Kobi's exquisite appearance and body-building, really makes people, both men and women, have a pleasant feeling.

Kobi usually gets up at six o'clock and gets up an hour earlier today. It is also because according to the flight plan, the spacecraft will leave the FTL flight mode and reach the target star area today.

Kobi knows that this means that the mission is about to officially begin. As an assistant to the captain, she needs to enter the state in advance, so from today on, Kobi has advanced the time to get up an hour. When entering the dining area in area B-2 of the ship, Kobi simply received two cans of food, one is staple food and the other is milk.

This synthetic dairy product doesn't taste very good, but it is still very helpful for the supplement of body nutrition. The can tastes strange and viscous staple food, which is even more difficult to swallow. Life on ships is like this, boring and poorly paid.

But this kind of life was chosen by Kobi himself. Kobi prefers the present life to living in comfort. Although it's a little bitter, every time when the ship goes out on a mission, Kobi will have a feeling of exploring the endless universe. She is the kind of person who can't survive in peace. Her natural adventurous spirit urges her to stay in the ship, explore and travel.

"Hi! Coby."

"Good morning, sir."

"Hello, Ms. Kobi."

Kou Bi walked out of the single bedroom and went to the dining area. After breakfast, she went out of the dining area and went to the bridge. On the way, almost all the crew members she met, regardless of their rank, greeted Kou Bi cordially. The fairy beauties also responded with a smile one by one, which shows the popularity of Kobi on the ship "shield".

If the "loveliest person" was selected on the "shield", there was no doubt that Kobi would be the person with the highest vote. Last time, the executive director of the government wanted to dig Kobi to his side. The crew of the "shield" who learned about the situation directly blew up the pot and jointly asked captain Samuel not to let go. This made Samuel cry and laugh.

It is impossible to win so many people's hearts by virtue of beauty alone. You should know that there are many Elf Female crew members on the "shield", and they also admire Kobi 100% for their high looks.

And let the men in the army admire you from the bottom of their hearts, which is enough to show that Kobi's own ability is strong. After all, in the army, discrimination against women is particularly serious. Kobi conquered the elves of the whole ship, both men and women, simply by her courage and determination, her outstanding adventurous spirit and her resolute working attitude.

"Sir." when Corby came to the bridge, Samuel was already in his command area. Corby saluted Samuel as a greeting.

Samuel looked back at Coby and waved her, "is it early today?"

"Yes, according to the flight plan, we will arrive at the destination today, and the mission will officially begin.", Kobi walks to Samuel. Even though Kobi already has a height of 185cm, which is very tall for women, he is still a little small standing next to Samuel, an elf man.

Even though Samuel was in his 60s, the elf man kept an excellent figure. He was 2.2 meters tall and had a very strong body. The man standing there was like a mountain. He looked like a strong man who was not angry and powerful. This is also the reason why Samuel was once a "Star Fighter". His strong physique is a special physique that can only appear in hundreds of thousands of elves.

Samuel pointed to the relevant data on the screen and said to Kobi: "after detection, the scientific and technological level of this planet is very backward, not even a satellite."

"The document shows that the orcs are mentioned in the distress signal. Although those orcs are not difficult to deal with, our search forces are likely to encounter them."

The war race of orcs is actually equivalent to the concept of "fool race" in the concept of Elf race. After all, the brain circuit of orcs is too strange. Although this race advocates force, if you let them develop by themselves, the orcs on this planet may still be in the stone age after hundreds of years

In the orc concept: if you can cut down the enemy with your fist and machete, why bother to study other weapons? The development of science and technology is largely dependent on the development of weapons. It is also true that all kinds of advanced technologies are mostly put into weapon research first.

Therefore, if the elves fleet fight against the uncivilized orcs, the war situation is almost one-sided. Of course, there will be examples of being turned over by the orcs because they despise the enemy, but most elves list the human race with strong reproductive ability as the number one enemy of their race. As for the orcs, if you don't pay attention to them, you'll have a good time with them when you free your hand

Samuel said to Coby, "well, I have sent ten teams of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to collect specific information on this planet."

But Samuel is a little superfluous. All the orcs on this planet have long been transferred into the miniature universe by Dick. Except for the transcendent, there are not many living creatures on this planet

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