"Unexpectedly, I know a lot of insiders. Although there are many thugs in that organization, I don't boast. There aren't many people at my level, so I'm involved in many things. In this case, I'll know some of them."

"Hearing what you said, I'm a little nervous now. I have to think about it in the long run. If I have to leave as soon as I clap my head, something unexpected may really happen."

"Of course, I need you to say, so I've been worrying about how to get out of that place, but it's no use worrying about similar things. Just leave it to me."

"OK, man, as before, I completely obey your command. By the way, are you recommending relevant things now?"

"Yes, I'm dealing with relevant problems. These things need to be solved urgently about where we live or our new identity. I can't do it until these problems are solved. So you can rest assured. Is that hospital OK? If not, I can help you get a better hospital."

"No, no," said Ye Feng in a panic, "That hospital is very good. I'm used to flirting with those little nurses. If I change to a new place, man, I have to do it again. It's a bit too time-consuming. That's it. You don't need to worry about my affairs. Don't divide your energy because of me. Hurry to do what must be done. I'll wait for you to let our brothers fly Huang Tengda, live a good life. "

"Don't worry. You won't have a bad life with me. If you hadn't had me for so many years, you would have become a stray dog on the street."

Hearing this, Ye Feng can only smile bitterly. He really can't say anything, because the fact is true. Without this person, the idiot might have been killed long ago, so he can only show that he is submissive.

The relationship between the two brothers is so deformed that one side is just like the parasite of the other side. Once there is no other side's care, he will completely lose his ability to live. That's why, in the dialogue with the other side, Ye Feng tries his best to show a submissive desire. He doesn't dare to put forward any opinions after listening to the other side Knowing this emotion should be most in line with the feelings between brothers. This is the conclusion drawn by Haley after psychological analysis. Although it is not clear whether it is consistent with the actual situation, it seems that there is no big problem from the other party's reaction just now. The other party should not have too much doubt. As long as she can continue to maintain this momentum, maybe it can In the next action, more news came out of the man's mouth. Ye Feng was quite satisfied with the current progress, so after a few more words, Ye Feng hung up the phone on the excuse and agreed to talk about this matter in detail a few days later.

When the second call was held three days later, Ye Feng seemed more relaxed. Unlike the first time, he had to stare at the teleprompter almost all the time, which gave him more room to play. For Ye Feng, speaking was almost more important than breathing in his life, so he was more relaxed when conducting various dialogues I don't feel bored or nervous.

Little by little, he felt that he was getting familiar with that person, and because he had done a lot of homework before, he would not feel any different from the other party even if he said a lot of words. This is the result of everyone's concerted efforts. However, Ye Feng could go through it in his mind before saying every word. And he was also happy He will not completely break away from the previously planned outline to play. He knows that some things can be flexible, but some things better not be too jumpy. Otherwise, once this trust collapses in the face of a small mistake, all this will be in vain.

Although Ye Feng's identity was not found, the other party obviously felt that Ye Feng was a little different from before. When asked about this, Ye Feng adopted a very persuasive statement. In his own words, he suffered great physical injuries due to major changes, and during this period, he had nothing to do because he was lying in the hospital bed What can I do, I just watch movies, so there are some changes in my mind. The other party agrees with Ye Feng's slightly boring excuse. Fortunately, Ye Feng didn't say that he used these time to read books, otherwise the other party would not believe it.

Even so, it seems that he has noticed the somewhat impatient words in Ye Feng's words, and the other party will seem to be a little concerned when he asks key questions. He Ye Feng doesn't know whether this is due to this between their brothers, or whether the other party has noticed some doubts.

But in a word, for Ye Feng, the fact is that if he is too impatient, it may have the opposite effect. Ye Feng thinks about it and finally asks about the core members of the organization when he doesn't make a second call. He knows very well that once he does so, he is likely to waste all his previous efforts, so he It is very wise to decide to mention this problem to that person bit by bit on the third or fourth call.

For Ye Feng's conservatism, everyone feels a little relieved, because they are worried that Ye Feng may make some stupid acts that make all their previous efforts go to waste, but at least so far, Ye Feng has not made such a mistake. Although Ye Feng's brain will smoke from time to time and wants to ask some more important questions eager for quick success and instant benefit, at this time, When he saw the sight of jenma and others, he always woke up at the last moment.

Although this idea has always been deeply rooted in his mind, when it comes to the formal implementation, Ye Feng doesn't dare to exaggerate his behavior because of the constraints of everyone. And at the critical moment, when everyone realizes that Ye Feng is talking nonsense again, they will immediately cut off Ye Feng's microphone, and then let another person simply say a few words to calm Ye Feng, and then re engage in the dialogue with each other.

It's no exaggeration to say that the dialogue was conducted under the close supervision of more than a dozen people. The other party didn't know this. He thought he was just having some simple dialogue with his compatriots and brothers. On the one hand, Ye Feng had more than a dozen people ready to watch Ye Feng's every move in front of the microphone. After the second call, he said and did everything, Ye Feng seemed a little disappointed. He originally wanted to talk to that person about the core issues of the organization during this call, but when he just tried to guide the direction of the conversation in this direction, jenma's voice immediately sounded in his ears. Don't be eager for quick success and instant benefit. If you ask that question now, it is likely to arouse each other's suspicion and continue to talk about the topic between brothers who have no nutrition.

Ye Feng originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, she decided to listen to Gemma's opinions. After all, the whole plan was carried out under her close control. She was the actual controller of the whole plan, and she had the most say. Since she said she couldn't do so, she wouldn't do it well.

Although it was only a call of less than ten minutes, it was indeed a difficult task that consumed a lot of energy for Ye Feng. After all this, Ye Feng felt as if he had fought an arduous battle. He felt weak and exhausted, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then walked to the lounge.

Gemma came in with food and drink. He put his things on the tea table in front of Ye Feng and sat quietly next to Ye Feng. After a long time, Ye Feng picked up the food, ate a few mouthfuls and added a little water. Then he opened his mouth and said to him, "I think the time is good. If you drag on like this, it may arouse the suspicion of the other party."

"Even in that case, we must not waste all our previous efforts because we are eager for quick success and instant benefit. Don't you feel it? When it comes to that organization, the other party will be very deep. If you keep asking this question, he is likely to become angry or more seriously aware of your real intention. In this case, do you think we have a second chance A second chance? Absolutely not. "

"But the problem is that the longer the time is delayed, the more likely the other party is to find that his brother is not in the hospital. In this way, we are not very passive and listen to God's will. If the goddess of luck does not stand on our side this time, but blocks us, we will lose all our previous efforts because of things we don't consider."

"Of course I have considered what you said, but for now, we must believe that all our previous efforts have not been in vain, and I have done a good job in this regard. I intruded into the system of the hospital and forged the transfer certificate. I believe that the person should not go to the hospital to check it in person, which may cause unnecessary anesthesia to him Annoying, he may find someone to check the medical information of the hospital. In this way, maybe the little hands and feet I do can work. We don't need to hide too much time. We can last another week. "

"That's a week. Accidents may happen every minute. Damn it, if this line fails, I really don't know how to act -"

"Don't worry. Since everything depends on luck, don't worry about these things. Just put the variables we can control. If we try our best, the rest will be decided by fate. Even if we fail in the end, we have tried our best. And don't forget that although our plan B is not very effective, at least we have our hands There is that man's twin brother. It seems that the relationship between the two brothers is quite good. If he really finds out that we are fake, we will really deal with him. Of course, I think the possibility of such a deal is very low. It's best not to do it unless we hear the degree of last resort. "

"I think it's not far from the last resort now." Ye Feng said with a bitter smile. "This is the case. Once the other party finds anything wrong, he will realize that we're lying to him. Damn it, this man will completely hide his whereabouts when he talks to his own brother."

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