And Ye Feng thought, even if he sent someone to pretend that he was in the hospital, he could not make the relevant staff forget the fact that he had disappeared for a period of time before, and might be self defeating. In that case, we must avoid this situation and never let the other party be suspicious.

For a person who is very busy, he should not care about which hospital his idiot brother will stay in, whether he eats well, whether he sleeps soundly, and whether his injury has healed. You just need to hint to him that you are getting better slowly during the dialogue with him, and you can add some sounds that can only be heard in the hospital during the call, so that the other party will mistakenly think that his brother is still in the hospital.

In short, through countless small details, a lie dialogue between Jiangsu and Zhejiang becomes extremely real. This process will require a lot of manufacturing work and personnel cooperation. Therefore, before the first call, Ye Feng found a helper and practiced on the spot.

In this regard, Haley provided a lot of valuable information. Although she is a psychologist, she is also a doctor after all. She knows a lot of people in this field and knows a lot of things. Therefore, he mentioned many small details on how to build a virtual environment on the hospital bed, but these details are undoubtedly very useful.

Before the official call, Ye Feng tried to dig out as much information as possible between the two brothers from the population he had locked up. However, the other party seems to have noticed that he is either silent or full of lies. Ye Feng can't tell which parts of his words are true and which parts are false. Therefore, it can only be regarded as false and not used.

Otherwise, if the opposite party tells a false thing, but he listens and speaks as a fact, it is likely to attract the attention of the person at the other end of the phone. Never let the other party have any doubts. This is the most difficult and difficult part of these actions, but it is also the most challenging part. It's like working together to overcome a very difficult level. Ye Feng and his friends have been racking their brains and working together to make the whole plan go more smoothly.

Everyone fell into a state of forgetting to eat and sleep. When they were tired, they slept for a while, and when they were hungry, they ate something. The rest of the time they discussed and pondered the details of the plans in the process. People come and go, have contributed their part, especially Kate, who is the most excited.

When she heard about the plan at that moment, she immediately realized that the plan was likely to become the key to breaking the current impasse. Once she could find out the core secrets of the organization from the insiders, it would reverse the current situation.

The real strength of that organization is not its ruthlessness, but its extreme confidentiality. Once there is no camouflage umbrella, they will become extremely vulnerable and can catch them all at that time. She actively cooperated with Gemma and their actions, trying to make the plan successful.

If that person is in the dark and doesn't know that his twin brother has fallen into the registered permanent residence, if he knows that all this is happening, he may lament that so many people have paid so much price and energy to deceive themselves. Of course, after a long time, he would realize that he had been cheated, and then his death was close at hand.

On the day when the action officially began, Ye Feng even felt a little incredible after this period of fatigue. He thought this life might last for another period of time, but jenma gave an order and told him that it was time to really implement it. In this way, people dialed with uneasy mood. The phone number in that old mobile phone.

Ye Feng looked a little uneasy standing in front of the professional recording equipment, but he now knew that there was no turning back when he opened the bow. When he pressed the dial key, they had to go on. Listening to the beep from the mobile phone, people's hearts were raised to their throat. They simply didn't let them wait too long. After ringing a few times, the communication was connected.


This voice is the voice of the man who beat him seriously once heard by Ye Feng. He was stunned, but the words written on the paper in front of him blurted out: "it's me. How are you recently?"

"It's OK. How about you? How's it going in the hospital?"

"Yes, anyway, I'm idle every day. I'll play with the little nurses."

"Your life is really natural and unrestrained."

"It's all thanks to you. How could I live such a natural and unrestrained life without you according to my words."

"OK, just know it in your heart. Don't call me on this cell phone if you don't have anything."

"I have time to contact you, so I want to discuss it with you, and you know I'm really bored in the hospital, and no one comes to see me and talk to me, so I want to chat with you and pass the time. Brother, we are close brothers, you can't help giving my brother such a face."

"OK, anyway, I'm not performing my task now. What do you want to say?"

"In fact, it's nothing. I just want to talk to you about what I should do after I leave ghost high school."

"Are you going to leave ghost high school? Are you willing?"

"Even if it's a funny toy, it will be boring for a long time. Now I feel it's time to leave that school."

"What do you think? Tell me."

"In fact, it's nothing. There's nothing else to think about. Now it's just time to step back from there. Don't you think? I can't continue to stay there like nothing has happened. I'd better go out and work hard instead of fooling around there all day. I know I can't reach your height, but At least if you follow it, you may be able to live another and more wonderful life. What do you think? "

"It's incredible. I advised you many times before to stop wasting time there. You didn't listen. Now it's good to take the initiative to find me. Tell me what you think. I see if I can help."

Hearing this, everyone felt very excited. It turned out that there had been such a thing before. If you had known this, you wouldn't have to worry about how to induce each other in speaking. You don't need it at all, or even start inducing, and the other party has entered the rhythm Ye Feng wants.

"That's right," Ye Feng thought and said cautiously, "You know I don't have much to do in that high school now. If I can work hard with you, maybe our brothers can make a career with their profits. Of course, because you are in a better place, you must do the fighting and killing. I'm smart -"

A sneer came from the other party: "are you smart? OK, you have nothing to boast."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly and said with an appropriate grievance: "you have to let me have an advantage on one hand. You can't be strong in everything."

"All right, all right, what you say is what you say. You just want to work with me after talking so much."

"Yes, that's right. If we two brothers join hands, we will certainly surprise those idiots. Since we want to do it together, we must think about how to do it in advance. My idea is that we'd better accumulate some strength and do it ourselves. If we always act as thugs for others, when will we be the first in our life? Although you are good at it OK, but if you always fight and kill, there will inevitably be problems. If you don't say it, how can I live without you, man? "

"Cut, in the final analysis, you don't just think about your own problems, but what you said is exactly what I think now. Indeed, if the life of fighting and killing continues, there seems to be no end. Recently, I also want to break away from that organization and do something on my own. After all, I have shown a good sum of money now. With this money, we can If the brothers do some business, they should be able to sustain it. "

"No wonder you always advise me to stop fooling around in evil high school." Ye Feng began to play freely. "You've figured out the way ahead. Brother, what are you going to do? I'm sure to follow you."

"Of course, our brothers haven't been separated for too long, but since we want to make a career, we must arrange all kinds of things. The first thing is how to leave the organization safely."

"You've always kept that organization a secret. Is it because it involves a lot of things? You don't dare to tell me the truth easily?"

"Yes, I have said similar words countless times, but you are curious every time. You really can't understand what's in your big head. Since I can't tell you, it means that things are very dangerous. If I tell you, it may only cause you death. Fortunately, they don't know that our brothers are twin brothers. They have been for so many years I'm singing the double reed. If you want to retire from that evil high school, it may be a thing for them. They will certainly come and ask why I made such a choice. However, I've figured out the countermeasures. I said I want to concentrate on serving that organization. As for how to leave that organization, I've thought about it for a long time There is only one way to come. That is to be anonymous. Our brothers may need to hide for some time, and then we can use the saved money to do something we want to do. I'm really fed up with using it for others all day. "

"Brother, in that case, I fully support it. You can do whatever you want, but are you sure that organization won't chase us after you quit? I'm afraid it's hard to live like this."

"There should be a chase, but I have also imagined a similar situation. As long as we go suddenly, the other party should not react. After all, I still have a lot of autonomy when performing tasks. In this case, if I want to escape, they should not inquire, but the organization's hand can stretch far. Once it is true If you want to take this step, you must be foolproof. Otherwise, you are right and the pursuit of me may follow. "

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