Ye Feng immediately told others what had just happened to him through his headset, but when Gemma asked him what physical characteristics the man had, Ye Feng suddenly stopped talking. He tried to recall, but he still couldn't think of anything worth describing about the man. He can only say hesitantly: "I don't know. It's a middle-aged uncle with a flat head. His facial features can't be described. He can't see it in the crowd."

"You can't keep up with what you said." jenma's angry voice came from the headset. Ye Feng was angry when he was beaten. He was unwilling to show weakness and choked back: "I don't know what's going on. That damned uncle definitely has some special ability. Otherwise, how can he easily sneak into me? I admit that I'm not a top expert in combat, but it's impossible for ordinary people to approach me without my knowledge and beat me up. At least the other party should rely on me My strength is higher than several grades, but if I'm really such a strong man, I'm farting now. "

Gemma forced herself to calm down and began to analyze the data on the battlefield. Through the cross comparison of the video images, she finally found the ordinary middle-aged man in the night tuyere. Sure enough, the man's ability should be very strange, because when he approached the combatants of the shield alliance like walking, they didn't notice it and were still with others The criminals fought and openly exposed their weaknesses to the helping man. The man just raised his hand and took out the knife, and then a fighter of the shield alliance fell down. The simple reduction was heinous. It was not clear how she did it.

When Gemma transmitted this person's basic information through the headset, everyone realized that there was such a person in the battlefield. He was like a god of death in the upper half of the battlefield. Everyone had seen him, but he had no impression of him. He walked like that, walked to everyone's side, gave him a few knives, and then walked away. Everyone looked like him Is he invisible to this person, which makes everyone feel extremely frightened. Is it difficult for this person to have the ability of invisibility?

However, jenma's words calmed the people a little: "it's impossible. This person doesn't have stealth ability. Since the camera can capture his action track, you can also see it. What he should have is other abilities. In short, everyone should improve their attention and ensure their own safety."

Without this uninvited guest, the battle would be a one-sided result. After all, although these criminals have been trained by ghost intelligence, they are worse than the professional combatants of the shield bearer alliance in terms of experience and strength. It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no proof of the existence of killers with a very low sense of existence If it takes only five minutes, you can definitely contribute to this village, and then you can take ghost Zhi and leave here. Unfortunately, just because there is a killer who proves that he has a very low sense of existence, the battle is still not over when the personnel of the shield alliance have lost 2 / 3. On the contrary, it becomes more and more intense. After all, the rapid reduction of personnel On the one hand, Ye Feng and the criminals in this village are losing their staff far less quickly than they are, so that even if they are not dominant in strength, they can make the combatants of the shield alliance in a hurry through the advantage of the number of people. After all, they must devote a lot of energy to observe the action of the mysterious killer. Fortunately, it is involved after all With enough energy, the killer's special ability can play little role at the moment. His ability is to reduce his sense of existence, not completely erase his sense of existence.

Therefore, when the battle is accompanied by the accumulation of time, the effect of his ability will become weaker and weaker. Gradually, everyone begins to realize that there is such a person walking around them. Although it is unclear why he seemed to turn a blind eye to this person and can't see him before, almost everyone can clearly lock this person's position now This also makes the battle more and more intense. Although he can't easily solve his opponent with his own characteristics, the killer also has certain strength after all. Although he may not catch up with ye Fengqiang, I'm sorry that the combatants of the general shield holder alliance are more than enough. Moreover, in terms of psychological advantage, he takes the lead, others It's not clear what kind of ability he has, so he will inevitably be tied up in the face of him and can't give full play to his strength, while he can go all out to kill each other without any psychological burden, so he let him kill several personnel for a while.

Chu Qian couldn't help it. She rushed to the man with a weapon. The man didn't care very much when he saw Chu Qian rushing over, but after a fight, he immediately realized that he was not Chu Qian's opponent. Instead, he wanted to escape from the battlefield. Now he knew that even if he had insisted on the battle station, the final failure would be on their side, so once he fought When he meets a strong opponent, his first thought is not to fight to the death, but to think about how to get out of here. After all, he just comes to work and doesn't intend to lose his life for a salary.

Seeing that the man wanted to escape, she followed more closely. At the moment, Audrey was trying her best to resist the near death counterattack of criminals in other villages with Ye Feng. The great potential that people can burst out in the desperate situation makes Audrey hernocturnal feel a little headache. These people come forward and bite like they don't want to die, which makes Ye Feng's injury more serious. His strategy is very limited, and almost half of it depends on Audrey for support. Otherwise, he may be separated from the battle at any time.

The funniest thing is that at the end of the battle, the killer with a very low sense of existence really disappeared. People do not know how he got out of the battlefield, but there is no doubt that after counting the bodies, he was not found to exist. So he evaporated. Although his disappearance cast a shadow over the victory, at least the real goal of the battle was achieved.

Ghost Zhi kept fainting all the way. He had no time to escape. When all his men were annihilated, he still didn't wake up. When the scarred Ye Feng found the room where ghost Zhi was, and noticed the wolf line that had been killed by the knife for a long time, they couldn't help looking at each other. They didn't know who caused all this, but it can be roughly calculated from those people's words that the person who killed the wolf line should be the missing killer. It can be seen that something unexpected must have happened at that time, which led to the fierce battle in the future. As a result, the shield bearer alliance lost dozens of people, and the rest were scarred to varying degrees.

It has to be said that this battle can only be regarded as an extremely tragic victory at best. It took too many lives to catch this ugly little man. Indeed, as expected, this man is born with double six, but now he has become an ordinary person's hand, but he can still see the scars left by the operation. When people found the mad tiger, he was dying. He was almost killed by criminals who hoped to be in despair. Simply, Ye Feng appeared in time enough, and the crazy tiger barely picked up one life. It just seemed that there was something wrong in his mind in the process of torture. After that, he became a little crazy and could only be sent to a nursing home for care. We'll talk about him later.

At this point, being a man is most concerned about how to ask those important information from ghost Zhi's mouth. They quickly took the ghost back to their secret place. At this time, although her body has not fully recovered, at least Kobi can control the hell bat armor to read the memory from ghost Zhi's mind, so she forced herself to put on her armor, and then made use of the anti heaven power attached to the armor to control ghost Zhi's mind.

Sure enough, there were many memories about the core figures of the organization, and she extracted them all. Analyze them one by one, and convert the image memory into video files, and then play them in front of everyone. To Ye Feng's great surprise, the core personnel of this organization usually hide so many identities. Some of them are ordinary people, some are farmers in the countryside, and some are even beggars on the street. But once these people recover their true colors, They will become a force that cannot be ignored in the underground world in the new city. Ye Feng couldn't help wondering. These people have made so much money by doing bad things, but they can't enjoy it at ordinary times. What are they trying to do? Ye Feng can't understand this at all. However, it doesn't matter whether he understands it or not. Although the identity information of these people is not complete, their facial features are still very comprehensive. According to this information, we can lock the current whereabouts of these people. As long as we can get them out of the state of no alert, the organization can collapse. Once this group of people as brains are defeated, the people below don't even care about them. They will be in a mess. It will be Kate's business.

After obtaining these valuable information, Gemma immediately set out to lock the identity of these people, and others helped her. Only Ye Feng sat lazily in the chair, recovering her wounds and watching the fainting ghost wisdom.

In this way, the two men stayed in this room silently for several hours. Ghost Zhi finally woke up from the faint state. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Feng looking at him with a bad smile. He was stunned. Realize that you are in deep danger. He took his time and asked Ye Feng, "can you tell me who you are?"

"It's nothing. I'm a special trouble maker, and I succeeded."

Ghost Zhi smiled: "Why are you bothering me?"

"Because you are a bad guy, I want to trouble you."

"So you're not a bad guy?"

"I used to be now. I'm not sure if I can decide later. In fact, I'm not the protagonist in this story, you are."

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