The conversation ended after a few more sentences. The conversation made it clear that the two people wanted to leave staggered, so the younger brother of the twin brothers put away his mobile phone and turned around and left. But he seemed to have gone, but he didn't. It seemed that he wanted to go around and observe his brother's actions from other directions, but all this was expected by Gemma. After a while, the people he arranged in advance surrounded the man again.

This is a fierce quarrel between a group of uncles and aunts over the venue. One party is going to dance square dance and the other party is going to practice Taijiquan this time. In short, the quarrel between the two parties is very real. The popular one in the middle is stamping his feet, but he dare not do anything. After all, they are a group of white haired old people, so they can only be delayed for a few minutes, Within a few minutes, the scene had been arranged, and the person injected with special medicine was locked up again.

All traces were removed one by one, and Gemma replaced the video in the camera with the video recorded in advance. The picture of all actions has not been recorded at all. Even after the man returned to his safe house, the video and inspection will not find anything worthy of attention and doubt. At least this operation worked very well.

Everyone was very excited on the way back to work, but they knew that this was only a small victory. The real victory was how to lock the whereabouts of the man nicknamed ghost Zhi. On this issue, no one else can help them. They can only rely on themselves.

At the thought of this, everyone's high mood gradually fell down. However, Ye Feng has always been a kind of boat. He is naturally straight at the end of the bridge. He won't worry about things he can't control for a long time. Generally speaking, those things he can control but always have accidents are enough, which has made him feel tired.

After returning home, Ye Feng and Chu Qian directly entered the state of rest. After all, they didn't even have time to rest these days. As for the others, they returned to the previous search work again. Search for information about ghost intelligence through various channels.

Although hope seemed so slim, no one gave up fighting. In addition to those major cases that have been disclosed in front of the public, it is almost difficult to find other cases involving ghost intelligence. There is no doubt that these cases with traces erased by ghost wisdom are more likely to find his whereabouts. Gemma focuses all her attention on this problem and tries to find a way to solve it. Difficulties are undoubtedly very difficult, but at least for everyone. It's far from giving up

When the turning point appeared, no one thought it was because of a woman. To tell the truth, this seems unreasonable, but it is also reasonable. After all, ghost Zhi is also a man. If it is a man, he will fall on a woman, which can't be too much on anyone.

The exact number of women killed by ghost Zhi himself is unknown now, but there may be a woman he really loved in his life, so she didn't work hard, but even so, he took the woman abroad and kept away from himself, so that he could feel safe. At the same time, He did some other means, such as turning the woman into an idiot.

In fact, being able to do this is enough to show that ghost Zhi is cruel and ruthless. Even if he didn't make up his mind to kill the only woman he loved in his life, he turned her into an idiot himself. Which is more cruel than directly killing a woman? Ye Feng has been unable to judge. He only knows that this man must be removed from the world, because he is so evil and he does things so frightening. Therefore, for whatever reason, once he finds the whereabouts of this man, he must completely erase it.

It was for this reason that Ye Feng and his colleagues were immediately excited when they learned that this woman existed. To be honest, it was a bit of luck to find the man's whereabouts. This person is jenma. When searching for ghost Zhi's past experience, she accidentally found that the welfare home where ghost Zhi grew up was set on fire more than 20 years ago. Several people were burned in the welfare home, and nothing else was left. This attracted jenma's attention. She knew the action characteristics of Guizhi. In order to erase everything about herself, he would do anything. Even if several people died, there would be no hesitation for him. Therefore, when her intuition told jenma that the arson case was likely to be the ghost of Guizhi, she immediately began to investigate the old past.

It is difficult to find the whereabouts of the people in the welfare homes related to the arson. After several twists and turns, we finally found an old woman over 70. The old woman was once a staff member of the welfare home. When she was young, she might even have dealt with ghost Zhi, but she may not remember this, She didn't even know what ghost Zhi was.

However, when Gemma described to him the characteristics of ghost intelligence, the old woman seemed to have remembered something from her dusty memory. She trembled and recalled the memories that had turned into dust in the past. After searching for a moment, she did think of a strange and unsociable little boy who was in line with jenma's description.

According to her, the little boy was a trouble in the eyes of everyone. Because of his bad character, others dared not approach him. The only girl who dared to approach him in the welfare home was a little girl. They entered the welfare home in the same year and were poor children who had lost their parents. The other people and the staff were very surprised that the two people could live in harmony, but the fact is true. It's hard to imagine what kind of sparks would happen between the two people. In short, the two people left a deep impression on the old staff at that time. At that time, she was on the verge of retirement. But then a lot of things happened. In short, a lot of things happened before the boy left the welfare home. These things felt that everyone was in a mess. Therefore, although it was not good to say this about his sudden disappearance, almost everyone was relieved.

It seems that they know they are not popular, so the man walked very suddenly. They don't know what happened. Suddenly one morning, the man disappeared. If Gemma hadn't come to the door this time, maybe the old man wouldn't recall anything about the thin boy with fierce eyes until he left the world.

The fact is true. Because the welfare home was burned down by a fire more than 20 years ago, all the records of that year disappeared and became dust. No one knows the boy's real name and where he came from. All this information has long been impossible to check.

Fortunately, the old woman remembered the name of the only little girl who could swear with the boy. The girl's name is Lucy. As for her last name, the old lady can't remember. It's very difficult to lock the girl's identity just by virtue of such a public name, but jenma spared no effort to focus all her energy on the little girl named Lucy. Gemma believes that through this Lucy, she may be able to investigate some things about ghost intelligence. In the hearts of the young ghost intelligence at that time, maybe this Lucy is that special existence, and such a special existence may become a key to open the door to the real identity of ghost intelligence.

After all, Lucy didn't completely cover up and modify her identity like ghost Zhi, so she could analyze the growth process of Lucy from some clues. When the fire broke out again, all the children in the welfare home were transferred to another welfare home, where Lucy lived for two years and finally left, He was only 17 when he left.

After leaving the welfare home, Lucy seemed to live a vagrant life. She should have suffered a lot and suffered a lot, but it didn't make Lucy go astray. According to some ambiguous records, it seems that Lucy has become a nurse through her own efforts.

She has not experienced special training, but she has learned nursing knowledge bit by bit from her working experience, so she can't find a job in a regular hospital. She can only help in some private clinics. However, even so, with her intelligence and efforts, she has gradually become an excellent nurse.

However, Lucy's life experience suddenly came to an end at the age of 25, and no one has known about her since then. People thought that at the age of 25, she had an accident and her life came to an abrupt end. At first, Gemma thought so. At this time of investigation, she couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. It seemed that the woman had died in a robbery or accident. After all, she is just a lonely little girl without identity. To put it awkwardly, few people care whether she is dead or alive, so it's not surprising even if she encounters such a thing.

But the question is, in that case, why did she disappear completely. Did you leave the body? In this way, he completely erased his existence from the world. Gemma always feels a little unwilling. She continues to seize this line for investigation.

The opportunity appeared in an accidental place. The year Lucy disappeared, there was a vault robbery in the same city - a month before her disappearance - that shocked the whole country. After the robbery, all the gold bars worth millions at that time were stolen, and it is not clear who did it.

When she happened to notice this message, Gemma suddenly felt in her heart that it was the work of ghost wisdom. Could he be the person who planned the gold robbery in this city? This shows that others were in the city at that time, and only less than a month later, the woman named Lucy suddenly disappeared completely without any news. Is there a direct connection between the two? Is it ghost wisdom who made this woman disappear?

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