"Do you know the details of this man?"

"It's clear. Although I don't know the real identity of this man, I know his nickname."


"Ghost wisdom."

"Ghost wisdom? This nickname is a bit of an idiot."

"Never mind whether he is an idiot or not. He is very powerful. If you are against him, you must be mentally prepared."

"What are you talking about? Be prepared? What's the matter? Is this man capable?"

"No, he is not a capable person, but a rare strategist. His brain is worth mentioning. Although his own force value is not high, he is just an ordinary person, but his brain is absolutely enough. Some actions he planned, let alone failed, are rarely seen through. It is no exaggeration to say that this man is a divine operator. But he regarded this kind of intelligence Intelligence has been used in evil ways, so this man is very dangerous. Are you really against this man? "

"Of course, don't say it's useless. Do you know the whereabouts of this man? Or what he has been doing recently."

"I don't know. The only time I had a contact with this man inadvertently was five years ago. At that time, he asked me to act as an intermediary to do something. I looked at it and didn't promise him. After all, it seemed to me that there was no bottom line, so after that, I was always careful about him and worried that he might make some shady moves to me, but fortunately I was such a small man It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the character at all. "

"Listen to you, I'm more interested in this man. Since he is so strong, that is to say, he has done a lot of things. If you want to lock his traces, it shouldn't be difficult."

"Not difficult? He did plan a lot of things, but the executor never had his shadow. You don't even know whether he did it or not. He is that kind of brain. As for who his hands and feet are, he will find the right person, so even if you want to catch his trace, it's an extremely difficult thing in my opinion. Maybe you haven't found him yet, He has found you. "

"He should not know my existence now." Ye Feng's tone is not very sure. "I'm looking for him now. While looking for someone, it's really difficult for him not to know."

"All right, I'll do these things myself."

"Ask your informants what they can do now and where they are staying. He may have focused on the new city in recent years. Ask and see if anyone knows this. If you know, I can pay no matter how much. I want to buy information. Of course, if this person is really like what you describe, it is very dangerous. You can buy it When doing this, you'd better pick some trustworthy people. Of course, I also know that there are not many people you can trust - "

"That's true," said Xu wenweak. "In a word, I'll see what I can do. Don't put all the treasure on me."

"Of course, Gemma has been working hard. You can do it as much as possible. You'd better not get yourself into trouble. I don't want you to stay away from the stable life now."

"OK, don't worry. I haven't lived enough yet. I'll only try my best and won't try to be strong."

"That's good, old man, please this time."

"Cut, it's so false. Just give me money in my account at that time."

"OK, I will. No matter you can't find the information of that person, I'll give you money."

Xu wenweak didn't give a clear answer about the real identity of the mysterious man, but found some sporadic information according to the previous nickname. Although these information is old, it surprised Ye Feng and others. Ghost Zhi's experience can be called a legend. He grew up in a civilian area without father and mother. At a very young age, he entered the wrong world because of his livelihood. This mistake is a lifetime. Until now, he has not been able to separate from the dark world.

It is not surprising that he entered such a distorted and dark world since childhood, which led to his very strange mood compared with normal people. This man can be called a legend in terms of killing. Although there is no record of his personal killing, the number of people who died indirectly in the hands of his wisdom is absolutely astronomical. It's no exaggeration to say that his existence has led to great casualties in many regions. He doesn't care about people's life and death. How many people die is only a number for him. As long as he doesn't achieve the goal, it's not surprising for him, no matter what means he uses, no matter how serious the consequences are. More importantly, He is often able to achieve his goal and won't let himself be bothered to come to the door.

It is precisely because he has so many legendary experiences that he enjoys a high reputation in the criminal world. Many people spend money to find him and want him to give advice for themselves. As long as the money you give can impress her and arouse his interest, this person will use his brains for your affairs. Generally speaking, as long as he is willing to use his brains, There is almost nothing that can't be done. This person is so terrible that it's hard for you to think with a normal person's thinking. After all, this person's thinking mode is very different from that of a normal person, so it's hard for you to see the wonderful track of his step after I come up with those amazing plans, But even if you can see through it, you will only feel what kind of power a genius can burst out when he uses his intelligence to achieve his goal.

It took him only ten minutes to collect all the valuables in a bank vault. He moved away in broad daylight. This scene happened in front of all the security personnel, but no one realized that it was a bank robbery, because the trick it used was very simple. He just used a small skill, that is, let all the bank staff be included in his plan, and all the people just wanted to. It's possible for this. All the people who play a key role in robbing the bank will be drawn into the plan by her and design the plan by various means. When it happens, there will be no obstacles. It's simple to say, but it's actually very difficult to implement. After all, you have to conquer everyone. However, in front of ghost wisdom, human nature is like a toy and can be manipulated at will, so he can complete such a simple but unimaginable plan.

There are countless similar things, but although it is called ghost wisdom, the strategies used are not very exaggerated, but extremely simple. When you look at it, you will always feel why you didn't see through the mystery. It is precisely because ghost wisdom's logical way different from ordinary people that makes his various plans seem so strange. He adheres to a principle of doing things, that is, simplicity and simplicity. The simpler it is, the easier it is to control, and the less it will lead to the failure of the whole plan due to too many steps, and simplicity does not mean that. The whole action is rough, and it is because the steps are too sweeping that we can more perfectly achieve the goals set in advance. Simply implemented this person's life.

It is precisely because everything can be measured as much as possible and efficient and simple ways and measures are selected. Therefore, he has been involved in the criminal circle for so many years and can't find anyone to identify him. On the one hand, the evidence of the person behind the scenes is that he is very careful and doesn't meet anyone who commits a crime at all, so you can't grasp any evidence that can point to him. On the other hand, it also shows that this person is cunning. He won't have flaws at all, even if he leaves a voice, He always only accepts others in his own way, and never takes into account other people's feelings. It is always others who cooperate with his rhythm, but he does not cooperate with others' rhythm. Perhaps in his early criminal career, he did leave traces for the end, but when his criminal skills gradually matured, he had the resources and the ability to erase the mistakes found in the past one by one.

In the second half of his life, his participation in the crime plan gradually decreased, and he completely became the behind the scenes. Enjoying the black money he made, at the same time, he focused most of his energy on removing the traces left by himself. All his records, his personal files and all the traces of his life in the world were wiped out by him with various resources and means. In addition, he took great pains to do this.

Even in many people's opinion, there is no need at all. After all, many things have passed the litigation period. Even if they are tracked down, they can't find out why. On the contrary, he spared no effort to investigate these things, which is time-consuming and laborious without any return, but this is his character, You can regard his almost paranoid behavior as a hobby or an insurance that allows you to sleep at ease, but in any case, the name ghost has rarely been active in people's ears for many years.

But in the eyes of many people, this man is Napoleon in the criminal world. Few people will do so many bad things like him, but they can finally retreat. Many people follow his example and continue to run on this road of no return. Most of them have very tragic results. As for the outcome of the system, no one can give a specific answer. After all, no one knows whether ghost wisdom lives or dies. However, from the current situation of Ye Feng, this ghost wisdom not only lives well, And went back to his old business. He should have become the think tank of the mysterious organization. If he was there, so many strange things would happen. It's just that where this person is hiding and what he is planning. These are what Ye Feng cares about most now.

After jenma and others knew the identity information about the mysterious man, they became more interested in this man. Although they had not heard of ghost wisdom before, after listening to the information sent back by Xu wenweak, they realized that the character they are dealing with now can be regarded as a legend, although he is a complete villain, Even if he is shot for 30 minutes, he will never pass, but there is no doubt that no matter what he does is bad or good, he is doing great things. Such people must be taken seriously, otherwise, it is difficult for you to catch them and bring them to justice. This is very clear, so it makes them more energetic now.

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