In the ocean of his subconscious mind, the memory of that person and the face of that person are actually stored, but he can't find a correct way to guide it out. After being put into the state of hypnosis, he recalls all the details that are easy to be forgotten, which makes Ye Feng very excited. It is precisely because this person shows great cooperation, That's why they saved a lot of energy..

Because it would be very abrupt to cancel contact with the person suddenly, even if there were no questions to ask with the person, Ye Feng continued to talk to the twin brother in the wolf shop every three or five times, and the two sides gradually scolded. Therefore, everything seems to be on track. At the same time, Gemma is also investigating the real identity of the mysterious figure. After all, there is a portrait. According to the arrested, the portrait the headmaster said is very similar to the person he saw, almost a person, Therefore, Ye Feng's whole attention at the moment has shifted to searching for the real identity of this person.

They clearly realized from the beginning that this is definitely a difficult problem to overcome, so there is no fluke at all. We have made a long-term plan, so when the search operation was blocked at the beginning, we didn't feel any surprise at all. According to ordinary means, we can't find out the person's real identity or information about him.

Gemma began to give full play to her intelligence. She is definitely a leader in the industry in this regard. Therefore, even if it is very difficult, she still hasn't given up her self-confidence and hasn't been hit. She continues to use various channels to search for this person's information. At the same time, she even starts to search for this person's information from other means and channels.

She threw herself into the new metropolis and other libraries to fight against the materials accumulated over the years. This process is very difficult. Due to the low efficiency, she had to have a lot of people to help her search for valuable information that may or may not exist in the sea of books.

Because the man once said that he had seen the mysterious core person on TV, Gemma also searched for the program picture of the man in previous TV programs, but the process was much more complicated than he thought. To think that the man might appear in the news program, zhenma paid all his attention at the beginning.

After searching the news of the new metropolis in the past two years, no similar faces were found. This process is long, complex and full of variability. In order not to prevent anything from missing, Jane Marling watched the pictures of all news programs in the past two years needle by needle. Of course, she didn't look directly with the naked eye, Otherwise, she couldn't finish it even if she saw it next year. She used face recognition technology for programming, and then used several computers. Only then did she analyze all the data, but even so, she didn't find the exact picture of the man.

When he arrived here, Ye Feng felt a little helpless. Maybe the man remembered wrong. He might not have seen it on the TV screen, but Gemma thought it was very unlikely, or she might not have found it before. Therefore, in order to ensure that the war horse was safe, while searching for those information, He still searched all kinds of pictures appearing in the new metropolis TV programs, but this time he expanded the scope from news to all kinds of programs, and even included all advertisements. As long as the pictures appeared on the TV in the past two years, they will be filtered again.

This workload is amazing. He had to buy some special equipment to make the search operation go on stably and continuously. After a week of search, he found a profile after damaging more than a dozen computer hosts. Although it was only a profile, it did look different. The portrait of the man described by the headmaster is very similar. Although the head shape is different, the side faces are very similar. Although it is not clear whether this person is the person they are looking for, it is indeed the most similar picture among these pictures. As for this person's identity, it has not been revealed because of the appearance of the picture.

Because this person appeared in an advertisement. The shooting place in this advertisement is the square of the new metropolis, in that square. A side face of this man appears in the lower right corner of the picture. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all, which shows that the man's entry into the country is only a very accidental thing. Therefore, it's unclear what the man's identity is, but at least it can be clear that this man does exist, Moreover, it is very similar to the appearance described by the headmaster of ghost high school. According to this real picture, we can investigate the real identity of this person more smoothly.

Considering that he often appeared in xinduhui, Ye Feng began to search the personnel files of xinduhui for people with similar appearance. However, after a search, it was found that there was no match in age and appearance. Gemma thinks about it. It's likely that the other party has tampered with her files, either moved out of the new metropolis, or completely wiped out all traces of her existence. Either of these two situations is very difficult for the current situation. After all, it's been so long, The twin brother in Lang's heart who spoke with Ye Feng may find himself cheated at any time. Once he finds himself cheated, he will immediately realize the other party's intention, probably to find out the mysterious organization. Once he realizes this, even for self-protection, he will certainly inform the mysterious host of these situations, Unless she is worried that her previous mistakes may be investigated, it is possible not to tell others about it, but after all, there is the possibility that he can directly tell the situation to the organization in a hurry. Therefore, for Ye Feng and others, they dare not take this risk and can only keep searching for the real identity of the core character.

At the same time, try your best to make the brother of Lang Xingfeng who is talking to Ye Feng not have any doubts. This is definitely a great test for Ye Feng. All the action plans made before things go here are useless. After all, no one would have thought that the development of things would be so dramatic, At this moment, I no longer want to ask valuable information from that population. On the contrary, I want to stabilize that person. It's troublesome to end things at the beginning. At the beginning, Ye Feng took the initiative to contact the other party. In the end, it became the other party to contact him. It seems that the withdrawal plan has been gradually improved. The other party wants to escape from xinduhui with his own brother, but Ye Feng has become the party who asked him to be careful and not to act rashly. The roles of both sides have changed 180 degrees, Whether Ye Feng or others, they all feel a little inexplicable and funny. No matter how powerless, I also secretly worry that once the other party finds something wrong, he may be aware of the change in the plan at any time. In this way, once the other party seriously searches for the whereabouts of his brother, he is likely to find those points that can not be hidden. In this way, all his previous efforts will become so ridiculous.

The lie of wearing at the touch is put in front of everyone. They can only try to delay the moment when the dam collapses bit by bit. Since it is quite certain that the mysterious core character they are looking for may have engaged in some illegal activities, some of the criminals may know her whereabouts, and this must be talked to those people one by one. In order not to be discovered, Ye Feng and they are searching for the mysterious character. Once the other party realizes this, It is likely to scare the snake, so it is very exquisite in choosing the object of inquiry. This person must be knowledgeable and know a lot. At the same time, he must also be able to contact those extremely dark things. After thinking about it, only one person meets such conditions, that is Xu wenweak, who has not appeared for a long time.

As Ye Feng has made it clear before that he doesn't want to participate in his affairs, Ye Feng won't bother Xu wenweak as much as possible even if there are some difficulties, but at this moment, it seems that he has to contact him and let him identify that this person is the only one. After all, this person has many informants, Even if he doesn't know his old contacts, people may be able to know the real identity of this person. Once they can know the real identity of this person, it is a very significant breakthrough for the current stalemate.

Ye Feng felt very tangled about this, but fortunately he soon realized that it was not such a time to waste time. Even if it would make the other party's horse yard, Ye Feng could only try. After getting through Xu wenweak's phone, which had not been dialed for a long time, Ye Feng was uneasy. On the one hand, he was worried that the phone had been abandoned by him, on the other hand, He was also worried about how the two sides should talk after the call was connected. Xu wenweak didn't let it last too long. After the call was connected, Ye Feng immediately said, "Hey, man, I need your help."

"I knew you called me because you had something to ask me." Xu wenweak's lazy voice came from the other end of his cell phone.

Ye Feng said with a wry smile: "Yes, but you don't need to do anything this time, nor do you need to get involved in dangerous things. There is just a person who needs you to confirm your identity. You can see if you know it or if your informants know it. Locking this person's identity is very helpful for me at present. You don't care about other things. You just need to identify it People, do you know such a small thing? It shouldn't be too difficult for you. "

"You never have any small things there." Xu wenweak said unhappily. "It will certainly embarrass me in the end, but since you have spoken, send the person's identity information. I'll have a look. I don't know."

"OK, I'll send it to you by e-mail right away." Ye Feng sent the few information about the person he found to Xu wenweak's mailbox. Xu wenweak took the initiative to call in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Ye Feng, are you against this man now?"

"It's not an enemy. The organization he works for is the object I'm going to deal with now. What's the matter?"

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