When she thought of this, Gemma was immediately excited. She realized that this idea was indeed very possible. Ghost intelligence is indeed like a person who can do such extreme things. When he meets his childhood partner in a strange city, what action will ghost intelligence take? Is it just to catch up with the past and get well after a meal and forget about the Jianghu, or will he take some extreme actions in the eyes of others?

There is no doubt that this must be the latter. Gemma immediately investigated the line. She found that one of the people who participated in the Treasury robbery was arrested because of other things many years later. When she explained the matter, she also talked about her participation in the bank robbery that caused a sensation all over the country. And that man is still alive. Of course, he has been released from prison.

Gemma immediately took people to the place where the man lived. After arriving, she experienced some searching, and then she found the old man. It is no exaggeration to say that the old man is so thin that he can't even walk by himself. Who would have thought that he was a notorious robber who participated in several robberies. Time took away the hostility from him. Make him look kind.

When Gemma asked him about the gold robbery in that year, he seemed to be telling other people's stories. In a calm tone, he told Gemma and others who came to visit him about the wrong things he had done in that year.

In the old man's narration, it is not difficult to imagine how incredible what happened more than 20 years ago. At that time, they didn't know who planned the gold bar robbery. They were just the operators who were found. At that time, he was a driver who was not well known. He was responsible for leaving with the booty after robbing the gold bar. That was all he was responsible for.

However, before the specific implementation of the plan, everyone will gather together and conduct final discussion and Analysis on all the steps of the plan. Of course, this process is dispensable in this plan. All the details of the plan have been determined, and they are just tools for implementation. However, even so, it seems that in order to take care of everyone's emotions, the person who finally planned all this showed up in front of these people.

Of course, this is only a show in a broad sense. The man didn't speak and didn't show his true face. He just could barely see that he was a thin man, that's all. As for whether women dress up as men or any physical characteristics, it is completely unknown.

When I learned that it was the little man who planned all these actions. At that time, the old man felt incredible about it. Although he didn't know the original appearance of the whole plan, no one knew it except the person who designed it. What other people need to do and pay attention to the details. But when all the people get together and go through the plan from beginning to end, they will still find that the plan is so incredible. It seems that it can't be successfully implemented at all, but the leader seems to be very confident in this person's plan. He asked everyone if they want to do a big job. At that time, they were just unknown little people. Of course, they decided to gamble. If they succeed, they may be able to make a rapid success. Even if they fail, they just pay tuition fees, With such a dispensable mentality, they really completed the gold bar robbery plan.

When he drove away with a bag dressed in heavy gold bars, the man felt that all this was not true at all and thought he was dreaming. After this event, he worshipped the mysterious man, but he never had a chance to meet him again. However, according to his memory, when the man met them, he seemed to be a little uneasy. The man kept looking at his watch, and occasionally he caught a glimpse of a small picture in the man's hand, a picture of a woman. It seemed that he was twenty-four or fifteen years old, not good-looking, a round oval face, This feature is very similar to the girl in the memory of the elderly woman asked by Gemma before, so it can be believed that the woman in the picture seen by this person should be the suddenly missing Lucy.

After connecting everything together, Gemma was very excited. She realized that it was really as she imagined. While planning the gold bar robbery, the man also took away the only woman he might really love and handled it in his way. How can we find the whereabouts of this woman? Maybe you can know the man's past secrets when you find the woman's way, but Gemma is still worried. Maybe the ghost didn't take the woman away, but directly killed the man, so the woman suddenly disappeared. But she was still very excited about the idea that maybe the woman was still alive. If she could really find such a whereabouts, maybe she could find out the secrets hidden by ghost intelligence. At least from the current situation, this woman is a special existence for ghost intelligence.

Ghost Zhi should be under 60 now. So this woman should be around 50. In that case, there is still a chance that she should live in this world, and it's not small. But in front of jenma, she had no clue. She didn't know how to find out.

She tried to figure out the way of thinking of ghost wisdom. If she was ghost wisdom, such a woman would know very well that it was very dangerous for herself. In that case, if she couldn't be cruel to kill this woman, how would she deal with her?

There is no doubt that she will disappear completely, and then this person will not become a nail. I don't know when he will stab himself. So we should start from the outside. If you want to hide a woman, foreign countries must be the best choice. Although this is no different from no news, just think about it and see where ghost Zhi has a special complex. Maybe you can find out this whereabouts. At least for Gemma, this is a train of thought, so she began to investigate where As long as there are his footprints in which countries ghost Zhi has appeared, she will conduct an investigation. After some screening, there is a lot of blood in the places where ghost Zhi has been, which makes Gemma feel desperate. However, with such a fluke mentality, she feels that she can't be so bad that she has filtered all the places before she finally comes to a conclusion. In this way, she began to investigate one by one, In fact, this investigation found that there are not many places that really meet all the conditions.

First of all, many places where ghost Zhi goes are those chaotic places. If you want to hide a woman there, it is unrealistic and may cause complications. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a woman's safety and make sure that she will not become her own burden. In fact, there are few places left after screening.

After a careful investigation of the remaining places, it is actually very simple to find a woman living here. First of all, considering the behavior logic of ghost wisdom, she will certainly not let the woman move freely, so someone will take care of the woman. Secondly, in order to ensure the concealment of things, the place of residence must be in an obscure place, or a place where people are rarely visited or where people are simple. If such an investigation is carried out, there will be fewer remaining places.

Based on these locations and a little luck, zhenma really found the small village where ghost Zhi exposed himself in Tibet. Speaking of it, there is still a relationship between ghost Zhi and the village. When he went abroad on a mission, he happened to pass by. He seemed to love this place very much there, so she stayed there for some time. He even paid to build a library in the village. This is because this happened, so the local people are very familiar with the physical characteristics of the little man described by Gemma. As Gemma imagined, ghost Zhi is a unsmiling and moody person. His character was also remembered by these villagers during his stay.

However, even so, these people still don't know what the system looks like. According to their description, ghost Zhi has never revealed his true face in front of these people. Therefore, when these villagers recall this person, they have only some vague impressions, which can't help at all, But when Gemma talked about Lucy's facial features. The people in this village didn't know the relevant information, which made them very confused, but on second thought, maybe Guizhi did the best. He should have changed the face of that woman, so he asked the people in the village whether a woman in her twenties and thirties suddenly came to live in this village, Sure enough, there was such a person, but he didn't live here long. He stayed for less than three years. Just like when he came, he suddenly disappeared.

Gemma was immediately excited to realize that her idea was correct. She had found the woman here who appeared and disappeared mysteriously according to the route that ghost Zhi had acted. She must be Lucy, but she thought that Lucy might have been manipulated by ghost Zhi. The top fold of cosmetic surgery, a face she is completely unfamiliar with, continues to live and is at the mercy of others in this world. She can't help worrying about the whereabouts of the girl. After so many years, can the girl really live? Now that she has become an old woman, does she still have a memory of the man who changed her life? At the thought of this, Gemma is like falling into an ice cave. It is absolutely impossible to follow the behavioral logic of ghost Zhi. Even if he keeps the woman alive, he will never let him become his burden. In other words, it is very likely that even if she found the living Lucy, she could not ask any news from her. Indeed, when she finally found Lucy after many twists and turns, she was in a nursing home. Jenma looked at the dementia old man with dull eyes and drooling mouth. She felt very sad. She could no longer ask any news about ghost wisdom from the old population.

Ghost Zhiguo really didn't kill him, but he really took the woman's life in another way. At the thought of this, jenma was heartbroken. He and she could not help clenching her fists to vent, but she couldn't mention any anger in front of the dull old man. There is only deep sorrow.

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