Unlike Ye Feng, who was very hesitant, Kobi didn't hesitate. She nodded and said to Dick, "OK, even if I am one this time, but if I sneak into others' dreams, my hell changing clothes won't help. What role can I play in action?"

"Your role is very important. First of all, because he hates you very much, that person wants to attack the earth, so your presence in his dream is an essential link. Instead of letting others pretend to be you, you might as well appear yourself. After all, that person has seen all the video materials about you he can find many times , I still know something about you, and their intelligence network is still working, so instead of unexpected things, I'd better let you take part in the action, which may increase the probability of success. On the other hand, your will is firm enough, which is the most key in the dream world. In the dream, as long as your meaning is firm enough, you can get involved in the action He will not be disturbed by dreams, so that he can give full play to his real strength. In this regard, Ye Feng will become a burden to us. After all, at the critical moment, he is the person with the least firm will. However, he has participated in similar actions before and has considerable experience. Therefore, he still needs to be added to this action. There are three of you, me and him, plus two others Individual. "

"Who are the other two?"

"It's the dream architects I found. They are a pair of brothers called Wright brothers. One is Lai and the other is te. They are the best in a race that specializes in controlling dreams. With their assistance, we can say that they are even more powerful for our actions."

"The race that specializes in controlling dreams is dreaming every day?"

"Almost. Their life form is completely different from ours. They can maintain their life through the energy in the universe, so their life is very long, and they don't need to do anything to ensure that they can live. Therefore, what they have to do every day is how to spend this long time. Over time, they are interested in dreams Master and become very skillful. In this way, they gradually find the only meaning for the survival of this race, that is, dreaming, controlling their dreams to make their lives different. In short, that's it. They are real experts in the construction of dreams. As long as they help, they should be able to stabilize the crazy dream Build some virtual scenes, and then let him give up the idea of revenge on the earth. In this way, we may be able to solve our current crisis to a certain extent. "

"If this action fails, what should we do?" Ye Feng asked aloud.

"If you fail, it's cold," Dick said with a shrug. "You should hurry to find your next home if the task fails."

"Shit, can you be a little responsible? This home is also your home."

"The problem is that I can live on other planets, but you can't, so let's hurry now. Go to my laboratory first, and we'll make a plan to study how to build his dreams. After that, it's time to officially take action."

"OK, let's go."

"Wait a minute, I'll pack my bags."

"What are you packing? Hurry up." Dick opened a door and pushed Ye Feng in directly. When he returned to Dick's lab, Ye Feng felt that everything was so familiar. He still remembered that the last time he came to the planet was when aliens invaded, almost all the orcs on the planet had been slaughtered. They also lost many friends after a series of incidents, which was why they survived the disaster. It also happened to go to another planet to rescue Dick. In short, when he returned to the familiar Dick's laboratory, Ye Feng looked out through the window. Sure enough, the razor tribe was still a piece of debris. Although he could see three or two orcs going in and out of a simple room, it was very different from the most prosperous scene before.

Ye Feng couldn't help sighing in front of the window. Dick didn't have any sentimental feelings. He said untimely: "Now the orcs have recovered to the previous two or three percent. Recently, the number is still increasing, but they are still depressed. When they survive, they are directly decadent. The new generation of orcs don't know what has happened so far. Because they don't have a good example, they act recklessly one by one. As for the big man DiCaprio, he stays all day now What I eat at home is almost a hill. I don't know when I can recover from the blow again. "

"DiCaprio is still alive." Ye Feng knows that the orc's life is generally not long, usually only a few years. If he is alive now, it also shows that he can live to this age because he is decadent and doesn't go out to fight.

"Yes, but now I don't do anything except eat all day. Don't talk about it. Come and meet our partners quickly, Lai, te!" Dick shouted as like as two peas at a closed door. A snoring like a slobber rang out in the door. Then the door was pushed open. Two almost identical blue jelly creatures came out of the room, and it was not so appropriate to describe them. The two people were floating in the air about ten centimeters above the ground, just like the soul. It is said that their bodies are like blue jelly, but in fact, it is only because their bodies are translucent and seem to be changing their state constantly, so there is a feeling of jelly.

Ye Feng couldn't help feeling goose bumps. In addition to the obvious organs representing eyes, nose and mouth, the two creatures are naked and can see the back wall through their bodies. It's like two cartoon people walking down from the TV screen. Although the expression is a little dull, it is inexplicably funny.

"To introduce you, these are the Wright brothers. Of course you don't understand their language, so come on, eat this piece of gum." Dick took two pieces of gum out of his pocket.

Kou Bi stared at the gum in her hand and hesitated. Ye Feng stuffed it directly into his mouth. He knew it could play a role in translation and was very effective. Seeing that people as timid as Ye Feng could eat, Kou Bi put it into her mouth and chewed it. Sure enough, she chewed this ugly gum in her mouth. The taste was also very strange, but the language of the two jelly aliens could really be heard clearly.

"These are the two helpers you mentioned. They don't seem very smart," said one of the blue aliens.

"Who knows? It seems to be a drag, Dick. I can tell you, this operation is very dangerous. If you find such an unprofessional person and fail in the end, don't blame our brothers."

"Don't worry. I'm involved in the whole process. There won't be any big accidents if I take care of these two people. Are you ready by then? Have you envisaged plans and so on?"

"How long did you give us? You know, it's not a dream, but multiple dreams. Who knows what kind of situation we will encounter. In a word, it's difficult for us to make specific plans before we know the person. So, Dick, hurry up and investigate all the past experiences of that person, otherwise, we don't know the person, We can't build a dream that can convince him. "

"It's a little troublesome, but I'll try," muttered Dick, scratching his messy hair, "I don't know how long that man lived, but in short, he existed at least when I began to wander in the universe. At that time, the spade Pirate Group was just a small pirate group, not as large as it is now, but his madness was already very famous at that time. However, because his madness was very famous, I investigated him It's not so difficult for love to come. It should be able to do it. "

"What are you going to do?" Ye Feng couldn't help asking. After all, these things are related to the success of the whole action, so even Ye Feng, who doesn't care much, is becoming more and more serious now. If their action can succeed, they can avoid a severe crisis on the earth, but if their action fails, he has to make plans in advance, right No, you have to move your friends and family to a safe place. Ye Feng doesn't know very well about this. If you ensure your safety, Dick shouldn't have any hesitation. But if you let him take care of his friends, who knows that dick will give such a reply at that time. He is a moody man If he can say no, Ye Feng can't do anything. He knows that he does have a certain weight in the old bastard's heart, but this weight is not enough for him to make some capricious actions. Therefore, because of this self-knowledge, Ye Feng is very involved at the moment. He knows that the safety of the whole planet depends on the actions of several of them Yes, and the dream architect is only one aspect of the success of this operation. The most important thing is whether the data are really true and effective, which can only be collected by Dick.

Dick looked confident and said to the crowd: "Although I can't have a face-to-face chat with that person, after all, he is angry with me now. Because of such a big thing, he is very dissatisfied with the treaties signed with me before. That person is crazy and even beat himself. Therefore, he just doesn't appear in front of him to annoy her for the time being, but even if he can't have a face-to-face chat with him, he can talk with those who have already signed through the mouth of others After the public affairs, we can still have a more comprehensive understanding of his character. In this way, I have sorted the information of the current chairs into a video file. Let's take a good look at the past and present lives of the madman, which may play a key role in this action. "

In this way, under Dick's leadership, several people came to the street. In the slightly crowded small room, I don't know what switch he moved. A huge screen appeared in front of everyone, and then a video explained by Dick began to play on the screen. This video is actually very interesting. Look, Ye Feng, Kobi and Wright brothers saw it I'm crazy. This video simply includes the magnificent life experience of O'Neill, the leader of the black robed Pirate Group.

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