When the seriously ill old man faced the inquiries of Ye Feng and zhenma, he made no secret of some mistakes he had done when he was young. Moreover, when he saw that zhenma used face repair technology and the restored old women would look like when they were young, he immediately recognized the man and said he had an experience with him.

The woman cheated him hard and cheated him out of his savings. Although it has been decades, when talking about this matter, he is popular to gnash his teeth. Gemma had a deeper understanding of the old woman's malice. It can be imagined how terrible the old woman is to let a criminal who has done bad things all his life overturn.

But when asked whether he took a boy away from the welfare home, he hesitated and told the truth. According to him, when he was sure that the child was his own flesh and blood, he made up his mind to take the child away and prepare to raise him as a person, but after taking it away, he was arrested for a robbery he had committed before. In prison. When people found his temporary residence, they found that the child had disappeared. Since then, he had no whereabouts of the child. What he had experienced after that was unknown. Jenma and Ye Feng were extremely disappointed to hear that. Although they found a man, they didn't ask any valuable information for the investigation, They wasted a few days, but got nothing. Fortunately, the man's accidental words still excited them.

According to the man, there was a birthmark like a turtle shell on the child's back neck. The birthmark was very strange, so he was very impressed. This tiny detail surprised Ye Feng and zhenma. If there was an obvious birthmark on the back of ghost Zhi's neck, this might be the key to identify him. After all, not many people knew this. Maybe he didn't want to hide this detail.

On the flight back to the new metropolis after leaving the dying old man's home, Ye Feng and zhenma discussed the current situation. Although a lot of people have been found, a lot of useless work has been done and a lot of time has been wasted, there is no doubt that the image of ghost wisdom is becoming clear bit by bit. Although it is still uncertain where ghost wisdom will hide?

But there is no doubt that his facial features have gradually become clear. As long as these information is gathered together, it may be possible to change who is cheating. At the same time, Gemma has not given up during this period of time, searching for the whereabouts of devils in the new metropolis. This person should be living in this city and committing his criminal acts. In that case, he must have an identity to hide people's eyes and ears, and whether this identity can be found is the key.

The key to the problem is how to find out the false identity he used to hide his true identity, and then use the specific information about his physical characteristics that we currently have to lock in whether this person is a ghost intelligence or not. This is Ye Feng's idea at present. Although it is clear that it is not safe to do so, for them, there are few things they can do. They can only solve this problem and uproot the intertwined organization. Unless they find the core figure, it will be useless to do anything else. Everyone knows this, so they are very serious about catching ghost intelligence.

It really took a little luck to find out the true identity of ghost Zhi. At least for Gemma, she didn't expect that things would be solved in this way. From the mouth of the ghost to the real father, she learned that he had a birthmark on his neck. Therefore, according to this, Gemma immediately began to investigate whether anyone in hospitals across the country had undergone similar surgery to remove the birthmark on his back neck.

After her investigation, there was no news. There is no doubt that if ghost Zhi did such an operation, he would certainly clear the relevant operation records. So Gemma changed her mind. He can completely eliminate the surgical records, but it is almost impossible to eliminate a person's existence, but he can kill the person. On the other hand, no matter how hidden he does things, he will always leave the death information of the person, This is something he can't control, so Gemma changed her mind. Since she can't find the relevant records of the operation, she will investigate the death records of dermatologists who can do this operation, and then compare them to find out the possibility of deliberate murder.

Ye Feng helped with this. With his help, he built a very accurate and detailed algorithm. This algorithm can judge the probability of this person's death from murder through the analysis of data. Through the investigation and summary of the death records of dermatologists across the country, it took several days. This program framework gave Gemma a result. The results show that the number of dermatologists who really meet this condition who may die of murder is not large, about dozens. After all, as a dermatologist, there are usually not many enemies. Even if they are murdered, they will still be seen if they are not a perfect crime. In this way, they can be deleted from these data, After all, people with the level of ghost intelligence will never show obvious foot. It should look like an accident, so according to this basic element, the analysis of these data shows that the 32 dermatologists who may have died of murder are what Gemma needs to identify now.

After a specific analysis of the 32 people, Gemma couldn't help but conclude that the person who is likely to operate on Guizhi is among the 32 people. On the surface, the deaths of these 32 people are not surprising. Some died in car accidents, some died from falling objects, and some accidentally encountered an accident when traveling and fell into a mountain stream. In any way, they seem to be no unexpected deaths, but after a detailed investigation of the death information, Gemma came to a conclusion, Although these people seem to have died in an accident, and indeed, there is nothing strange about them except one.

But only this one died the most commonplace, but he was the one who thought the most. He was poisoned while eating puffer fish. Considering that there has been no food poisoning in that famous puffer fish shop for decades, and it happens that he is the only tragic person in these decades, it is not surprising to think so. Why did he die after eating puffer fish?

Of course, considering that this kind of food is really delicious and dangerous, even if such a thing happens, it doesn't seem very suspicious. It can even be said that no one has any doubt about this death except Gemma. But in jenma's opinion, after such a long investigation, he has more or less had an in-depth understanding of this person's routine. For ghost Zhi, the simpler the scheme is, the more in line with his code of action. Only in this way can he leave the least trace on his every move. The simpler and more reasonable, this is the style of ghost wisdom. If you want to come, let the target die of synthetic poisoning, which is very consistent with the feeling given to Gemma by ghost wisdom. This intuitive impression makes Gemma sure that this person must have died under the tricks of ghost wisdom.

Gemma, who always believed in her sixth sense, immediately visited and investigated the man's relatives. There is no doubt that the man's death was very abrupt. No one could think of this. Even after his death, people who knew him felt that it was definitely like a joke. This man really loved eating. He loved puffer fish very much, He had eaten puffer fish many times, but only this time he had an accident and died at once, which was unacceptable to his family and had been very disappointed with his death.

Because of this, when Gemma came to the door and asked them about the man's death, the family was very surprised. They thought it was disgraceful and the death was too casual, so they didn't want to recall these things at all, but after the communication between the two sides was more in-depth, The other party seems to be aware of other possibilities of this death, so it becomes very cooperative.

According to their memories, the death occurred on an ordinary Saturday. As for why a man would remember to eat puffer fish in that store, the reason is very simple. He completed an excellent operation and rewarded himself with a delicious meal as usual. That puffer fish shop was his favorite at that time. He ate almost every two weeks, so it's not difficult to want or know his dynamics.

How to poison the puffer fish is a very simple thing. Just add puffer fish poison to the processed puffer fish, and then the murder can be completed unconsciously. Therefore, there is no doubt about whether there is any doubt about his death. What Gemma wants to ask is whether they know something about this man's patient. Of course, The doctor's family knows nothing about the doctor's patients. This situation is too normal. Almost no doctor will talk about these things with his family. Therefore, when she asked this question, Gemma didn't expect much.

The fact is true. The family really can't tell why, but a small detail they said still excites jenma. That is, before everyone died, they had been in the family to solve the thief several times. Although some property was lost, the loss was not large. On the contrary, there were signs of being turned over in the doctor's study. Considering that there was no valuable property in the study, it was turned over twice in succession. They thought that maybe they had bad luck and met two groups of thieves one after another.

But in jenma's eyes, she realized that it was not bad luck at all. When she met two groups of thieves, they were the same person or the same group. Their goal was not money, but valuable information.

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