If no one else intervenes, it is likely to die in this unknown small warehouse, like a dead dog. Fortunately, although the wolf line lingered and did not mention speed, it was not too far after all. After walking for more than half a day, he drove to the nearby village.

Because he had contacted ghost Zhi in advance, ghost Zhi had no doubt about his arrival. Instead, he asked his men to conduct a thorough inspection of the wolf shop and put him into the village. Staring at everything from a distance, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He had thought that maybe he should hide in the car of wolf punishment to see if he could get in. When he noticed that when the wolf came down from the car, the other party drove the car directly into the forest, and then detonated the car directly with gasoline, Ye Feng felt very scared. The other party is really good enough to do things. He doesn't leave any flaws and is clean.

Fortunately, the small device in the hands of the wolf bank has the function of collecting sound and transmitting it over a long distance. It can completely transmit the sound around the wolf bank to people's ears. Although we can't see the surrounding pictures, hearing these sounds is enough to help everyone to some extent. At least it can be confirmed that the crazy tiger is not dead. Through the conversation with those personnel, they learned that ghost Zhi is still asking about the crazy tiger. He is still torturing the crazy tiger, but he still keeps his life. Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he doesn't care about the death of the crazy tiger, after all, if he dies, A large part of the responsibility also lies with him, so if possible, Ye Feng still doesn't want to know that he has died.

When the plan comes to this point, it seems that it has completely reached the rhythm envisaged by Ye Feng. Next, you just need to let Guizhi meet with langxing, and then see the punctual opportunity to detonate the concussion bomb. In this way, you can completely confuse them. Next, you can deal with these Guizhi's men in this village, Once the location of ghost Zhi is determined and it is determined that he has passed, there is no need to worry that the ghost may escape. In this way, Ye Feng and they can let go.

With the powerful help of the shield bearer alliance, which can be supported at any time, it is only a piece of cake for Ye Feng to destroy hundreds of criminals in this small village. Listening to the sound from the small device, Ye Feng and others are also very nervous. Now is the most critical moment. Once it can be determined that the device has worked, the action team can immediately launch a raid on the village.

They just ignore a person, who is the killer with a great sense of existence. After Guizhi asked him to bring the wild tiger back, he didn't leave the small village for the first time, but lived down. This is because of his existence, which led to twists and turns behind.

After all, his sense of existence is very low, and no one has noticed his existence at all. Although his strength is not very strong, with this characteristic of his sense of existence, the critical moment will cause great unexpected. This point began when ghost Zhi met with wolf bank. When the wolf shop entered the room of ghost Zhi, there was another person in the room besides ghost Zhi, and this person was the killer with very low sense of existence. Even after the professional killer of wolf shop entered the room, he didn't find the existence of the killer with very low sense of existence. The killer stood in the corner of the room, But the wolf shop turned a blind eye to him and talked with ghost Zhi.

In the process of his conversation with ghost Zhi, because he had been listening to the dialogue between the two people, he gave Ye Feng and others an illusion that in this room, except ghost Zhi, there was only wolf line, and all the others were guarding outside the house. Considering the time when the wolf bank opened the door and walked into the room, and then speculated about the size of the room, Ye Feng and they were surprised to realize that if the concussion grenade was detonated in the room, the coverage would only include ghost wisdom and Lang bank, and others might not feel it at all.

Once so, that is the best state for action: when the enemy is completely unprepared, attack suddenly, let them be unprepared, and then strive to annihilate these people in one fell swoon. After annihilating these people, they can take away the fainting ghost intelligence. Ask the whereabouts of those people from his mouth.

Indeed, it sounds very simple and effective. It seems that the success rate is very high. But people ignore the existence of a person, that is, the killer with a very low sense of existence. During the conversation with wolf, even ghosts subconsciously ignored the existence of life killers. The wolf line, who has not been aware of the existence of the killer, let alone the two people, regardless of the tone or the implied meaning in the painting, gave Ye Feng a wrong concept, that is, there are only two of them in the room, and no one else exists in the room. It was this wrong concept that led to the failure of their seemingly flawless plan. That led to the scuffle that followed.

"Should we detonate that concussion bomb?" Ye Feng said to the real horse holding the controller in his hand.

Gemma hesitated. She knew that now might be the best time. If this action could be successfully implemented, it would have an extremely significant impact on the next action, at least in terms of casualties. At the moment, there seemed to be no other choice. After thinking for a few seconds, Gemma clenched her teeth and said to the walkie talkie: "Right now."

Then she manipulated the switch of the detonator. When she pressed the switch, jenma suddenly had an ominous feeling in her heart, but the button had been pressed and the concussion bomb detonated.

When it was detonated, people who had been arranged near the small village in advance also launched an attack at the same time. Ye Feng, Chu Qian and Audrey led the shield bearer alliance to rush into the small village. The criminals were caught off guard. Before they could aim their weapons at Ye Feng and deal with them, they had killed more than ten enemies at the first time. When the whole small village was disturbed by these sudden people, In the room covered by the concussion bomb, ghost Zhi and wolf Xing were uncontrollably affected by the bomb. They both lost their bathroom and fell to the ground, but the killer with a very low sense of existence was not affected. On the one hand, he was less affected when standing in the corner of the room than these two people. On the other hand, he was wearing protective equipment, So even if he was affected to some extent, he almost recovered his mind. The fighting sound outside the window immediately made him understand what had happened.

Although I don't know why the man who came to the door suddenly let himself fall into a trap. But the killer can't control so much of him now. Through the analysis of the causes and consequences, it was concluded at the first time that it was the trap set by this sudden person. And he saw that the bomb exploded in his real hand, so he stabbed the unconscious wolf directly at the first time, which directly killed the wolf. The wolf did not expect that he would die so unclear and unclear. It doesn't make any sense, but this is his final outcome. He died so miserable, like a stray dog that no one cares about.

After the matter of wolf line was solved, he checked ghost Zhi's vital signs and determined that the current boss was still alive. He immediately walked out of the door of the room. Because the headphones he wore could control and contact all the people in the village, he immediately issued several instructions. After his orders, the criminals in the village resisted and became more organized. Ye Feng and they immediately felt a great increase in pressure.

After rushing out of the room, he ordered a few words to more than a dozen men surrounded by the room, proving that the killer with a very low sense of existence walked in the direction of the battle. When he approached, neither side had any feeling. Under such a chaotic situation, he had a very low sense of existence and became more like a transparent man. Even if he saw it, he would instinctively shield it in his mind, so that he had killed several members of the shield bearer alliance, and no one found his existence.

Until he found Ye Feng. Ye Feng was killing happily. Suddenly, he felt that one of his right ribs was broken, and then he felt a knife in his thigh. He didn't understand what was going on. He got another heavy blow on his face and fell directly to the ground. Just when he wanted to look up and see who was attacking him, He was surprised to find that a very ordinary uncle looked down on him. He was carrying a dagger stained with blood. It seemed that he was going to stab the dagger into his brain. Ye Feng was stunned. He didn't know where the man came from. Just when he felt overwhelmed and was about to be killed by a knife, as an uncle, he suddenly dodged in front of him. It turned out that it was an arrow shot by Audrey to relieve Ye Feng's urgent need.

Chu Qian also rushed to Ye Feng's side and pulled him up from the ground. Two women surrounded him and watched around vigilantly: "what's the matter? Ye Feng, who are you beaten like this?"

"I don't know..." Ye Feng said in confusion. He was going all out to use his healing ability to recover his physical injury. At the same time, he tried to recall when the man touched his side. Why didn't he have any vigilance? In this way, he was beaten in a row and almost directly Ko.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly found that the members of the shield bearer alliance were downsizing at a rapid speed, which surprised them. This shows that there are extremely powerful people in this village. However, because every fighter of the shield bearer alliance is wearing a portable camera, according to the picture, At least it should be able to lock the general physical characteristics and abilities of the capable person, but the voice of jenma of the headquarters in the safe zone sounded from the headset. She couldn't hear any characteristics about the attacker. Instead, they asked the combatants in panic, what happened and why did you reduce your staff so fast? Has anyone seen any strange powerful people?

Ye Feng realized that the ordinary middle-aged man who had just attacked himself must be the one who made such a big killing!!

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