With only this information, Gemma speculates that it may be the doctor's relevant information about his patients. After all, according to later searches, his diary was stolen. Whether ghost Zhi suspects that he described his patient in the diary of the doctor who proved that he had skin surgery. After all, he must show his true face when performing surgery. In that case, it is reasonable for him to start with the doctor, and according to the operation.

After in-depth investigation, Gemma found that after one or two years of the doctor's death, more than five people in the hospital died in seemingly accidental accidents, and three of the five people were involved in the same skin surgery. Considering that ghost Zhi killed people only by virtue of his own will, maybe he killed five people just to cover up and not let others see through. The dead were the staff of the hospital who had the same skin surgery.

I have to say that he calculated every step to the extreme, but after all, when he had the operation, others would see his true face, so he had to kill all the people involved in the operation. It was a minor operation, so there were not many people involved. He killed a doctor and two nurses. He deliberately killed two more people to make the deaths of these three people look less abrupt. If someone hadn't investigated the matter and knew that he had a birthmark, no one would have any doubt about the deaths of these people. After all, they seem to be ordinary accidental deaths, and there is nothing to pay attention to and doubt. This is the embodiment of ghost wisdom's ruthlessness, using the simplest way of behavior to create the greatest killing, Even to kill.

Knowing this, Gemma and Ye Feng were very excited. Finally, there can be direct results. After all, ghost Zhi killed people and cleared the relevant data, but all this happened less than ten years ago. There are still channels to investigate the news and information. It can be said that at this moment, we are close to uncovering the true face of ghost wisdom, and all we need is only the last effort.

Gemma and Ye Feng did not relax. They immediately rushed to the hospital. Although it has been ten years, most of the staff in the hospital are still there. They still have an impression of the dead dermatologist, so it is not difficult to investigate. Sure enough, the hospital had been intruded, and the intruder's target was directly at the archives. However, because there was not only one archives in the hospital, and outsiders could not know about it, some precious paper materials were still stored in another underground database, which was only known by the relevant person in charge. Even many employees don't know about it.

When they learned the secret news, Ye Feng and zhenma were filled with excitement. Do you really want to uncover the true face of ghost wisdom? He calculated everything, but he didn't expect to pass the double six fingers on a piece of graffiti. Ye Feng and others finally locked his true identity and his past experience, and now they are finally about to tear his true face apart and reveal it in front of the world. Maybe ghost Zhi killed the woman Lucy she loved, instead of making her an idiot and hiding her. He can really erase everything he has done from the world, but there is no if in the world. After all, he is a man and he will make irreparable mistakes.

The hospital somehow made two copies of the backup information and put them in two different storage rooms. The underground storage room was known only to the president and several relevant staff, and most of the others did not know. Because of this, ghost Zhi did do something about another storage room with written materials, There was an unexpected fire in the storage room, which led to the burning of all the files in it. However, even so, ghost Zhi could not imagine that there was another backup, and this backup file could find his true face.

After learning that Ye Feng's intention, the Dean was very happy about how to get into the room. The unknown key to the room where the backup files are stored was given to them. Don't let them investigate at will. This is the greatest support for Ye Feng. After all, according to these files, you may really find the whereabouts of that location. It's no exaggeration to say that the importance of these files is also extremely critical.

According to this information, many things may be found. If this information is in the hands of criminals, it may cause some intrusion on the privacy of these patients. Fortunately, Ye Feng and he zhenma show that they are members of the shield alliance. With the good reputation of the shield alliance, they easily let the president agree to their request for investigation data, After they arrived in the small room on the third floor of the basement, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. All the documents were sorted out very neatly and put on the value of each document. It can be seen that these documents are all inclusive. The medical records of the last 20 years are placed in the most prominent position. As for the medical records further forward, It's not what Ye Feng and Gemma need. In fact, because they know the time of colorectal surgery, they found it in less than ten minutes. The required paper document records were opened with excitement. Sure enough, there was a picture of the patient on the patient file. Although it was only a bareheaded bust photo, the existence of this picture meant that all their efforts these days were not in vain. As long as they could lock the real identity of ghost Zhi according to this picture, After all, during the operation, he will inevitably show his true face. If the doctor or nurse finds him wearing a face, it will arouse the suspicion of others. He can't even make up. After all, it's an operation. So this picture on the patient file must be a picture of ghost Zhi himself. He certainly didn't expect that he spent so much labor, killed several people with so much effort, and invaded the hospital system and the storage room for storing documents. He still didn't strangle everything in the cradle.

After such a long time of investigation, Gemma and Ye Feng really found the picture of ghost Zhi. At the thought of this, Gemma and Ye Feng who were looking at the picture felt very excited.

Ye Feng and zhenma leaned side by side and looked at the thin man in the picture.

"This ghost intelligence looks ugly." Ye Feng joked, "it's like he hasn't eaten enough for many years. Why does it look like malnutrition? And why does he keep this very ugly mustache? It should be intentional. If he especially loves this mustache in aesthetics, I can only say that he is really independent."

Ghost Zhi in the photo does have a moustache. This photo was taken ten years ago. At that time, he should be younger than now. However, even so, he looks like an elderly middle-aged man with poor appearance. He simply did not expect that he should be such an evil and terrible man.

"Anyway, this must be the true face of ghost Zhi. With this photo, it's not a problem to find him." Ye Feng said excitedly.


Jenma stared at the photo, her hands trembling with the document. All her efforts over the past few days cost so much energy and price to find the picture of this man. This man almost erased all the evidence of his existence from the world, but in the end, man will prevail over nature has not become a reality here. Even though he made so many efforts, God still scattered some precious evidence that could reveal his true face on this world. As long as someone put all the fragments together with his heart, he could find these puzzles and restore them to their original appearance bit by bit.

When ghost Zhi's true face appeared, his efforts over the past decades were declared a failure. Ye Feng pointed to the man in the picture and said, "boy, you certainly didn't think you would capsize in the gutter. I don't understand. This hospital has such a strange rule to store documents in two different storage rooms for separate backup. What's the significance?"

"It's a minimum guarantee," said Gemma. "Even if something happens in one storeroom, the data stored in another will still play a key role. In any case, it's because of this cautious attitude that we can know the true face of ghost wisdom. Pray, Ye Feng, pray for the people who set this rule."

The two people left the hospital with excitement. The photo had been safely put in their pockets. Before leaving, she communicated with the dean and told them the danger. The Dean was very clear that such an accident would never happen, so there was no need for Ye Feng and Gemma to consider their own safety. Indeed, until the end of his life, ghost Zhi didn't want to understand why these people who suddenly found themselves would master their true face. He should have killed all those who knew their true face. Haven't all the evidence been erased by him? Why do these people suddenly fall from the sky with their photos? Ghost Zhi didn't think about this until he died, but this is the result of the efforts of Ye Feng zhenma and the group of people behind them. If he did not do those heinous things, if he did not commit those countless crimes, he could not have lived so furtively, but a person chose to go astray and go farther and farther. No matter how he struggles, he will pay for what he has done. Ye Feng knows that those who deprive others of their lives will eventually lose their own lives. But some people, like ghost Zhi, who think they are smart, can't even understand such advanced principles. They blindly blind their eyes and only think that they may be lucky to escape from punishment. But this fluke is meaningless, and countless fresh examples are there. Those who play with life will be played with by life.

After returning to the new metropolis, Gemma immediately began to analyze the people in this photo. As long as the people in this photo have appeared in the new metropolis, she can immediately know where this person appeared, what his identity was at that time, and who communicated with him.

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