Dick stared in the bedroom and waited less than five minutes before the doorbell rang downstairs. Before Ye Feng ran down, he opened the door himself. Dick remotely controlled the magical anti-theft door. Kou Bi came in and quickly came to Ye Feng's room on the second floor. After entering the bedroom, she saw Dick and gently nodded her head to say hello.

"Well, I'll make a long story short. Kobi, you have to come with me, maple boy. Do you like to come or not?"

"Why did Corby come with you?" Ye Feng asked, unwilling to show weakness, standing between Corby and Dick. "I tell you, Corby doesn't have to help you. She doesn't owe you anything -"

"Yes. She doesn't owe me anything," said Dick sarcastically. "It's just that she caused trouble this time. I'm kind to remind you, otherwise your planet may be farting."

"What do you mean?" Corby asked nervously. During her life on earth, she had fallen deeply in love with the blue planet full of angry people. This planet is also Dick's mother planet, so even if Dick is so unreliable, he rarely makes fun of this planet. Since he says this planet is in danger of being destroyed, and the reason comes from her? It's natural that she can't help being very nervous.

"Corby, did you find a spaceship robbed by star pirates in space some time ago?"

Kou Bi nodded solemnly: "yes, I received a distress signal from my people. When I checked it, I found that all the crew on the ship were dead."

"Did you have a fight with those star pirates?"

Kou Bi nodded: "yes, the war was very tragic. Although I wiped out all of them, I was also seriously injured. Therefore, I drifted in that merchant ship for a long time."

"That's the trouble caused by your rash action. You didn't do it neatly at that time. Those star pirates sent out the signal. Do you know which week pirate group they belong to?"

Coby pursed her lips and didn't speak. She just stared at Dick silently. Ye Feng couldn't help getting nervous at the moment. He rarely saw such a serious expression on Dick's face. Every time this expression appeared, it meant that the situation might be very serious. Before he spoke, Dick sighed and said in a low voice, "it's the black robed Pirate Group."

"Black robed Pirate Group?" Ye Feng seems to have heard of the name, but suddenly he can't remember where he heard it. There is no doubt that he must have heard it by chance in those messy adventures in the universe before him and Dick. I left an impression on these words in my mind.

"Yes, it's the spade Pirate Group, Corby. You should know the name."

"I've heard of it before. I'll check the data in the database later." after more than ten seconds, Kou Bi said with a gloomy expression, "it's them. Damn... It's such a dangerous group of people."

"Yes, these people really deserve your serious treatment, because they are not only numerous, but also have good strength. They have even carried out several planets with combat as civilization by using the human sea tactics. In short, they act recklessly in the universe by relying on their strong strength. They dare to make money. They are a group of troublesome enemies, although they can't talk about it They are very powerful, but once they recognize one thing, they will drill the horn and continue to do it recklessly. If they only lose dozens of members, it is not a big deal, but the problem is that one of the dozens of crew members you killed by Kobi is the nephew of the second aunt of the neighbor of the cousin of the 17th wife, such as the leader of the black robed pirate regiment. "

Ye Feng a black line on his forehead: "wait, you're kidding. It's too far."

"It's really a little far away. To tell the truth, it feels like a tongue twister, but for the Madman of the black robed Pirate Group, this relationship is enough for him to get angry. He is a complete madman. I've dealt with him before, so in my face, he hasn't done anything to his solar system. It seems that they're going to use this excuse to tear it up this time The treaty with me. "

"I'm afraid they're not tired of living." Ye Feng said with a sneer. "It's true that there's no one in the solar system. Even if you don't do it, Dick, they can't easily swallow these forces on our earth."

"No, it will be easy to swallow. You don't know how many warships are coming to the galaxy."

"How much?" Ye Feng asked indifferently.

"About 372. This is only the first force. The number of ships of a real large force should exceed 1000."

"Wait!!" Ye Feng stared, "how many ships?"

"Hundreds of ships," Dick said in a flat tone as he pulled his ears. "As far as I know, there are no more than 20 space ships with combat capability on earth. The firepower of the other ships is almost negligible, that is to say, you must block ten or one for a hundred."

"Don't be so easy, this is also your hometown!" Ye Feng shouted angrily, "how can it be? They are not an interstellar Pirate Group. Why do they have such abnormal strength?"

"You are short-sighted. Who says a pirate group can't have such strong strength? Although the strength of the Pirate Group is not enough in the whole universe, it is more than enough to attack a relatively backward planet such as the earth. Therefore, you'd better take it seriously this time, otherwise you will make a scene It's not easy for me to solve anything. After all, there is an agreement between me and their boss. If it's easy, I can't do it. This time, CORBI inadvertently took the lead in breaking this decision, so I'll suffer a lot from my communication with that person. Of course, I don't worry about that person's revenge on me, and he can't do anything to me. But if he stares at the earth and If you want to fight with this planet, believe me, even I can't focus all my attention on protecting this planet and my own affairs. Once he finds a gap, he will make this planet crumble when I don't pay attention. The opponent's strength is average, but he is a one-sided madman. You know exactly what such people are How much damage can be done. "

Ye Feng also heard the helplessness in Dick's tone. He couldn't help being embarrassed. He frowned and said, "this man is really a reckless madman like you said?"

"It's more crazy than I said. At least on the point of madness, few people I know can beat him. I'll tell you a few examples of his madness. Once, when he went to a certain planet, in those clubs similar to nightclubs, he tried to chat up a girl of an alien race, but the other party didn't pay attention to him at all, and there was no wine in front of him I didn't drink. Guess how the last thing was solved? "

"I don't know, you said."

"He directly summoned his men and slaughtered all the girl's people. It's basically a genocide."

"Not really." Ye Feng exclaimed, "this man has gone beyond the scope of psychosis. This man is a madman. He is a complete murderer."

"I don't think this is enough to describe his cruelty. For him, as long as he is unhappy and unhappy, it's not enough to kill many people and do many terrible things. He is a complete egoist, and once he recognizes one thing, he will admit death. Even if he throws all his possessions into it, he won't hesitate at all, so when he does You know how terrible things can be caused by people who are too powerful. I'll tell you first. It's easy to kill him if you want to, but it doesn't matter if he dies. His men will come to me for revenge, and if they can't find me, they will stare at the earth and believe me. None of those crazy people are afraid of death. Even if It's the earth that uses all its strength for defense, which can only last for a few days. In the end, the planet will certainly be destroyed, and I can't invest too much energy on this planet. You know, my enemy is the existence of geometric numbers. Any of them may cause me great trouble, and I have to invest my energy in these matters related to my life and death As for things, if I put all my possessions into a small planet and fight with another group of madmen, it is absolutely impossible. Although the earth is my mother star, the mother star is just my mother star. Even if it's gone, I'm still alive. It's so simple. As for me, I want to discuss countermeasures with you, See if we can solve this conflict in other ways. "

"What else can we do?" Ye Feng said angrily. "Doesn't that madman make it clear that he wants to dry the earth to pieces? You're going to reason with him. What can you reason with a madman? Will he listen to you?"

"Of course not. We will not change his mind no matter how we persuade him. Unless we let him feel that he has calmed down, he can fundamentally solve the problem. If others persuade him, he will go crazy more and more."

"How to persuade?"

"How are you going to persuade this madman?"

Dick smiled: "do you remember the action we did before to steal dreamspace?"

Ye Feng recalled for a moment and said, "is that the action to implant an idea into the man's brain and make him change his mind? We almost died in the dream there. No"

"No, that's right. I'm going to carry out this action again, but it's more difficult this time. We must be well prepared to nip this crisis in the cradle. It's no exaggeration to say that because that person has one track record, the price to pay if he wants to change his mind is absolutely beyond imagination. You'd better be prepared for the future 。”

Ye Feng smiled contemptuously: "you say. Success is death, failure is death. Anyway, it's all death. Let's try with him and see if we can succeed. If we succeed, we'll continue to live with the planet. If we fail, we'll die together."

Although he said so, Ye Feng still backed out in his heart, reason told him that even if he really didn't participate in this dangerous action, he still had to face the possibility of annihilating the planet in the end.

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