With the introduction of the nurse, Gemma gradually understood the situation of the old man. It was not clear who sent her. It was just that an envelope was sent every year with all kinds of expenses of the year, so the old man had been living in this top nursing home.

It's just that it's impossible to find out the whereabouts of the person who sent the money, and no one has ever visited her. The old man has IQ problems, can't speak, and won't have any expression. She has no interaction with the whole world. She won't do anything else. She will just sit in front of the window and stare at the scenery outside the window. From time to time, she would draw some graffiti, but even so, no one could understand the inexplicable pictures on the graffiti. The old man lived completely in his own world. But from time to time, there will be a frightened expression on his face. But in other respects, she is quite quiet, so she is also a model old man in a nursing home.

When the nurse said this, Gemma suddenly saw a light in her eyes. She grabbed the question and asked the nurse, "you mean the old lady often draws some graffiti."

"Yes, this is the only way to interact with the world. It's just that the things she painted are really incomprehensible, dark and dark, and I don't know what she really wants to express."

"Do you still have the graffiti?" jenma asked eagerly.

"Keep most of them. After all, it's also a trace of her communication with the world, so we'll sort them out and put them in one place. Do you need to see those things?" the nurse stared at Gemma curiously.

Jenma immediately nodded and said, "please show me those things!"

Following the nurse, Gemma went to a storage room. In a carton with Lucy's name on it, she saw the pile of graffiti.

Indeed, if it is only a glance, those crows seem meaningless at all, but if you look carefully, you can still see something that can be guessed. It was clear that there were no questions for the dementia old man, so at Gemma's request, the nurse asked her to take all the graffiti with a camera.

Gemma left the nursing home with a complicated mood. Before she left, she specially asked the nurses not to tell others that she had visited the old woman. Although the nurses asked jenma why, jenma couldn't tell them. She just said that it might pose a danger to the old woman's safety. The nurses had already felt a little doubt about the old woman's state of being neglected for so many years, So after listening to jenma, she kept it in mind and didn't tell anyone else about it. It was precisely because they kept this secret strictly that the old woman finally survived. Of course, these are the later words, not to mention for the time being.

Gemma, who returned to xinduhui, immediately began to analyze these graffiti. Fortunately, Haili, who has been traveling abroad at this time, also returned to xinduhui. With her full help, it would no longer be so difficult to analyze the real meaning of these graffiti. Although she didn't talk face-to-face with the dementia old woman named Lucy - in fact, she couldn't say anything even face-to-face - after some inquiries about Gemma, Haley managed to make an assessment of the old woman's psychological status. According to her analysis, the old woman may have been dementia for many years, Her subconscious thoughts can only be expressed through these graffiti. In that case, the graffiti must have meaning, and according to the dark colors, it is not difficult to see that the emotion the old woman wants to express is that kind of very depressed, painful and desperate emotion. If you scan these patterns with a scanning instrument, you can analyze the color blocks drawn by those colors. It can be clearly seen that those color blocks seem to depict a person's appearance. Although the person's limbs look strange, considering the painter's mental state, this distortion can be fully understood. In that case, Then the characters in his paintings must be ghost wisdom. In her mind, the most reluctant and unforgettable person must be the ghost intelligence that devastated his life to this extent. Therefore, the human shape made up of the black color diagram hidden in these pictures must be ghost intelligence. Even people without any common sense will come to this conclusion, Therefore, the following is how to identify these strange portraits of ghosts and wisdom. It seems that these are drawn by letter strokes. There are no fixed rules, so it seems that there is no clue at all.

Even so, Gemma persevered in fighting these seemingly meaningless portraits. In the painting brush of the old Lucy, ghost Zhi is a faceless person. He seems to be darkness and chaos itself. Of course, this may be because the old woman is not enough to draw portraits with clear facial features, But from another aspect, it can also be inferred that this is the old woman's fear of ghost wisdom, so that she dare not even recall that face.

This makes jenma's analysis difficult. The most important facial features can't get any clues at all. As for other bodies, all parts are completely separated from the whole real world. Jenma had to come to a conclusion that these were indeed the graffiti of the elderly with dementia. Even if he did draw ghost Zhi, it didn't help the current situation. According to his image, he couldn't find the characteristics of ghost Zhi at all.

When she was at a loss, it was Ye Feng's accidental discovery that broke her inherent impression. One day, he went down the stairs and watched jenma sitting on the sofa staring at the graffiti. He walked a few steps to jenma, sat next to her, and then looked at the copied graffiti on the tea table.

"Who drew this? Are you in contact with children now?"

Gemma was so upset that she ignored him and sat silent.

"What on earth is this painting? Why does it look like a black dog? Why is the dog standing? And why does he have six fingers?"

Jenma suddenly woke up and looked at Ye Feng: "what are you talking about?"

"Look carefully. There are six fingers and six small serrations on the part of the hand. I don't know why this man painted like this. Does he think he is painting more a dream?"

"Doraemon has fingers?"

"Of course, if you look carefully, Doraemon will stretch out his fingers when picking up things, but it is usually a round ball. If you look carefully, it does look like a piece of graffiti, but if you look carefully, you can see several small jagged East and West, like lines. I guess it should be his fingers, and you look at almost every picture 123456 lines are drawn on the hands. This should not be a coincidence, but the characteristics of the person the draftsman wants to express. No, it should be the characteristics of the dog, but what is this thing? It's OK to say it's a man or a dog. Just tell me he's a rabbit. I believe it, but is there a black haired rabbit in the world? I seem to have seen a black haired rabbit Son. "

Ignoring Ye Feng's chatter, Gemma paid all her attention to the graffiti in front of her. Indeed, as Ye Feng said, there are several air lines on the hands of those graffiti. If you don't look carefully, you may mistakenly think it's just graffiti, but if you think of fingers, it's six fingers. And under careful observation, Gemma was surprised to find. It is not that one hand has six fingers, but that both hands have six fingers. This man has one finger on his left and right hands. He has six fingers. Then this can become the key factor in searching for his true whereabouts!

After all, there are not many people with six fingers in the world, and there are fewer such people if they are still double six fingers. According to this, we may be able to investigate the clues about ghost intelligence. At the thought of this, Gemma was immediately excited. She held the copies on the tea table in her arms, then went upstairs and rushed into her room to start the investigation. She knew that ghost Zhi had many faces. He certainly won't let people know his true face, but there are many faces, which means that many people may know his other identities. These identities may not be so important in his eyes, so he may not completely erase these identities. After all, he will do many other things in his life besides crime. Everyone is complicated. He must have another side besides the disgusting and vicious side of crime. So many faces will certainly have many clues for investigation, but you simply can't dig out these precious lines hidden in the corner, but if there is a bridge, it may make all this come true. For example, if someone is double six fingers, the person who has seen this scene may have an impression, In this case, it is no longer impossible for Gemma to find the whereabouts of ghost Zhi.

Hold on to this point and try your best to investigate, maybe you can gain. She began a nationwide search for double six finger personnel files in the database. She knows very well that it is impossible to directly lock ghost Zhi's identity just by doing so. He must have completely emptied his files, but even so, he is an orphan, so he should not know much about his family members. In this way, he may be able to find people associated with him from his family members, After all, the double six finger is probably inherited in the family, so maybe in a corner he can't expect, there is a person he doesn't know at all, and there is a certain blood relationship between him and people. Both sides have inherited the feature of double six finger. If we can find this person and determine the relationship between him and ghost intelligence, Maybe we can dig out some life experiences about ghost wisdom. In this way, we may be able to guess the ghost through these life experiences. This person can uncover his mystery bit by bit.

It's easy to say, but it's very difficult to carry out in practice. Ye Feng wants zhenma to solve the problem quickly. However, it's a waste of too much time. After so long, he just found this little clue. The only thing that can be sure is that ghost Zhi is a double six finger. Ye Feng was always impatient. At this time, he hurried to check the code almost every day. Did he find that zhenma was so annoyed by him? Later, he directly pasted a note on his location that Ye Feng and dogs were not allowed to enter, which reluctantly blocked Ye Feng out of the room.

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